Police Militarization

Police are starting to evolve into Patrol SWAT Teams like pic related.
Should we demilitarize police? Protestors don't need SWAT teams beating them up

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They aren't militarized enough.

Now the cops got tanks 'cause the kids got guns

Shrinks pushin' pills on everyone

Cancer from the ocean, cancer from the sun

Straight to Hell we go

LEO for 10 years here.
Basically it's the insane budgets some departments get.
After new unis and vehicles..."Well fuck it. Let's buy raid vests..."
It just keeps going from there.

Cops militarized when nigs militarized.

Whether or not this was engineered is up for debate, but the fact remains.

We should stop departments from funding tanks and militant gear and start better training.

The Police State is near. NWO

America was white in the 50s, more white in the 90s than today. Plus riot gear like that has been used whenever there is an extreme situation. Just check out the LA riots. Or the Detroit ones where they literally brought in tanks

This familia

>local white suburban police force given more money then they could ever possibly spend
>buy a black Humvee with attached tear gas launcher and new tacticool ARs

I feel so much safer now

We need to de-niggerize first


Does anyone have the pic of the niggers dressed formally before and now they dress like niggers?

What you complete idiots don't understand is that both the population, national, per capita and world gdp have gone up.

This means that the sociopathic anomaly that is "crime" is now more likely to have greater access to more funds as well, more funds = better equipment.

Better equipment needs a better equipped response too.

All this is nothing but the story of mankind progressing. You just dream of pasts that no longer exist, because they are literally too small and insignificant to matter any more.

You are like those people masturbating to the glory of "the Roman Empire", yet not knowing that all of it (from the UK to Egypt) had less population than modern day France and less than 1/1000th gdp per capita.

Mankind progresses. And becomes Greater. Even if for cowards like you "scarier". Love it or Leave it. Because there is only Forward or Worse.

And evil Globalist.






>Protestors don't need SWAT teams beating them up
It sure would be a shame if some libs got hurt

I want to be a cop. Any tips?

Me too, looking to make my way to CPD swat eventually. Is that a meme dream?

get /fit/ and learn the laws

You call that a militarized police?

If you're a law abiding citizen then this shouldn't matter. It's common knowledge that you listen to everything a cop says, (even if you don't agree with it.) Anyone that tries to stand up against it (namely Niggers,) deserves to be shot.


>I don't understand the difference between patrol cops, riot cops, and SWAT

If you have a citizenry armed to the teeth....

> Conservative is ok with the police getting more and more militarized
> Consrevative thinks the govenment will take all of his guns and this scares him

How the fuck do you think the government is going to get the guns? Obama isn't going to go to everyone's house and take them. These fucking juggernaut police are.

...then the government can't enslave them in tyranny.

You're a fucking moron if you think local LEOs will be the ones taking guns



Can you guys share some of that budget with us DOC guys? I have to buy my own boots :(

An increasingly stupid and large population of degenerates requires militarization.

I'm all for it.


Show me a time when this 'militarized' police force used their military tactics and equipment in military actions.

All the 'deadly' cops shoot people with service pistols. The APCs are used in parades and by fat SWAT members to raid empty crack houses.

stupid comparison. freedom of thought/peaceful disent =/= beating your baby momma/selling crack

Self described democratic socialist

Eventually, they'll end up being the civil equivalent of calling in the National Guard, so why not be ready for it instead of being obvious targets?

There are a LOT more armed citizens and ex-authority and officers and military on the side of the constitution and citizens than there are arm government thugs.

It hasn't and isn't going to go very well for any era of U.S. government that tries to fully disarm the people.

P.S. You either wholesale approver of the abuses of thug authority or are militiaman on-call for the defense of the state in which you live against their abuse.

>quads get


Think of how cool the outfits will be in 10 years.

lol@ op's pic of the cast of Adam 12.

By the time (1960-70s) that show was made, militarization of the LAPD was in full effect. Look at what those two actors are wearing. That uniform was influenced by the military.


You stupidly think you can use your colts against a government tyrany? Last time you tried that was the JFK murder (by GHWB personally, no Oswald). Was it good for something? Do you think, you can use your colts against armored gestapo death-squads of DHS, who already buyed billion bullets against own nation? That's pretty ridiculous...

But instead, since every crook is usually armed, the police must be brutal in advance...

Here in Europe, the police is very polite - beside demonstration suppressing I do not expect policeman touching me by hand - he will politelly ask my ID card if need be... The american police brutality is unprecedented in most parts of the world..

