Just seen this at the theatre and... wow. Magnificient movie. One of the rare instances of sequels which actually had a lot to say instead of being cash-grabs.
Begbie's big emotional moment, Spud's every fucking scene, Renton and Sick Boy partying, the toilet booth scene... a tour-de-force by Danny Boyle. Brought back so many fucking feels. And the ending scene with Wolf Alice- Silk playing is GOAT.
What did Sup Forums think of it?

Bumpin with bulgarian qt


fuck, has anyone even seen it?

y'all are fucking plebs

I liked the original, but i've yet to see this one.

Is it still in cinemas?

Well, it depends on where you are
It already opened in the UK and many european countries, but I think it doesn't open in the US till March 31

whoops meant 4u

I'm glad it was it's own movie and not 40/50 year olds just doing heroin and being their old usual selves.

The Bulgarian is a boring character though

There's a legit shot of the lounge of a sauna in one scene. I lost my virginity in it in real life I HAVE HAD SEX WITH A WOMAN

Fuck man, I cannot WAIT to see this movie. I've watched the original probably close to 50 times.

Did you read the book (Porno) it's supposed to be (loosely) based on? If you did, how close was it to that book's plot? I didn't think Porno was amazing, but I'm curious either way.

Tbh I didn't mind the bulgarian being boring, bc she was sort of a 'macguffin' advancing the sauna plot and pitting Renton and Sick Boy against each other. This movie was about the boys, and not her. At least she was hot.

Cheers, lad. Any other locations you recognized?

The original is mainly filmed in Glasgow but this one is all Edinburgh shots so all of it basically. The Banana Flats in Leith is where they take their first hit, there genuinely is a block of flats next to a scrap yard, which is Sick Boys flat, all kinds of stuff.

Ive read it like five years ago, so my memories are a bit foggy, but IIRC the movie was at least 95% different from Porno
On the other hand, some parts from Trainspotting that weren't adapted into the first film were put in the second in an interesting way (you'll see)

why is he so damn likeable?

were the bananna flats in the film? i know they are in the book but I dont remember seeing them. I lived in leith for a few years so I remember them pretty well

He nailed his performance. You feel really bad for him but can't help but love him. Which is how he was in the first movie. But theres something more going on with him in the sequel. Really great performance.

It annoyed me mostly. There are so many fucking plot holes.

The only thing that annoyed me was how the sauna plot was wrapped up: 'oi lads, im tha boss around here, there wont be no sauna of yours or you go inna ground'

When he was reading the old stories to Begbie it was a powerhouse performance from both actors
Heartbreaking scene

Watched it opening day. Only thing I didnt like was how they made begbie a villain

they are literally too old for this shit

what? they are at the perfect age for a midlife crisis

>parts from Trainspotting that weren't adapted into the first film were put in the second
already seen the movie, im going on thursday for the second time
spoil me pls

not that user, but I think he meant the part where Spud tells the tale of Begbie's father, which was in the original book, but omitted from the first movie

There's a flashback when sick boy is talking to renton about their first hit. You see a shot of two kids from above outside the banana flats.

Gorgie scum reporting in

Cheers mate, I'll be on the lookout for that. I walked through the estate once, it looks like a war zone.

So it doesn't seem from porno, have just some part omitted first movie, the rest is a new story about them?

So is mostly kind a new story about them

made me miss Edinburgh so much lads

>First film is a coming-of-age which is super comfy despite it being about the squalor of heroin addiction
>Sequel is a heartfelt, but ultimately pointless report on where the main characters have ended up in their 40's. All the characters enter the film with nothing, and all of the characters exit with nothing. It feels hollow, it feels like we're just being put through the nostalgia buzz the characters were experiencing.
>Robert Carlyle is fucking boss though.

she looked way more attractive in the movie. i guess she's one of the "looks better when animated" types.