>stop going to work
I'm thinking so fucking hard right now
>>stop going to a certain store
>>store makes more money as less stolen
>no mention of turning down social welfare benefits
>implying niggers even work
This is hilarious and infuriating at the same time.
>they do
>crimes in public transports drop, workplaces become safer and shops make more money as shoplifting diminues
my quality of life will improve dramatically
>Implying that nigger has a job
Actually, why not protest America all together. Nothing would be a bigger fuck you to America and the racyss police and whities than all the niggers packing up their shit and going back to africa where they belong.
Holy shit, It would be so great. Productivity would go through the roof. Get those twitter accounts going guys. #BlackStrikesMatter
You mean no niggers in public, and they'd eventually starve and die?
I support this action.
I really want this trend to start. It would be great.
They were all stolen from there, so obv they'd love to go back. I'd chip in.
Yes niggers, GTFO my public transportation.
They already are on strike for work. :^)
They're so close to getting it.
Sheeeiiiitt, these niggers have been on strike for the past century and a half. The haven't worked since slavery was abolished.
>no mention of getting off the government teet
Oh boy
But what do they mean by this?
Must be one of those 'woke' blacks on twitter.
pic related.
I feel like there would be a way to kick this off. Why let those racists police have the chance to kill you. They make money off taking you to jail and the whities are sustained off your money. Why not show them how much they rely on you and go back to your homeland. Something of that sort.
>a certain store
not kfc im guessing
>Random nobody who had criminal past (including fucking a minor) dead.
>Lets not go to work and boycot random stores who had nothing to do with it!
They would get genocided so quickly by Africans.
Wait... are they turning against Jews now?
I've been trying to figure out this whole, "'woke" shit for a long time now. Because I, a black man, decide to actually do the right things in life and not blame everything on race. Don't blame white people or or any kinds of people for everything, don't believe in white privilege or guilt. Yet I have an understanding that there is a problem in the black community, but I get called an uncle tom for it.
When I hear about being "woke" from other blacks, it's seems that they are just still playing the blame game rather than being aware of the situations that they are in or taking place.
I like this idea. Tell them that "systemic racism" is against whites in Africa, or something. It's easier to get into a prestigious university in an African country if you're black.
doubt they've even got passports or the brains to fill out a visa application.
i have no idea what he said iibh
You're like the trend in black culture before the civil rights movement: actually successful. Believe it or not, niggers come from a form of
lazy white culture in the south, that came from Scotland, being forced on them.
Best of luck, my African-American gentleman or lady.
If blacks went back to their homeland (Africa), they would immediately come back.
They would also sing praise to America for their just treatment by peers.
It's going to take 15% longer to stock Wal-Mart tomorrow.
>tfw niggers completely dependent on the state (white tax dollars) and offer nothing to society
>implying that they even work in the first place
>no jobs lost
That's called efficiency user.
See, you could learn something from these outstanding black citizens.
>that guy in the middle
what the fuck is that
I think it's that Hurricane Katrina looting nigger photoshopped over another face.
>yfw 75th anniversary of the African American general strike
I believe their strike began in the 1860s
How do we get the message out that Philando was killed for speaking out against the Jews?
>Go outside
>See less niggers
Is she making a threat?
"They'll be sorry!"
I'm pretty sure it happened 3000BC.
what is this movie?
I mean that's the thing though, I was raised in the south and currently still here. Honestly fuck the Northern and Western blacks. At least I live here in Texas where if you get shot, you know that person fucked up because people aren't that stupid here.
My problem is the blatant hypocrisy of those BLM retards. They want to end racism, yet any black that doesn't agree with or want to associate with them is deemed an Uncle Tom or house nigger, that pisses me off to no end.
As for the police situation, growing up I was afraid of the police. Not because of their skin color, BECAUSE THEY HAVE A FUCKING GUN AND TOOLS TO TAKE ME OUT. Of course I'm not going to provoke them or act stupid. Yeah I may seem mad when I get pulled over, mainly because I'm going to be out some money soon because of a ticket.
Needs to be like a we'll show them!! All you guys with black troll accounts off you go, fuck white people they'll be sorry when we gone!
>>Go outside
>>See less niggers
>Is she making a threat?
this is awesome.
start a #BackToMotherAfrica trend or some shit on twitter
Southern culture is not like this anymore, entirely. Especially in Texas - based.
I have a feeling that southern "cracker culture" was somehow forced onto mainstream blacks. I sort of wonder if Southern blacks were spared this mistreatment for some reason.
Pic related talks more about it (and it's a very eye-opening book by another successful black man, which makes it more meaningful).
Felt the same way as a white boy in Canada about the police, probably for similar reasons. My dad had to take me to a police station for a tour and to talk to the officers to see that they're pretty cool bros.
