20-30 Somali men terrorize upscale Minnesota neighborhood for 3 days. Threaten rape and kidnapping, beat up a dog...

20-30 Somali men terrorize upscale Minnesota neighborhood for 3 days. Threaten rape and kidnapping, beat up a dog. Police take 3 hours to arrive, media blackout except for vid related and WND/RRW




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Shills bombarded the thread on cripplechan instantly.



And this is why we can't live with monkeys

“Hey, hey… hey,” they yelled as she was taking out her trash.
“We want to live in your house. We want to marry you.”
“No, I already have a husband, but have a good day,” Penskey replied.
The men starting jostling with each other and yelling things that were hard to understand. At least five other cars were driving recklessly through the narrow streets, setting off bottle rockets, their passengers hanging off of the door frames, some even riding on the hood, yelling, “Jihad!”
They ran over some neighbors’ lawns and reportedly beat up one resident’s dog.
“Do you know Shariah law?” one of the older men in robes yelled at Penskey.

>They ran over some neighbors’ lawns and reportedly beat up one resident’s dog.

What would you do if a feral pack of mudslimes beat up your dog, Sup Forums?

This is what a vote for the democratic party looks like

Mow down some horde scum

>beat up a dog
i cant stop laughing
i just cant and my country values dogs more than human life.
we fucking import stray dogs from around the world just to give them a home

So what about that ''This would never happen in America, we're not cucks'' I always keep hearing about?

They have guns right? What's their excuse for not doing anything then?

They would have a hard time hurting my dogs since they can and will stand up for themselves.

But if these guys were doing shit like this on my street, me and my guns won't be a victim.

This is Minnesota we're talking about... the hotbed of Swedish descendant libcucks. I doubt they owned firearms.



it's a bigger country population wise and size wise, so word of mouth spreads slower and it's therefore easier to blackout these sorts of things.
And only the 62% white population gives a shit about this stuff and even then you have to substract the leftists.

I don't care about the blackout. But I mean, for months now all the smug Americans on this board have been saying shit along the lines of ''This will never happen because he have guns''. Well I want to know what their excuse is now.

Mark Dayton is a traitor to the United States.

Mark Dayton acted in favor of foreigners over American citizens.

Mark Dayton is against the American people and should be deported to Somalia.

It's the same logic as the swedecucks who say "it's not all of sweden, just malmo" or whatever

Kind of like the Finns who say "w-we're not all finngolians, some of us are 110% pure baltic white"

bumping for my minnesota norsemen
why are you not making them into lobster bait?

Damn, have a bump op.

Finns started the finngolian meme and no one is offended by it. I don't want to be called an aryan if it includes the weak willed swedes and germans.
I'm a Finn, and i'm part the purest, best race on the planet.
I am not ashamed of this.
Anyone south of Estonia is a nigger.

also been two fickificki's here now, arrested shitskins. I hope they will start the castration program from the 70ies again.
>Castrate all subhumans
It's how this should work, how we used to do it.

Also fuck you FBI give me my flag back assholes, it isn't funny anymoar...

5 shitskins arrested for dragging a woman into a house and raping her. Random

>two shitskins arrested for rape in Bergen

Org bork bork source, not jewish media. But leftist infested as fuck.


>Our hero Sylvi Listhaug may also step down, due to threats and taking care of her children instead.

More Trump tarot cards please

This is the only other one I have, it's all yours shlomo.

one of those articles was in the other written nork language "ny norsk"... google translate has big problems.

fucking that translators sucks nigger dick like sven now, outdated as fuck. Why is google translate not ML based yet? Why do we not have perfect translation? It's not that hard

Those somali foreheads make great targets.

This is why "free speech" is a meme especially in enclosed space like this on the internet.

You give free speech to people and it's open to subversion like this.

Dogs are innocent and pure, they deserve good lives, unlike most humans.

I'd make a few calls to some buddies and wait. When the backup arrives we break a couple jaws. I mean that literally, do not stop hitting mouths until I hear cracking.

It was just a hand full of paid shills. Annoying, but not the end of the world. We need to have laws in place to outlaw shilling when trump is in office. Anyone who employs others to foment opinion and shut down free discussion on the internet should be prosecuted and placed behind bars.

Shoot them immediately.
Seriously, if they are doing all of this shit then I would just open fire on all of them unloading into them and their vehicles trying to make sure they can't get away.
Those niggers are a threat to everyone around them and they have no right to live.

Shit nigga, I was there with my gf yesterday.

You. I like you. This is the best kind of attitude.

>you. I like you
Get that reddit ass shit out of here you queer