If your country doesn't hop on the F-35 train they're militarily cucked

If your country doesn't hop on the F-35 train they're militarily cucked

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nice trips, but that is a plane
>not a train

I'd rather we buy functional jets from Ivan, than fall for your failed project. Only reason you're still making them is because you hope that you'll be able to sell them off.

Kek smiles upon you friend.

Kek provides.

t. retard that doesn't understand (or most likely isn't old enough to have seen past) military procurement programs on this scale

People used to hate the F-16. Now look at it. The slavs are about to get BTFO by China's exports as soon as they learn to make a functional engine.

Russia depends on foreign exports to subsidize their fighter research and India isn't buying the PAK-FA, neither is anyone else. They're going to be permanently a generation behind everyone else soon.

Ivan hasn't made a functional jet since the Mig-17

Russia will still be able to sell their shit planes to shit countries with no ambitions to take on the big players. It's still a declining sector though.

One of your most expensive joke.

Expensive doesn't matter when you aren't a Europoor :')

But it's still a joke.

I'd put money on Russia exporting some newer AA systems. S-400s and such.

At least Muhrica still has its sense of humor

If the F-35 is a joke, the Rafale is the chirping crickets after someone bombs.

nigga gtfo

It's a train if they can find a reason to give it yet another combat role!

>need mo moniez fo dem programs

t. Lockheed Martin

I wonder why Uncle Sam wants asswipes to buy the lesser jet while US has the superior air dominance fighter....hmmmmm.

Probably because the joint-strike plane has embedded Trojan Horses that the US can trigger when they want.


At least the Rafale flies and fight for real.

>buying someone else's weapons
>not cucking your national industry and pride
btw nice trips

>T-50 is confirmed for mass production in 2018
>PAK FA and FGFA are different projects with separate budgets, FGFA needs Indian funding because Russia doesn't export its latest military electronics and those need to be developed by the Indian side
>Nobody buys Rafale
>Chinks can't copy 30 years old engine of Su-27

The f-35 is pure garbage

Some one post sim pics from /k/ how S-400 btfo 4 F35.

If your country doesn't hop on the russian bomb train they're military cucked

> totally not a movie set
> British education
> education

>please buy our super invisible plane that doesn't exist yet goy
>just give us your money
>it'll be ready in 2016
>oh wait, it's not ready yet, we need more money, it'll be ready in 2018
>oh wait still not ready, give us another 100 billions, it'll be ready by 2050 I swear

The F-35 and the F-22 will rule the world!!

It's more likely to work out than the T-50

Less expensive than yours

I too enjoyed "Independence Day 2".

>failed project

kek, russia has cancelled most of Pak fa orders. plane is a mess, russians can't build anything but airshow trick planes. everybody says US sucks at fighter planes like it's some big easy joke and US is just terrible. thing is it's not true at all, it's incredibly hard even with billions US spends and now russia and china are finding hard truth. they literally don't know how to make all the stuff, it's going to take years and years and money (which russians don't have) to catch up. neither country has made 5th gen engine yet nor have ever even used stealth jet in service. US has been flying proper stealth planes (at least publicly known) since late 1970s

>T-50 is confirmed for mass production in 2018
newsflash, your country is too poor to even buy 15 of them, check the latest updates. not only that, pak fa still is using gen 4.5 engines.

hate the military industrial complex all you want (I do) but for all that money the US does have some pretty amazing tech. The F35 is certainly going to be an incredible war machine and pretty much already is. It's far more advanced than the F22 in some areas

the technology level on planes like pak fa and j-20 are 20 years behind F35.

>buying a plane that has lost all development already
Shit countries would buy such a shit plane.

>fight for real
Other than bombing people, it has never engaged in air to air. I know you are going to pull up some video about how in an exercise some Rafale totally got a kill on someone even though none of us know the rules of engagement.

2018 was confirmed a week ago. I'm pretty sure you're well informed and not taking that information out of your ass though.

Come on, the F35 cost something like 10 Rafales.

Cheap plane best plane.
Certainly the most profitable in modern history.

Harriers, A-10s and f-16s do three different things. They do those two different things very well and stealth garbage makes it worse.

The f-35 is built to try to do all three of them and because of that it can't do either well. VTOL means small wings, wide fuselage. Tank busting means heavy weapons thus reduced maneuverability. Interceptors mean large wings, light loads hot engines.

None of these slot together right and the F-35 is like the car Homer built that ruined his brother's company.

>Superior to the F-35

I mean, they're both overpriced and underperforming but still, the F-35 is the better pile of shit.