There are those who want a race war, on both sides of the melanin line. It's sick. Texas' health is probably a source of a lot of hope for the whole continent.
Empire of Dust
The greatest buddy comedy in Sup Forums history.
>blacks stop going to work
Will America ever recover? It's probably time to apologize guys.
Maybe they should just all stay inside and lock their doors from now on. Literally saying, "Fuck you" to the white system and they would be protected all the time.
#ReclaimingOurAncestry, #AfricanNotAmerican, #TheBeautifulContinent, #ActivateThePyramids, #KingsAndQueens
Empire of Dust (2011)
because black as midnight africans would realize their are largely mixed race with whites and hate them on principle
Thanks guys, been looking for this for a while.
US military have been measuring IQ for over a hundred years and have a policy of not recruiting anyone
I would love if niggers stopped going out in public.
>>stop going to work
>USA GDP skyrocket
Don't they also have an IQ cap in addition to IQ cutoff? Or is that the police?
He wasn't executed, he was assassinated.
It's all starting to make sense now...
It seems they've been on strike for a while then...
Police cap IQs. The military probably doesn't care.
Oh oh better yet, leave the country to live somewhere else. That'll teach the white man a lesson. They'll be begging blacks to come back after all that they provide to the community and country.
>Jordan, a 49-year-old college graduate, took the exam in 1996 and scored 33 points, the equivalent of an IQ of 125. But New London police interviewed only candidates who scored 20 to 27, on the theory that those who scored too high could get bored with police work and leave soon after undergoing costly training.
>Most Cops Just Above Normal The average score nationally for police officers is 21 to 22, the equivalent of an IQ of 104, or just a little above average.
I support this 100%
I would love to take the train (BART) to work but I would then have to deal with the niggers so I drive instead.
I would love to be able to walk down the street after lunch at work but I don't because I don't want to get mugged by all the lazy niggers hanging around the building like hyenas looking for scraps.
>niggers stop doing anything and stay at home
>things improve
Say he was getting too close to the truth and post redpills. Show them images of the jews owning the banks, government,media,and so on. Say he was assassinated and more and more blacks will see the truth.
Is the welfare line a "store" now? You Americans fuck the language up continuously, now wonder blacks speak gobbledygook, they are trying to predict your next move.
shit. that pic is depressing. I remember when that pic came out. (she is a qt 3.14 but the point remains that time flies).
Just think it has been over a decade since WoW came out. 29 years since Star Trek the Next Generation came out.
Blacks are so delusional. They're a net drain on everything they touch.
Just the other day I saw a black man with his kid laying concrete. The kid was like 14 and the dad said "son this is work. As long as you work you will never go hungry, you feel me?" The kid laughed like his dad was joking and his dad goes "I ain't fuckin playing, DO YOU UNDERSTAND!?". I was way more impressed with this than I should have been.
Based black father of child raising smackdowns.
Someone tell her you're FAR more likely to get shot by US police if you're a white man than a black women.
Also tell her men are a minority in the USA.
>niggers stop working
>nothing happens because they never worked in the first place
>blacks go on strike
>productivity soars
>Stop going to certain stores
going, not buying
>stop using public transportation
If black people stopped working, I would get everything done faster.
As it is they get assigned shit I have to fix later and then redo most of the time, and they're ALWAYS high
>people will mock this when it is something we should be doing
You're all fucking faggots. If we actually enacted in civil disobedience we would win this by next week.
>hur dur niggers don't work
Exactly you dumb stormkikes! That is why we have even more of a reason to do so, you stupid fucking spergs!
>stop using public transportation
Wow, I'm going to start using public transportation again!!!
>Blacks stop going to work
>Crimerate goes down
>Police officers get fired because they are no longer needed
>Prisons start losing money
>Banks that invested in said prisons need to be bailed out
>people start spending less and save more
>US economy grinds to an halt
>The rest of the world goes down too because of the news in the US
>MFW blacks were actually important
>stop using public transportation
>stop going to work
>stop going to a certain store
>mfw NYC trains improve dramatically, productivity skyrockets, and smaller stores begin attracting wealthier clientele
Gee, what a fucking shame.
>stop going out into society
Yes! Finally!!!
>Stop using publics
What will they do with all those empty busses
How exactly is the crimerate going to go down if blacks stop working? Wouldn't it go up because they have nothing else to do?
>Blacks put themselves under house arrest
>The USA prospers
>Blacks comes back out of their self imposed house arrest
>Things go back to how they are now
>Who's to blame?
>White people
>29 years since tng
Sorta agree wtih public transportations. They are fucking shit where i live
Crime is their work.
Sorry faggot, half the people don't care whether or not you're respectable or not, you'll always be a nigger.
That explains why out of 32 men I went through basic with only 9 were black and out of those 9 only 1 made it. I mean how fucking hard is it to use a map a compass?
>stop going to work
>literally any excuse