What is the point of living in a big city like NYC or LA if you don't have a high paying job there? Why do normies aspire to live in places like this?
What is the point of living in a big city like NYC or LA if you don't have a high paying job there...
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I think it's largely a baby boomer thing. My parents (both born in the 50s) live in the ridiculously expensive Maryland suburbs of Washington DC in those horrible cul-de-sac neighborhoods full of hideous McMansions with brick fronts and cream colored siding. They are always getting themselves into ridiculous amounts debt buying the biggest SUV, in-ground pool or whatever, sometimes because they genuinely want it for themselves, but often to one-up the neighbors. When I went to college in Buffalo, I fell in love with the city and didn't move back after graduation. They can't understand why I don't want to spend three hours (at least) per day in traffic, driving through warzone ghettos to make six figures when I can live here and have the same quality of life (aside from the weather) for half the money and none of the aggravation.
The possibility of finding a decent job. Small towns don't have many options for upgrading your status. I live in a small town, i'd rather live in a tiny house in a small town than a mansion in a big city any day. There simply is nothing worth the danger and stress of city life.
some people enjoy noise, crime, people, chaos, activity, etc...
i've lived in nyc and the surrounding tristate area my whole life
it feeds me
fug... thats hot
So many women and museums, concerts, etc to keep you entertained for a lifetime
because it's sold as the place to be for young people. literally half of my high school graduating class lives in either brooklyn or a dumpy part of LA. it's what the cool kidz go off and do after college.
>So many women
this is incredibly true, it's easy as fuck to get laid in both LA and NYC
So when it finally happens you'll be vaporized in less than a second. Meanwhile, the real men and women of the heartland will be surviving and rebuilding a perfect society free of minorities, fags and race traitors.
You're right.
The bad part is that not having a high paying job makes it suck so much more, especially if you are alone.
If you have a support group and friends who like you for you, money will never matter.
But if you're chasing your dreams all alone... you need to have the resources.
Sadly, friends who care about you and not making it in showbiz or galavanting around like aristrocracy are hard to come by.
Especially people that want to hang out with you.
Which is why you need money to balance out the fact that people just aren't with you 24/7
Chasing your dreams is a lonely thing.
Question for NY bros: Is pic related Harlem?
>people actually believe this
Because it is fucking boring outside of big cities. Also, too many uneducated retards who try to force their shitty opinions on you while in the city nobody cares what you think or how you act.
>this is incredibly true, it's easy as fuck to get laid in both LA and NYC
Only if you have a good job. If you're working some meme job, you're going to be fucking your hand.
no, harlem is the far north end of the island. that area is a series of increasingly expensive neighborhoods.
ever used a map before?
buffalo is a shithole, but i guess kids like you will do whatever it takes to rationalize why you cant afford to live in nicer areas
Why do I get the unnerving feeling the island is ready to sink with all those sky scrapers on it?
Nah that's just the village
No. Harlem is on the Northern side of Central Park.
Because it is sinking.
>literally half of my high school graduating class lives in either brooklyn
They have to GO BACK REEEEEE
Because we want to be part of a relevant culture and not live in fucking cornfields and fuck chickens
>mfw the REAL AMERICA posters think their cornfield is real america
iirc there's no bedrock in that section of town - so they cant build skyscrapers.
>why do people live in big cities
>gives an explanation of why people live in the suburbs
The very southern tip of Manhattan is artificial and they still build tallish buildings there.
this was true in the past, but is largely irrelevant now
Pretty sure rent stabilization is the reason they can't knock shit down over there, although they are doing their best to. All the small buildings to the south of alphabet city are getting turned into huge apartments.
yeah, they all have bullshit jobs except for two of em - 1 lawyer and 1 hedgie. I look them up on linkedin and it's all community outreach associate, art therapist, bike shop worker, etc.
Just living the dream of living off daddy's money in a rundown dump of an apartment in a city that smells like sweaty dog ass.
>bike shop worker not a legit job
Fatty detected
I've lived here my entire life, live in the same neighborhood that I grew up in, and I pay less than all of the midwestern trash flooding into brooklyn because this neighborhood hasn't been marketed to them.
Thankfully the jews that be are shutting down the train linese these fucks all live off of and forcing them even deeper into the shittiest possible sections of Brooklyn to help then finance even more (((gentrification))).
I still wish they would all just fuck off or get a clue and into collective bargaining. They pay so far above the real market value its insulting.
It's a screwoff job that pays about $10/hr. These kids all live off of parental charity and credit cards.
I dated a Columbia grad, 4 years in NYC put her over $130k in the hole with loans.
Because if you make it there, you are a bona fide success.
Of course, for every 100,000 people that go there to "make it," only 1 or 2 will succeed. Women who were stunning in their small town will be average there. The best "wheelers and dealers" in Kansas City will simply be slightly below average.