> having no idea what your talking about
> posting anyway
> this is a backwards thread
> even the op is the actual reverse of the fact

>look mom I posted it again

F-22 isn't underperforming, it will probably be the best fighter for decades to come. Just look at the powerplants on F-22 and F-35.

>Rafale C
>Flyaway Cost (2013 Dollars): $94 million

>F-35 Lighting II, LRIP 11
>Flyaway Cost (2016 Dollars): $100 million

lol no

No, I just said that it is at least in service... for bombing people, yes, but the """countries""" we fight doesn't even have an air force, what can we do?

Well.... The F-22 has a better engine. I suppose the F-35 might have superior Armour/weapons but why is that necessary when you could out run missiles in the first place?

Unrelated picture of a Vulcan :^)

you're the one who clearly doesn't know what they're talking about

2018 is the date they will be received by, however russian air force may never get more than 12 PAK FA


FYI USAF and USMC have already started receiving operational F35s since last year

When you're bombing a nations airports and ports into dust before you officially declare war on them, you'll want bigger, better weapons to do a thorough, better job

The price for the F35 is constantly increasing and is still not on sale. And talk about the maintenance costs...

I have no idea what's going on but I love these threads

>Harriers, A-10s and f-16s do three different things
>They do those two different things very well

This is so generic as to be meaningless. Quantify your assertions.

> stealth garbage makes it worse.


>VTOL means small wings, wide fuselage.

No, it doesn't. Ignoring that all modern US fighters include a lifting fuselage, the location of the lift-fan is the same location as a dorsal fuel tank in the A and C. The weapon bays and S-ducts contribute to the width of the fuselage. See pic.

>Tank busting means heavy weapons

Like JDAMs and Mavericks which all three previous aircraft can carry.

>reduced maneuverability

If you ignore the lack of parasitic drag from storing weapons internally. And if you ignore the very real effects of airfoil design of which you are utterly ignorant.

>Interceptors mean large wings

Not necessarily. See English Electric Lightning, F-104, MiG-21 which all feature small wings. This is a tangential point anyway.

>None of these slot together right

Prove it

>F-35 is like the car Homer built that ruined his brother's company.

In what regard, or are you just engaging in abuse because you are a know-nothing Luddite without a real argument

Money wasted on idiot flying gun nut wet dream could have been spent on modernizing the F-15/F-16/F/A-18/A-10 fleet.

If your country doesn't hop on the stealth train train they're militarily cucked

>The price for the F35 is constantly increasing

Wrong. Pic related

>And talk about the maintenance costs

Why don't you talk about the increasing maintenance costs of 30-year old airframes?

There exist such things as jet bombers. Very fast and capable aircraft too, The F series are fighters.

>Outrunning missiles


It's max speed is what, mach 2.5?

Modern air superiority is decided by information gathering and dissemination anyway and the F-35 is more advanced in those areas. Speed is a tertiary consideration behind stealth and E-War.

F-22's have been downed in wargames by Eurofighters, that'd hardly be possible if it could somehow outrun a mach 4 Meteor a2a missile.

>people this retarded genuinely exist

holy crap dude I'm not even memeing, you are actually an idiot. please stop posting and do some actual research before stuff this retarded again


Pick one.

praise kek.... damn son

>April 7, 2015
Are you retarded?

>since the IL-2

I don't know about missiles, I'd assume each plane uses different ones though?

I also remember learning that the F-22's top speed was "undiscovered" but I cannot remember sauce

>Dedicated bombers
>In the era of the smart munition

The 1950's called, they want their ground attack doctrine back.

F-22 is noice plane
F-35 looks like his wife's fat son

you clearly are because you don't understand the difference between order amount and date received

>downed in war games
>meaningful at all in reality outside of giving pilots experience in varying scenarios


Yea no. Nuke everything.

what the hell kind of stupid comparison is that? bomber vs fighter

If they had a way to build aircraft that could exceed mach 4, it wouldn't be classified you wouldn't be able to shut them up about it, they'd want everyone to know.

Plus it'd make the F-22's stealth features redundant since it'd be too fast for AA systems to engage.


The shit train.

Buy mirage or ef2000 or f15 or su27 or su35 but stay away from this meme plane.

>t. Increasingly nervous Rafale contractor


Lockheed-Martin's delicious retirement plan.

How much into R&D so far? Trillions? YES!

How close to operational? WE'LL LET YOU KNOW!

The F-35, ladies and gentlemen.


>a more expensive F-16

Go away Sven

not necessarily, it could be a useful reconnaissance platform and why would you want you adversaries to know about your reconnaissance capabilities?

