Why is this so annoying to watch?

why is this so annoying to watch?

can't really tell what annoys me

Other urls found in this thread:


so far
>[ayy lmao sounds intensifie] as soon as alium ship is on screen
>jeremy renners face
>annoying single mom subplot

>aliens just park their Ships at random points
>they completely ignore borders
>they block traffic
>they send out retarded sounds nobody understands when asked what the fuck they want from us

why are the ayys such assholes?
like wtf is their problem?

I'm sure its space niggers

Annoying single mom subplot becomes amazing later on

I don't believe you

>has to post on Sup Forums while watching a movie

Shut up, RETARD.

why not?
nothing is happening

user's right though.
The reveal at the end of why they came and what the seemingly retarded single mom subplot means is quite good.

You'll see...

Also, stop posting while watching. Please.

Because the plot is somehow both incredibly stupid and contrived and it's painfully obvious what's going to happen next.


I don't buy it

>squidward appears

why do the aliums think theyre smarter cause they think in a circle

>alright aliums appear
>she is about to do something
>they're back at the station

wtf is this shit?

>be aliums
>can only communicate in fart sounds

>ayys trying to communicate by farting/shitting

cmon this shit looks like nothing
how could humans figure that shit ever out

>*shows them a circle*

Not enough explosiums for you, OP?

I don't think there's a movie I hate more than Arrival

No what annoys me is the plot is going nowhere and incompetent ayys.

so what they can travel through dimensions but can't learn english in under 5 seconds?
nigga pls

Here you go then, OP, this might be more your speed:

I don't get it

It's just a cuckold being passive aggressive in a very vague way

>people in suits write something and CGI aliens make fart sounds
>2 hours runtime

Sure you don't want to throw in a few more buzzwords?

why are cucks here?

would make a better movie than this shit

>mfw its a scientist undresses hazmat suit and risks contamination scene

Someone just nuke this board already

How pathetic

I just wanna say that skyjack could not wxtend thet far up and was overloaded. Also nobody was wearing harnesses and it should have beeped while in motion. Also why not just get under the door then raise te lift?


I also noticed that

fucking annoying that they can't even get such simple things done

>can't really tell what annoys me

The resolution annoyed me. It felt baddly written, like they wrote themselves in a corner and couldn't get out

>every difference everyone has in the world is resolved because she repeated his wife's dying words to him


You are, but I won't hold it against you.

The osha fines alone would have crippled that operation. What would forrest tell the brass THEN?

your own insecurity makes it uncomfortable for you to watch a female lead actor and the lack of affection you experienced in your life makes you bitter towards any emotional plot

Why normies think that this movie smart?

as movies they're equally shitty I'd say.
Interstellar had more meme potential tho

>It felt baddly written, like they wrote themselves in a corner and couldn't get out
as if they only tried to make a good trailer by making the aliens as mysterious as possible but the movie turned out to be boring.

well it's a smart plot compared to the majority we get to see in cinema

>every difference everyone has in the world is resolved because she repeated his wife's dying words to him

That didn't happen directly because of that.
China declared war with the ayylmaos, some war ready countries follow their lead, she repeats the chinaman's wife's dying words to him, he calls all the presses and announces immediate stopping of all battle activities, other countries follow, ayylmaos dissapear.
It's quite simple

Because everyone else can't achieve your level of intelligence.

>implying that a black hole made full of the power of love is not the same shit as a pair of aliens talking out of their asses.

Actually, i find more interesting the fart language.

>taxpayers money was used to figure out what aliums want

pisses me off

Because you're a pleb without an ability to critically analyze anything. You just have faggot knee jerk reactions to things and expect the rest of the universe to give a shit. We don't.

>fart language

Arrival has one of the most impressive use of sound design and sound editing in recent years, get fucked my man.

i'm just saying the movie is fucking bullshit

>random fart noises
>most impressive use of sound design


>i'm just saying the movie is fucking bullshit
Cool bro. The world needs more uninformed opinions based on muh fee fees.

>he defends a shitty movie because he wasted money on it

lol I would regret dropping money on this boring movie.
thank jesus I can pirate the blu ray rip.

(movie still shit btw)

Jesus always comes to help, bru.

But anyways, the movie was boring, was way too monochrome, and way too pretentious, so lets get real, the movie was bad, and you should feel bad.

I'm one hour in, nothing happened.
there isn't even any feel of tension or something.

plot just goes on and on and on and nothing happens.

I'm bored

last time I was so bored I was watching suicide squad

All these posts how it's shit and not one actual buzzword-free argument

nothing happens in the movie my dude