The culture, the city life and whatever.
Plus if you DO have the talent you aint gonna suddenly make it in bumfuck nowhere.
Its not true they are being used to subsidize the jews mega gentrification project in brooklyn. They are this generations 'harlem renaissance'.
>Women who were stunning in their small town will be average there
yep, every day in NYC is like a runway fashion show. I always have fun when I get sent there for work.
I work in a bike shop for almost that exact pay, I work hard everyday and pay for everything out of my own pocket.
Why don't you screwoff
Born in Boston, so I know what it's like to grow up there. Live in a town of about 8k in Kansas now.
I won't go back, not even to visit family. I flat out refuse. I had no idea how much I loathed the metro until I was away from it.
because outside of STEM there's very few ways to hit six figures if you're not based in a major city
I would do anything to live in a large city, I've lived in the boring ass upper middle class suburbs my entire life. Where I live its hell being in your 20's, its a good place to start a family and raise kids or retire though. Cities have so many young people, so much nightlife, so many things to do.
Then move to one.
Boston is fine, user. SOUTHIE WON'T GO!
There's plenty of shit to do wherever there are college kids. The people make the place, not the other way around.
I am curious, though. Again, I grew up in Boston, and live in a small town now (just for context). I don't miss anything about that city. What, exactly, is it that you are looking to do in a big city that you can't do somewhere that isn't a metro?
Then don't go. It's your life, I won't be the one responsible for your happiness. But man, I wouldn't trade my life for the best life in a metro. Just not worth it.
whats hot? my waifu?
Listen to me you fucking cuck, you do not want to come to new york city. Everybody like you who is not from here goes bankrupt within 5 years of arriving and has to hitch it west for the new pipe dream of California. I know literally 20 people who right now are preparing to abandon their leases and head out to Cali because they think its going to be different there.
Don't fucking come here. Go to a midwestern city. There are plenty of young people there, and a population size that is more conducive to moderate economic growth.
No. Harlem is further north, not really visible in pic. It's around the northern part of central park and another 30 or so blocks north
NYC is disgusting.
Believe me, been here my whole life. Rent is awful, it's dirty, homeless people and niggers causing slashing people in the subways etc. I'd prefer to go to a smaller city but my job is centered in this area alone or commiefornia...
>mfw vienna
not big but the best quality of living ever.
>30 blocks north
This triggers the Harlem Panther lmao.
Harlem is directly above central park. They haven't moved that many white people onto 110th yet.
>I went to one of the two cities in the US that are renowned for chewing people up and spitting them out
>Didn't pan out here
>Guess I'll go to the other city!
What in the fuck is running through these people's minds?
Maybe not sink, but capsizing is a possibility
you can make a lot of money
to crowded
loneliness nevertheless
weird people
Hitler, and Jefferson were right.
blood and soil best ideology
The only reason to get into a city is for a job and a woman. Then gtfo asap.
Young people that move into large cities with no way to sustain themselves are foolish. Want to experience the city? Go drive there for a day; rent a hotel; stay with a friend; take the train in. Do not live there if you don't have a cash flow that allows you to live and SAVE.
Like I said, its a pipe dream. They have squandered whatever wealth their family could afford to spend propping them up and now that they have no choice they know they don't want to be homeless on the streets of new york but they aren't willing to give up on the bohemian fantasy. A few have friends who are out there and they are following them thinking they can 'just crash' for a while.
They also probably think they can rough it out there year round and in the worst case scenario become camping hippies. I don't know but I imagine that the drought has made that less of a real possibility.
I live in Northern VA and could not agree more. Rich fucks and if you are not rich you try to act it and get into mad debt.
Generally I'd say appeal of bigger cities are following:
+better job and studying opportunities.
+culture and entertainment
+more opportunities for hobbies
Down sides:
-lack of community (for /r9k/ crowd this is probably a plus)
I lived in Chantilly for a summer, shit was fucking awful. Too many goddamn people.
Hahaha. No that's SoHo, East village, China Town.
It's because there's a lot of things to do in big cities
Can't say. I've never had an inclination to go to such a liberal hell hole.
It's 330 where I am now, and if I stop typing, all I hear is my dog's breathing while he sleeps. You can't purchase that in a metro. No cars. No trains. No kids. Nothing.
You just can't buy that kind of peace in a metro. The midwest is my home, and it's my coffin.
This. More opportunities. But when I went to college in the city I realized most chuckle fucks walking around were fucking fiscally irresponsible broke people that just day drank and worked a menial service job and lived paycheck to paycheck.
>leftists move to NYC/LA where cost of living is 3x as expensive as anywhere else
>become even more radical leftist and demand price controls, subsidies, welfare
why does this happen?
are people really so convinced that these jew-infested nests of degeneracy constitute high culture that they are willing to accept a much lower standard of living?
