Would you mind if Donald picked him for VP, Sup Forums?
Would you mind if Donald picked him for VP, Sup Forums?
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Yeah I would. he'd be a shitty choice and he was an insufferable faggot the entire couple of weeks before he dropped out.
Him and Kasich can go kill themselves.
It doesn't matter who he picks. The VP's only role is to sit in the Senate and be alive if the President is not.
>el rato
He behave like a bitch, in the primaries so yes, I would mind
He needs to pick either an outsider OR somebody who isn't a grimy slime monster.
You guys are telling me you don't like Tedder? What's wrong with you?
I would not vote for Trump if he picked Cruz as his VP.
Yes I would mind
Carson would be the best choice
And I had completely forgot about the rat in suit until you brought him up now, the ways things should be
Yes, he's better off pissing off establishment republicans in the senate and being a legitimate check on Trump's power.
>not picking Hurd after this morning
He's attending the GOP Convention. Trump invited him to speak. It would instantly unite the party. Why won't you let it happen, Sup Forums?
That would be very good, but I'd rather see him in the supreme court pushing liberal shit in for the next generation.
It would be absolutely revolting if Ted Cruz was the potential VP. It wouldn't be enough to stop me from voting for him, but I'd be supremely sad if The Don picked this rat faced bastard.
I'd prefer someone that wasn't, at all, a politician.
Absolutely. Ted's a terrible pick because despite all the hemming and hawing, 99% of his supporters will begrudgingly vote Trump over passively or actively supporting Clinton. Meanwhile, His brand of crazy and sleazy scares off the moderates.
SECY OF STATE- Joseph Schmitz
Thats like asking if i want trump to be the next zodiac victim
>Would you mind
Not eligible, not a natural born citizen, and yes, I would mind.
>Not based Chaffetz
Because fuck the GOP. They bent over backwards to help Obama the last 8 years.
>build wall
Yes. He's such a weird and creepy mother Fucker.
Yes. He was a huge insufferable faggot for the last few weeks of the primary and I think he's said too much negative shit about Trump to be considered anyway.
yes I would mind, but he won't
You mean, Supreme Court Justice Cruz?
>The Zodiac Killer.
So his father can kill Trump like he did to Kennedy? Sure thing, Trump/Cruz 2016.
>the establishment hates him and would have dropped him at the convention
>they would not think of assassinating Trump with him as VP
>he would give him the Latino and true conservative vote
>he's better than any of the other candidates currently under consideration
>he agrees with Trump on a lot of issues, including on building a wall
He would be perfect tbqhwy.