We have our own overpriced, national shit plane program.

I could be wrong but my guess is that the Typhoon was a multi purpose aircraft (both a fighter and bomber) So the creator of said picture most likely see's it as a fair comparison

PAK FA is pretty much just a 4.5 gen

>Trillions? YES!
no, it's billions you half brained mongoloid. trillion is for full cost of the program over 50 years

>How close to operational?
some planes are already operational

ITT: retarded shills who read 1 media report on F35 by journalists who know nothing about planes and are now experts on it

Tu-22's is motsly an anti-ship plane these days.

>December 2015
>Chief of Staff of Russian Aerospace Forces
>55 units by 2020

>How much into R&D so far? Trillions? YES!

Wrong. The 1+ Trillion dollar price is an estimate that includes R&D, testing facilities, the planes themselves, and their maintenance over the next 50 odd years

>How close to operational? WE'LL LET YOU KNOW!

Already in IOC, famalam

Nigger there are life flying.

There are vids of grench kicking your amerifat asses with mirage.

Stealth is a meme.

F22 is bad every tool to build it got destroyed. You stck with 200 and build replacments.

F35 utter shit.

Get lost.

Eurofighter and F22 are both air to air, F35 is multi role with a ground attack bias.

The F35 sucking is a dumb meme promoted by cucks like Trudeau and David Axe. Y'all dumb as fuck.

He forgot super cruise to add with euro figther and that he can cary 13 crusie missels too. Taurus. And that the ef2000 can shoot the living crap out of the russki bomber.

If fuckhuge boats can be stealthy out in the open sea, why can't a tank be stealthy?

Mmmh, "budget estimates"... As long as it is still in development you are still investing on it. Do these figures integrate the development costs?


Tell you what chaps. No matter what you have. F35's, F22's, Euro fighters. You'll never match our Swordfish in speed, firepower or stealth :^)

no, it's a moot comparison.

4.5 gen avionics and engines with almost 5th gen airframe


lol this is the old news about the initial order. the 12 is the latest update

>stealth is a meme when even in friendly wargames the F-22 has to use a big ass fucking mirror on the cockpit to increase it's RCS


You do know there are 3 variants of the F-35?
F-35A replacing F-16, B replacing AV-8B Harrier, and C replacing F/A-18C/D

A-10 is obsolete

Ef2000 is multipurpose.

From ATG to AA to recce.

>knowing the ROE's of Red Flag
>Red Flag has been known to respawn kills, force stealth fighters to turn on radar and other things.
Only the Luftwaffe would paint kills from Red Flag on their planes like they are trying to compensate.

Germany get your shit together. That's like scoring a goal in practice and telling everyone you won the game.

>Can't maneuver for shit
>Limited counter measure options
>Antiquated ECM and ECCM
>Pretty much defenseless against modern ground-based AA and interception by enemy aircraft
>Paper decides to selectively represent only the areas it exceeds the Eurofighter
>Hurrr Russian bomber beats Eurofighter!

I'm not sure if the British media is determined to deceive the public as part of some nefarious plan, simple corruption or just plain incompetence but they seem to peddle ever increasing levels of bullshit over actual fact every day.

I've seen them describe the British Army's LMG as an 'assault rifle' and claim it's a special weapon issued to UKSF ffs, I'm pretty sure that they just kick any defence reporting to some unpaid intern who does a 5 minute google search and then prints it.

Look up the term Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP)

Because "stealthy" means "your anti ship missiles can't manage to lock onto me". It doesn't mean "avoiding detection entirely", that's stupid.

Ohhhh buthurt.

Radars see you figthers outmanuver you.

How many kills did your kek22 and rofl35 score?


Get lost.

As a bomber I doubt its meant to be a Hurricane :^) and understood

Which cost?

Because if you want Program Acquisition Costs, you can fuck off because France doesn't publish that figure

does it hurt to be this stupid? I hope for your sake you're memeing

>>forward canards
>>current year

No it means you have to get closer to get a decent lock or just build in stronger radars.

Point with stealthy ships is to hide beter from radar satelites that the russians are well known to use for recce.

300 meters of a ships flank cant be made stealth. As hard you like to try.

Retarded failstralian comes to life. Get a own plane program runing and then come back.

Tanks are most vulnerable to air attack and man-portable weapon systems from concealed infantry, making them hard for guided systems to track actually makes a lot of sense, it means aircraft have to come in low where they're vulnerable to AA and ground fire, and infantry have to get close enough to use unguided weapon systems, which they won't want to do since it's suicide outside of an urban environment.