Western women are being conditioned to prefer arab genetics with the


Shit. Look at modern male models, celebrities and actors. Dark hair, brown eyes, healthy beard, thick eyebrows, big nose

They're intentionally conditioning our women to prefer intebreeding with brown men, this is why the situation is out of control. This is why euro women keep voting for refugrees (and white women here in NA)

How to stop this?

Probably will get banned for this too. Kikes shutting it down.

Being slid hard

Go away, leaffag

Fuck you kike, last thread was getting informative until they deleted it

Previous posters please continue

Tall, dark haired, handsome brazilian beach babe here.

I approve of this conditioning.

I see where you're coming from, but I also pretty much think there's a globalist conspiracy that has been at work since the early 2000s

9/11, regardless of how or who did it, seems pretty dirty to me, started this all. There was no reason we should go an stir shit up in the middle east, but we did, and we have continued to repeatedly even under obama. Killing bin laden was literally what created ISIS and more unrest in the middle east. We go in and fuck up functioning governments in the name of "democracy"... bullshit

They created ISIS, they created the refugee crisis

I think this has been a plan of the global elite for quite some time now. While all that shit happens in the middle east, in the western world leftist ideals are pushed hard, and all the media has a pretty dirty slant/narrative. They push that we should be tolerant and accepting of an ideology/culture that simply does not work with the tenants of the western world, and yet everyone eats this shit up because of liberal language policing and emotional ploys trying to make it feel like supporting these policies gives you the moral high ground. Beyond that I think the elite like pushing sandniggers who refuse, or rather most of the time, are shown not to assimilate to western culture. White genocide legitimately seems like something that's being pushed by different words behind the curtains. I never thought i'd full out think these sorts of things, but just looking at trends and the people who make these decisions... seems that is really is the way things are

Anyway, I see exactly what you're saying, and I don't know what to do about it. You literally cannot go out and say people should breed within their own races nowadays, not without consequences. things have come to far

I think the best bet is honestly just going to be violence

feels like we're getting a breaking point, the little people are starting to see the shitty side of inviting hordes of muslims in



i don't even...

what does it mean?

>tfw i can tan and mymetize myself as one of them

>actual important shit thats going on right as we speak is going on
>fucking leaf wastes everyones time by adding to a the board with a slide thread

Fuck you man, stop benefitting from this kike propaganda. We all lose if white women start interbreeding in droves like they are being conditioned to.


How can we counter that an entire generation of women (25 and under) are now conditioned to have a fetish for arab genetics?

They are fucking them and keeping it secret. Soon it won't be secret

Fuck off kike.

>$.05 has just been deposited in your "I'm With Her" account.

Yeah, tall/dark/handsome can mean, Italians, Spaniards, Greeks, etc

Even many Anglos

t. Inigo Montoya

Fuck you shill this is the big picture

And pic related is #1 being pushed to UK and Euro girls, and girls in north america. Girls are very impressionable, if they are told this is what to fuck than that is what they will do. And they are

tfw im a muttsican american and I fit the description of what theyre brainwashng women to like (I could grow a beard but I prefer to be clean shaven)

And now beards are also a big thing in western culture. No coincidence

Or maybe you're just ugly OP

Tall dark and handsome is an old as shit saying. It was used when white bitches would still get lynched for being with someone other than a white male. I'm pretty sure the "dark" is in a more "mysterious" sense

Tall? Have you ever seen Arab dudes.

They're short, brown, and inbred

Thread is getting saged/shilled hard huh?

Also, everyone on this site already knows this

Forgot pic related


White bois just cannot compete anymore. Sorry.

This. 7/10 sandniggers are manlets, and another 2 are lanklets. Maybe 1 out of 10 is tall and fit.

You got banned for shitposting.
Now fuck off.

Last time I checked ladies wanted Ryan

sage for your slide thread

Barely looks euro



Out of billions

This is enough to do serious damage, even if that is a low estimate

This is girls' favorite guy here
Of course, he's a Fennoswede
All these guys are Fennoswedes
The Fennoswede agenda still lives on

Inhale... Exhale...


Out of billions

This is enough to do serious damage, even if that is a low estimate!!

thinly veiled cuck thread.

90% of male models and actors are white guys with brown or blond hair and blue, green or hazel eyes.

just ban canada please, this board would improve 100%


fucking cuckbots

He looks pretty Teutonic to me user.

I have to admit, when Chris Pratt got famous, I was surprised. A non-gay, white, masculine American man under 40 getting work in Hollywood was kind of an anomaly. (Not being ironic, most (((casting directors))) import white male talent from the UK, Australia or Canada, like Gosling who is a fellow leaf I think). As it turns out, he was a degenerate male stripper before e got into acting. They only let men make it who they have some sort of leverage over in a sexual way.

They should probably delete this one to.
Terrible shit posting leaf.

>Ban Canada
>Canada poster

Thinly veiled shill

>blue eyes
>barely looks euro

Sure, he looks totally like an arab.

OP is Pajeet shill

>Tfw when I'm tall, dark, and not very ugly

See ya, pasty white cucks. I'm gonna breed with your white sisters

"Dark" refers to personality, not complexion.

You're in denial

Nobody here fucks. But it's a serious problem that western women are being conditioned to fuck the best arab men over white men..

You can't just change the meaning of things based on what you want. Why would women encourage their daughters to fuck "mysterious" men. That makes no sense. It obviously is referring to complexion and hair/eyes

Why be a part of making western civilization just another shithole with boring brown features and low IQ, like everywhere else tho? Even if you are a Pajeet, why shill for that?

It's because this literally has nothing to do with fucking politics, it's not a goddamn conspiracy against you. You're just a moron who doesn't know how to make on-topic threads.