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Its coming to every Gun Free Zone near you!
Why do these people keep forgetting that the their president is black?
> random dumb nigger says something
No one cares
Well, he's not wrong. Won't matter though, they'll attack white people and get BTFO. Those militarized police sure aren't gonna kill whitey.
One of the cops was a chink. Fucking coon.
So he not only looks retarded, he have extra chromosomes too.
blacks are mostly irrelevant. Their population hasnt really grown that much and are under control through gang violence and abortion. Most of the degradation of schools and push towards socialism is coming from the hispanic voting bloc.
....My lambos blue! And I'll be god damned if my rims ain't too!
YFW: This idiot finally figures something out that Democrats have been doing since the Democrat backed Confederate army lost the civil war.
C'mon, don't you know? Asians are all white now.
This is your emergency broadcasting system announcing the first annual purge.
>rapper says something
If only it were true.
He sounds pretty redpilled, like he realizes the (((higher ups))) are trying to divide and conquer, if you will.
>implying we were ever supposed to be integrated in the first place
I don't know why you all hate this man for saying what is obviously true, simply because he is black.
The government is trying to divide us on all fronts, and if that isn't obvious to you at this point, you are going to be very confused come November, when the REAL shit goes down.
Remember, don't turn on your brothers in anger and hate. Remember Christ, because there is no stopping the Licifer train now. It's 4000 years in the making, senpai.
but that's not true you stupid fuck, it's black people and BLM trying to incite a race war by blowing borderline controversial shootings out of proportion to make it look like the biggest threat to black people is police
But he isn't wrong. Isn't this a good thing, that he knows this? We NEED more redpilled blacks on our side.
We should try and shill this out to the BLM
if we can somehow subvert and redirect their anger (they hate the wealthy and gov't to begin with)
we could have allies on our side.
nothing says intimidating like a mob of angry strapped nignogs ready to march into washington.
we were cool in the 80s and 90s. so why not now? fuck the jews divisive rhetoric
Wrong. Black Lives Matter is only as powerful as the media allows them to be. Don't you get it?
If the media didn't FOMENT this race war by framing every attack as white cops shooting "innocent" black men, black lives matter wouldn't feel like it needs to exist.
What if the media only reported the Truh? Do you think people would be so angry then? The MEDIA is the problem, man...not the blacks. The blacks are just less able to see that they're being manipulated. That's WHY they are targeted for media manipulation.
So yes, a lot of them are really stupid and are only looking for reasons to get mad. It's the media (which is ALSO the government) that gives them a platform, legitimacy, and constant fuel to feel justified in a "righteous" crusade against white people, even though common sense and obvious TRUTH suggest that things are but at all how the media presents them.
Open your eyes, man. They want you to blame the blacks, because their number one goal is DIVIDING THE OPPOSITION.
Dey hangin' by your sinagogue?
>Celeb conspiracy nuts
Shit thread m8
>the president is the government
>the government is one person
What a colossal fucking retard you, Joey "nigger" Badass, and the rest of you Sup Forumsposting retards are.
Or it will just be America vs BLM, which will end in less than a minute.
Wow. He's actually got it right.
it doesn't state if he's advocating or trying to call out divide and conquer.
>13% of the population vs the rest
>at best maybe like 40% retards vs 60% kind of smart people
Holy shit, one smart nigga
You are too intelligent for this shithole
The only people who actually believe a race war might actually happen are black people in the city, white people who never leave their basements and musicians who actually think people care about their opinions.
Joey said the US government is responsible, not whites themselves, which is pretty obvious. The CIA started and spread the cuck meme over the internet and our leaders and fanning the flames of BLM and fears of foreign immigration. The end goal is martial law and the removal of all of the guns in America, a Civil War is the perfect excuse to do so. Joey isn't as naïve as you people believe, give his music a listen. Him and his group actually are actually heavy believers in New Age Mysticism and reject both materialism and organized religion. They believe in equality through elevated consciousness.
>Satan trips checked
But should we believe the devil on this issue?
Will there be riots?
If so will there be drones covering the next one?
Guns were suppose to be banned in 2012 after the (((Sandy Hook))) "tragedy", before the civil war was suppose to start.
Now, Jews are working around the clock.
I figured this was common thought. same with immigration, as much as i dislike illegals it's not their fault for taking advantage of a good opportunity afforded by our own government.
European and Asian alliance when?
The fbi faggot just said cops are racist and giving (niggers will understand it as) free pass to chimp out
This explains all.
And why do people like you keep forgetting that the president has next to no power except for vetoing bills?
ATTENTION !!! FBI (after long break in the conference) confirmed racist cops (without finished investigation)
If by the government he means the (((media))) he is correct. Keep pushing isolated incidents to keep the retarded double digit IQ lemmings thinking da ebil white man coming to get them so they attack MORE whites than usual so that white people eventually get tired of their nigger shit
But could it be that the Asian cop was an honorary nigger? They're much better at killing other blacks than whitey ever was.
>black cop kills black guy
>it's white people's fault still
He's right though. This is what the nwo wants to happen.
I want to believe
Notice how fast these shootings occurred? notice how this is being done at the same time the emails are getting investigated? notice how this is close to the RNC? Something is gonna go down soon. They're preparing something, I think the jews are going to call martial law.
>Sup Forums: your daily dose of black rapper philosophy
Man, get them blankets.
