What kind of people have tattoos in your country?

What kind of people have tattoos in your country?

In Japan yakoza or DQN classes.

Other urls found in this thread:


pretty much all normies
its very trendy

stupid people

Blacks. Latinos. Whites that feel insecure about themselves and their bodies.

pretty much anyone from working class to upper middle class

white landwhale chicks have tattoos on their ankles.


Criminals and stupid youngsters.

Tattoos are basically ruined in the U.S.
Tons of trendy hipsters, nu-males, and liberals are getting them so they're incredibly common place. The novelty of them is gone.

No user, you are the hipster here.

Literally anybody who can afford to get one and who gets laid.
So basically, everybody but me.



you're both a fucking hipster AND a nerd if you don't have tattoos at this point lmao

You will live regent days when you are old.



Before mainstream internet(circa 2005) almost no one, only thugs had it, then Brazilian people started going to the internet and seeing that all Americans have it, so they started getting tattoos too because if superior first world people have it then it's ok for us to have it aswell.

thanks i'd love to live days as a regent

he means regret

Yes, I made a mistake (*^^*)

>You will live regent days when you are old.

I am so getting this tatt'd
