Baton Rouge user here
This is 2mins away from my college neighborhood
Send help
lock the doors,
don't go outside
niggers are most likely gonna go ape shit
buy a gun
I'm honestly impressed that dude knew it wasn't an AK.
He called his other handgun a Desert eagle and the AR a "army gun"
American niggers truly are disgusting
Run or call swat maybe we can find these niggers in the video, and call swat and get them in jail.
>living their
Your retarded fucking move
To be fair it's an IWI baby eagle. The most startling thing is that the other guy knows that it's not an AK and cares enough to point it out to viewers. Despite these people being hood rats I am having a hard time hating them right now.
would give you a place to stay at my house but... I don't feel like having people head over here.
and how are things going in BR right now anyways?
Quite on Campus side. We never had any big blm or sjw presence ever and it's summer so Im not supprised.
so far the protest have stayed downtown. Lucky relatively far from the bars and what not but just waiting on that to change...
I guess that's the advantage of living in a state with multiple segregated colleges for darkies.
no worries. Have some friends around here that are pretty stocked up. So I'll be all right.
Worse comes to worse I'll retreat back to nola.
Yep. Huey Long may have been a no good communist but for better or worse his racism building the lakes payed off.
well good hope no one i know gets shot or trampled. I'm keeping my ass out of BR for a while.
From Nola?
Just across the river
Im so glad I don't have niggers near me
I can watch the happenings from the comfort of my couch
>tfw when one of the top ten richest zip codes in the US
>tfw that means no niggers or spics aside from professional athletes
good luck from your fampai in alaska.
>tfw new person in town is a nigger
Gotcha. What highschool?