Rent control is a tradition in NYC that these midwesterners actually have no idea how to practice. It is they who are moving into shit infested areas and permitting slum lords to get away with outrageous price gouging and anti-competitive practices.
I live in an area that is 75% rent stabilized and has been since the WWII generation moved back here. It remains that way because people grow old and have their rents frozen for 20 years until they die, at which point rent raises again according to a fixed rate. For that reason my apartment costs less than a smaller place in Crooklyn by 30% and the gap is raising.
>Cities have so many young people, so much nightlife, so many things to do.
just move to a college town or something, but trust me, never move to NYC, everything is overpriced, the people are dicks, and their "nightlife" is overrated. Not to mention the stress of trying to get enough money to even afford the rent, let alone going out to clubs to drink 3 times a week
Cities used to be the place to move to find work. Now there is no work and everything costs more, but people still move there to live off credit card debt so they can say they live there.
It's always someone else's fault. Maybe even the city itself. When you talk to them they always tell of how everything went wrong and everyone screwed them over while minimizing if not flat out denying their own bad decisions.
I lived in San Francisco for years and watched that happen time and time again. Not too much different here in Tokyo either; Japan is a great place to live but the large cities are cold and impersonal. Many weeaboos and betas come here thinking they will shine in Japan only to find out that they are below average even here. Also unless you have roommates, who inevitably turn out shitty, life gets pretty lonely. Acquaintances come easy but friends are hard to make. Those who can't cope with a ton of alone time pack up and head out in about a year, all while blaming everything besides themselves.
To be fair, if you like museums, concerts, clubs, bars, tons of new people etc. living in a city is a good way to experience all of that. Driving or riding the train in takes a chunk of time and energy out of you, the farther away you live the more so.
I just Drink/sleep on the train. Depending on what I'm going in to do.
Never been to Japan or San Fran, but I hear you on that, man. Fuck, I was doing just fine in Boston, but I realized I could be doing so much better elsewhere, even at a lower pay rate (my rent on a really kick ass duplex is 400 bucks per month right now; who couldn't afford that?).
I just don't get why so many people want to be in those places. I consider them noise polluted shit holes, honestly.
As an aside, I can totally image fucking autists thinking they will find a paradise in Japan, especially with all the love Asian woman seem to get. But that place has a low birth rate for a reason.
The grass is always greener but there is no question that if you're a young single guy in your 20's a city is the place to be compared to the suburbs. Unless you're a complete introvert.
Made you a map user
Try google next time
It's hard to be impressed when you see studs every day
The 'exotic foreigner' image went away by the late 80s from what I've heard. Most of the girls you see with gaijin are low-tier for Japan, although better than most American women. The bubble already popped for autists here; the only women who will even give them the time of day are the ones rejected by everyone else.
You can still meet hot women here, but just like anywhere else, it helps to be handsome, in good shape, rich, socially desirable and so on. The dating game is slightly different but women are the same.
Why don't you answer my earlier question: Thanks for the info. I'm not even slightly interested in even trying over there; happily married for 5 years. But I was always curious as to how it actually was.
Sounds like women with mostly the same standards as over here, but better personalities, generally speaking.
It sounds like the perfect place to start a business. In either LA or NYC. So many young kids, who're retarded and fiscally irresponsible.
So easy to take advantage of.
Who wants to make money?
I live in downtown philly
>walk to work
>walk to restaurant
>walk to any store
Drive to country for hikes on weekends
There is beer, food, a gun range, etc within blocks of my house.
Single women all over
Have to move once you have kids though
Schools are a disaster
You need to remember that they all chase fads, and they come and go rather quickly. You also need to remember your overhead will be insanely expensive.
This is all correct if you own a bar.
Good luck affording the license without connections.
>assblasted nigger in suicide watch
>went to japan and got vomited on
3 out of 4 japs have a western fetish and they would disgrace themself to be with the ugliest fat white nerd but they all HATE blacks.
There isn't one
Some just like the city
short guide to this picture:
the lower skyscraper cluster curve is the financial district or wall street, mostly jewish area.
the upper skyscraper cluster is midtown, the most chaotic and times square.
in between where you see those old(ish) buildings it's mostly million dollar "lofts", gays and celebs.
above the midtown cluster you have the park and front facing buildings with park views have have the most expensive real estate in the city.
if you go north of the park it's white for a few blocks, there's columbia and then the minority blocks start.
t. used to study there
Because they think if they live near wealth and culture they will somehow automatically become wealthy and cultured.
lol wtf why do people think south harlem is white.
Absolutely nobody who lives around Columbia is white, its one of the poorest sectors of the city. You're daft brev