To have strong arguments, we need facts to back them up, unless we want to be like the SJWs with their emotional arguments.
Post all statistics that are Sup Forums relevant, whether it be against niggers, jews, or anything we may argue against.
To have strong arguments, we need facts to back them up, unless we want to be like the SJWs with their emotional arguments.
Post all statistics that are Sup Forums relevant, whether it be against niggers, jews, or anything we may argue against.
Post more, OP
they just ignore them though
>"woah user. pewforum. totally reputable source there. ive totally heard of it"
even if i use the wrong newspaper they dont accept things as fact. or even they say "im not clikcing on that"
Yea last time I showed a leftist this picture he told me that he can't take statistics seriously that only interview a certain amount of people to judge billions.
I honestly think theyre retarded
Typical white cis scum. Evidence? What about muh feelings?!
He was telling me omar was gay so it means he wasn't a true muslim.
Never date whores.
Oh, here's a pastebin with statistics on Muslim Extremism, Support for Terrorism and Failure to Integrate:
Analyzing those 5 datasets and throwing away all of the older studies from the prior generation (prior to 1982), he compared men and women on the Raven's Progressive Matrices test, a test of abstract, logical reasoning. Setting the male score at 100, Flynn found that women scored the lowest in Australia (99.5), but in the other 4 nations Raven's scores varied from 100.5 to 101.5. After presenting this data, he noted:
"So they certainly equaled men, and perhaps were slightly above. This has been distorted in the news of my saying that women are incredibly more intelligent than men. As you can see, this somewhat goes beyond what was claimed."
More women go to college and women on average earn more until they leave to make babies. Figure it out
They also have a lower standard deviation, which is a disadvantage
Pol logic
Black people in prison=black peoples fault
Men in prison= societies biased
Even if women get off with lighter sentences there's no way the male prison population is anything but mens fault.
I agree, actually. I also think that stuff like child custody cases favoring women is a good thing because women are more naturally suited for raising children.
also in this graph I reject the notion that college campus rape is a problem that exists, it is proven to be false.
The last study I heard about this was from the 1950s. Is there anything recentish that comfirms this?
I admit that there are a lot more really dumb guys than really dumb girls but apart from "more noble prize winners" - which are a rare group ( top 1% ) generally I don't see that much difference at the upper tiers ( also nobel prize etc is biased towards science) . Guys take more risks ( and hence get rewards like their own company, prizes, notability etc) and women end up splitting more of their time between family and work. But looking objectively in terms of ability I don't see it.
That chart made me laugh.
Mens rights and feminists often argue/complain that they are the victim of a society that works against them.
but user - 1 in 4 students get raped - like being asked out by someone they are not interested in, you know raped.
German crime
It's taken from this. I'd like to put the source of the data onto the chart with the countries coloured in.
Currently relevant
Reminder that Muslims often live in poor countries that were raped by colonialism.
They also know that the Americans bomb the fuck out of so many countries for no reason.
women having power has ruined the world. Look at almost every single society with queens.
holy shit those pics on the bottom right. europe is done.
what is this showing?
>european colonialism quadrupled indigenous lifespan on average
>colonized peoples claim this was "rape"
>America never has reasons for military action, just likes dropping bombs XDDDD
If Jews stole your country and were running an apartheid regime, shooting your children when they even looked like they were throwing stones, banned public demonstration for human rights, casually bombed your capital city, and then said that all Palestinians are terrorists when a few Israelis get killed sometimes...
Just a small, little hint. Possibly pedantic to the naked eye, but I'm standing by my point, which is the following:
Posting a few fractions (how many out of how many think X) isn't statistics, those are just fractions. These shitty inforgraphics (don't deserve that name) do not show any hint of any statistical inference. Statistics offer such a huge variety of tools to make sense of raw data, but these shitty images use none of them.
Apart from that - even the first image already lacks a highly important piece of context that makes it almost absolutely worthless.
Short version: post some real statistics and not just shitty fractions.
i hate the ones with no sauce
>tl;dr pedantic autistic fit
>Apart from that - even the first image already lacks a highly important piece of context that makes it almost absolutely worthless
explain the "missing context"
>explain the "missing context"
Not sure if I can be bothered, as Sup Forums is has become 'shitpost - the board' and I don't particularly feel like my experiences from living in an African/muslim country for 5 years will be either appreciated or considered at all.
oh look it's mehmet
everyone say hi, mehmet!
>can't be bothered to spare one line of text cuz /pol is shite
And so are you for shitposting then complaining /pol has shitposting. Fuck off.