Tonight will be chimp out, niggas believe the hanged by KKK hoax, 2 murders by cops and FBI admits cop was a racist fuck (while still investigating)
Kek must prove it.. no way this will not lead to chimp out
Notice how it's right when hillary's shitstorm came back out?
Notice how it's pushing her news down because BLM?
They are diverting attention off the Hillary emails
He's right and the fact that neo-Sup Forums is attacking him just shows how controlled this place has become
>Executive branch
>No power
not the US starting it, the media for sure though
>giving a flying fuck what a rapper thinks
And what year is it again? I feel the need for a reminder.
>I believe (((they))) are trying to start a civil war within the USA amongst black & white
He's absolutely right
hahahahaa war vs black and whites ... it would be glorious . you should ban guns and allow only swords , maces and stuff like that ... please
Did you actually read what they said?
He's basically saying it is orchestrated bullshit.
This perspective is redpilled as fuck.
>race war
>a single black man shut down the state of CA
Lets pray these useless niggers go to Africa to avoid racism and violence
I don't even know where to start with this inane dribble.
>We should try and shill this out to the BLM
Who started BLM and who funds it? George fucking Soros, that's who. Their whole thesis, that blacks are killed by police too often, flies in the face of easily obtainable facts.
>redpilled blacks
>a mob of angry strapped nignogs ready to march into washington.
pick one. Have you ever been to Africa? Have you ever looked at crime statistics? Blacks and whites have never lived in harmony, and will never live in harmony. There is no evidence anywhere that "diversity" has ever had a beneficial impact on society. Blacks are not your friends.
>And what year is it again?
So we should just play into their hands instead?
If it's anything like the last race riots they'll just end up hurting Latinos and Koreans to the point they start killing eachother, whites however will sit idly by and watch it on TV in their police protected gated areas.
If the current black on white murder rate doesn't do it, why would a few cops killing black people do it?
>yfw you realized the jews had alton sterling killed to psychologically influence the downfall of britain by associating sterling with death and black ppl so people dont invest in britain
>when yo mixtape so bad niggas drag yo ass out on da street and beat the shit outta ya
I still blame the blacks for being retarded though.
yeah lol
Don't rappers constantly write something like kill the crackers?
Not me user I squat
niggers are subhuman scum who don't deserve life
What a fucking retard
Nigger here, he's right. Retards like pol and Tumblr fuel it too by turning on each other after some bullshit news.
Blacks and whites United in America would bring power to the people but we can't have that, heaven forbid Americans have a say in America.
Yes. But it's not racist, it's just a part of their culture
Yeah but not him. His shit is like homage to old school rap. I actually like some of his songs.
This was basically what happened in Syria before the party we see now.
he half breed tho
>The only people who actually believe a race war might actually happen are black people in the city, white people who never leave their basements and musicians who actually think people care about their opinions.
There is a race war happening right now, it's just that most people don't want to admit it.
It's not the government though, it's the BLM crowd and SJWs.
>dem r real racists
>divide opposition
Opposition to what you idiot? Nogs are 99% loyal to the left, the left is in control of pretty much everything except the deep military shit that the neocons still hang on to (and the neocons are clearly siding with the left this election cycle).
There is literally nothing for the left to gain by pitting whites against blacks. They need only for blacks to hate whites enough to spite them with a Hillary vote. Any blowback of whites hating blacks and voting Trump out of racial solidarity would be a loss for them.
Everyone in this thread is missing his point. Shit is sad as hell.
Joey just saying whites and blacks are being played against each other to start conflict and increase the reach of the fed. How is he wrong? Obama administration and the DOJ have gone out of their way to fuel the racial narrative in the last 4 years.
I mean damn. Racewar is just an excuse to declare martial law and enact a police state. You guys don't find it all suspicious at all?
He's just as white as he is black.
thread theme
>Muh Race War
You Stormniggers are complete retards, a Race War would play right into the elites hands, so they can establish the police state.
How is it not the government. The fed has been trying to take our fire arms and fuels more flame. Obama fucking said if he had a son it would be trayvon. Why do you trust the feds so much? You don't think blm has support from the federal government? Where do they get the money to bus 100s of blacks across the nation to protest? Wake the fuck up, out government hates us. Look at Waco if you want to see how the feds view American citizens. You organize and they burn you and your children alive.
This. Pol is just the reverse of blm. Dumbass idealists.
>Joey just saying whites and blacks are being played against each other to start conflict and increase the reach of the fed.
Totally never heard that before!
Not an argument
all over yo mamas face
Yea this is not news to any smart person.
Oh my sweet summer child...
Something terrible is coming to American soil. Massive chaos and death is right around the corner. There is going to be tremendous confusion and no one will know for certain who is responsible because it will all happen at once.
If you think a government wouldn't turn on its people, or that an ENTIRE government can't be infiltrated by nefarious plots given enough time, then I'm curious to know why you think it wise to ignore history.
And if they have you thinking that your allies aren't blacks, women, gays, Muslims, etc...then they have seriously diminished your ability to stand up them, because THE GOVERNMENT and its right arm--the media, are always the number one threat to the people. They have more knowledge, resources, infrastructure, and power than you...unless you band together.
That is why they are dividing the people.
How many times do niggerlovers have to hang their heads in shame when the chimpout occurs?