If you are an American white and you aren't going to vote for Trump in November, you're stupid. At this moment it's that simple.
If you are an American white and you aren't going to vote for Trump in November, you're stupid...
>Sup Forums
When did they ever START pandering to them?
It doesn't matter your personal situation, if you are white, right now you only have one option.
Whites are not a hive mind. I will vote for Hillary because her policies are better than Donald Trump's policies. Stop acting like the "white working class" supports massive tax cuts for the rich and allowing corporations to fuck us.
They stopped giving a shit when they realised that they could just try to get illegals imigrants citizenship and gain a voting block of over 30 million people.
Irrelevant, the fact is that right now the positions are very clear.
im going to come through your screen and fix you
You're not even white you mongrel mix breed. Fuck off back to the third world, scum
>You're not even white you mongrel mix breed.
How am I not leaf? Because you say so?
>I will vote for Hillary because her policies
Hillary policies are anti-white, you're going to vote against your own interest.
Not an argument
>Voting for a """""billionaire""""" reality TV star who's always done anything for attention
No thanks. I don't like Hillary either, but at least she takes things seriously.
Considering what Commie said this week. She doesnt seem to take national security serious.
Stop with the pretense and lay your ideology bare so we may strike it down.
>Hillary policies are anti-white, you're going to vote against your own interest.
Hillary is white and her policies are pro-union, pro-taxation of the rich, pro-poor people. She's going to help out the average working class once in office and continue the legacy of Obama, one of the best presidents ever.
>It's a shill lying and acting like he knows what he's talking about episode
He's cutting taxes for EVERYBODY
>takes things seriously
t.bernie cuck
Even long time Union workers are uncucking themselves and voting Trump this day. Obama is mostly to blame for that.
Preaching to the choir, buddy.
>He's cutting taxes for EVERYBODY
That overwhelmingly benefit the rich.
Voting for the guaranteed destruction of your own race isn't the most clever thing.
Once we're locked in to becomming a minority in 10 years, you'll see a massive shift in their behavior.
This is not about what you think about Trump. It's about the last bullet whites are going to have in America. If you lose the next election, bye bye white America. No more chances, that's the last one.
Recently overheard at Taki's place: "The Guardian, which never met a working class Englishman that it liked ..."
Leftists do not want socially mobile craftsmen who work outside a cubicle to build a better life for their families, they want Rousseau's Children, they want a world of abbos ruled over by a handful of trillionaires.
>No thanks. I don't like Hillary either, but at least she takes things seriously.
shit, why don't we decrease income tax more often? Literally incentivize people to consume more often.
You mean one of the most anti-white presidents ever.
Rich pay higher taxes than everyone else.
I find the man reprehensible, and I will undergo circumstances vote to force myself to respect him
>shit, why don't we decrease income tax more often
Why don't we just abolish all taxes and everyone will magically become rich?
>Rich pay higher taxes than everyone else.
No where near the rate they should and most of that money if kept offshore. Trump was named like 600 times in the Panama Papers. But you are way too stupid to know what.
What's next? Do you want to cite politi(((FACTS))) next too?
Yeah, because we all know Hillary never changes her position for the sole purpose of getting votes.
Do you think rich peoples tax money is going to go to you? Or the poor? They go into inefficient bureaucracies. It be better if the government just made the rich send poor people checks directly.
your pic doesnt support your point at all. cruz's assertion that people are trying to make old men shower with little girls is ridiculous.
are you 15?
>not voting for Johnson
Look at this retarded bible thumper.
fucking this. I don't care about her "criminal" past. I just agree with her policies more than Trump's so I'm voting for what I agree with the most. I'm not going to be blinded by outdated tribalism and patriotism. I'm going to vote for the person who's best fit to run this country in December. And that person is TedCruz.
the day this is true Dems are done for
t. Pablo Spic Dorrito
>rate they should
They rate they SHOULD is "the same as everyone else". You seem to be against Equality.
Source the Panama papers if you are so right.
The point that image is trying to make only can be presented when viewing the cuts in terms of dollars, rather than percent income or percent wealth.
> It be better if the government just made the rich send poor people checks directly.
Bush did fucking do that and it was fucking stupid and costly faggot.
>Source the Panama papers if you are so right.
>no source
Post a link.
>Source the Panama papers if you are so right.
Sorry it was 3540 times.
Illinois won't go red until Chiraq is nuked. Michigan is also very unlikely too.
Rest of the map looks pretty reasonable, CO and NV have a chance to go red but probably won't.
>CO and NV have a chance to go red but probably won't.
You mean both states that have seen a huge rise in Latino voters there?
You even found a fresh meme to add to your post, I'm sure you're earning even more now :)
That article is spot on. Fuck the Democrats.
t. White Union worker
>id rather screw everyone than have everyone benefit with some people benefiting more
Not nearly to the extent of California or Texas, and unlike Calitexas CO and NV have legal upper-class hispanics, who tend to be nowhere near as anti-trump. They still vote democrat, but it's more of a 60-40 split than the 80-20 it is in Cali.
>t. White Union worker
You think a billionaire like Trump gives a shit about you? I bet you don't even know Trump a few years ago was writing that NAFTA was a great thing for him and opposes unionization and supports right to work laws.
>False: Transgender girls aren't boys
>If you have a penis and not a vagina you are a male
This is not a opinion it's FACT specifically it's biology.
If i glue horsehair on a rat it does not make it a horse you stupid.....stupid fucks.
>No one ever made false promises
I bet you voted for CHANGE too, faggot.
Republicans may not care, but Democrats want you dead.
>pandering to the white working class
lol good one
>I bet you voted for CHANGE too, faggot.
I voted for Jill Stein retard.
I was in an iron worker union. 80% spic.
>Republicans may not care, but Democrats want you dead.
Democrats don't want me dead.
How's he gonna pay for his whole and "bigger" military if he cuts taxes?
Are you black?
Democrats hate everyone who isn't black.
This is not rich against poor, it's white against non-white.
Trump is the last train, the last one, you aren't going to have another chance.
If Trump lose in November is going to be a great 'Game Over' for whites in America.
>import shitskins to steal their job
>pandering to them
u kno it. now im #crazyforcruz
Once again flat out lying
This is normal for Shills 4 Hill
Democrats are fine with the idea of a white genocide. In fact, they're working on it.
So you're just deadset on being a pathetic bitch then.
Got it.
Switch Delaware, Illinois and Colorado and agreed
Democrats, all of them, hate white people.
What are you going to do in November, white man?
He posed a legitimate question.
That's not a legitimate answer.
No. They are literally the worst people we could find.
This is a historically fucked choice to make. On top of that, my state goes to the Dems anyway, so I can not make a difference.
If you are white, why are you voting for the Democratic Party?
Still there is a thing you can do, vote for the future of your children, vote for Trump even if you hate him.
>On top of that, my state goes to the Dems anyway
Explains why you're such a cuck.