And do you feel free?

Consider, that 1st amendment is from God - the religious freedom and freedom of speach. That (religious freedom) is already much deteriorated and will be removed by DJT.
Consider, that 2nd amendment is from the Devil to spoil your liberty... That shall probably be retained in your jailystan...?

I talk with a lot of local beat police as a side effect of my job, this is what they are really all afraid of, and why they would side with the people and not the Gov.

It's 'not an if but a when', and it will happen, and it will put 90% or more of them out of work.

I haven't had even one officer tell me they would even think of siding with their bosses and command if the shit went down.

1) No, not all police are walking around in full riot gear, I actually don't know of a single department that standard issues riot gear. They have riot-police for that, or if not a separate group of officers, it's reserved for actual necessity, not being walked around in.

2) Police gear has evolved as crimes have evolved. Tactics and equipment have evolved to better protect not just the officer, but the population at large. In fact, SWAT tactics center around avoiding shooting the suspect until it is 100% necessary to do so.

3) A lot of the gear comes from military-buyback programs, such as the MRAPs that were being purchased for $2500 a piece. If a piece of equipment is cheap, durable, and something that is being sought, it will be bought.

4) Even with a more "militarized" look, the police themselves have become far, far more community oriented since the 1950s.


Policing has gone through several eras. State police, as a general rule, are very quasi-military in both structure and procedure, with many having been formed post WW1, and using military outfits. This is still evidenced by many of them.

The early stages of policing was the Political Era, this was the late 1800s early 1900s in which policing jobs were handed out as political favors, or results of nepotism.

Then you had the professional era, which is when the police were separated from the public as a class. There was the police, and there was the public. This was really, the 50s onward to in some places as late as the 90s, but most the early 80s.

Then there was community policing. This is COMPSTAT, zero-tolerance, oversight committees, inspectors general. This was from the 80s onward, and in part continues now.

The current era is the Homeland Security era, which is existing side by side with Community Policing. It focuses on departments contributing to counter-terror, cross-state communications, many large departments communicate internationally, and of course enhanced cooperation

(2/?) The feds. The Homeland Security era is not exactly good for us as a society because it is causing a divide once more between the police and the public, a slight return to the professional era.

Some argue that the professional era was the better era, because when the police became separated they were able to enforce laws more efficiently. There was no "I grew up in this area, I know his mother I'll let him slide", the culture didn't allow for that.

The professional era was, of course, rife with corruption and had zero accountability or oversight which led to large-scale distrust of the police. The crack wars are what brought community policing in, and it definitely has paid off well, but due to the self-segregation of minorities, it is inevitable that policing will make a turn backwards due to lack of options.

Don't do it, departments are paranoid about use of force and other PC bull shit. The heyday of being a cop, catching shit bags and fucking them up are long gone.

sauce? lyrics?


nvm got it xD

Oh no, conformation bias is at it again!

Except most attacks and assaults and even murders are committed bare handed. Most crime is handled just fine by average beat cops, most of which have never even had to pull their gun on another human being, and most of which are decent guys looking to build an easy career and retire on a pension.

An overwhelming majority of the U.S. police force and our military are great people and not the thugs the media picks out and flashes on ever screen 24/7, and only a MSM brainwashed idiot could think that they are all like the faggot OP.

The overwhelming majority are on the citizens side after ITSHAPPENING.jpg.

Just because your shithole of a country IS run by The Stasi...

>Comparing a peaceful organized rally to multiple violent riots.

>implying cops shouldn't be allowed to protect themselves from violent thugs

>implying 60s cops wouldn't just take a black guy into a back ally and beat the shit out of him.

Also, even though it's barely worth even responding to, 'cuz.. seriously... Colts??

Great and reliable guns, by the way.

Yes, 50-70 million citizens, aaall with only colts, can keep a government in check. Just look at what we've done so far (240 freedom-stuffed-like-your-mom years and running baby!) with all of the other kinds of arms we have!
Check meow't!

Whoo-wee!! I would gladly defend my country and her borders with a Colt!

I'd rub my fucking dick all over this gun if it would get me kicked out of the show I can freely buy it at!

Thanks, Dubya!

Yo for real tell me the dude on the right doesn't look uber fucking badass af

Sheriffs Department!

Now can you repeat it back to me, I just want to make sure you understand.

Maybe they should have full plate carriers with class 4 ceramics and scar-17s with backup from local overwatch using .50bmg

Kek bless this wild ride