Monogamy isn't natural. Why can't people love each other openly and honestly?
Monogamy isn't natural. Why can't people love each other openly and honestly?
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because thats how rome fell.
Rome fell because it stretched itself too thin militarily. The idea that it fell due to degeneracy is completely ridiculous.
it became liberal, gay love, monogamy and other degenerate shit that got into the government and weakend the whole system. No problem for savages to invade and destroy liberal cucks.
Same situation now in germany. government is full of liberal cucks and shitskins gonna destroy the country. think about it.
It is natural. without the sanctity of marriage, society would go down the drain. Name one polygamous civilization that did well it.
Monogamy and marriage is crucial to child-rearing. Without it, young men would never get laid nor have kids leading to instability and eventually chaos.
It would be horrible unless your idea of fun is fucking goats because the village elders are hoarding all the pussy.
>giving in to animalistic urges leads to the betterment of man
Nice try. Now go suck your wife's husband's cock.
>Why can't people love each other openly and honestly?
because you're actually a jealous fuck when someone else is banging your partner and it leads to a bunch of unnecessary conflict over mating rights.
Civilization, law & order aren't natural too.
But that's false, user, and you know it.
>The idea that it fell due to degeneracy is completely ridiculous.
This. they were fucking each other in the ass for hundreds of years before rome fell
Biology does not allow for this to be successful. Humans are possessive and jealous by nature. Men are territorial, more so than women, so it bound to fall apart when your open relationship turns into you being an openly married creep at the bar every night scaring away the single college sluts and your wife is out with her 3rd boyfriend that week being pampered and "loved."
youre shitskinned gypsies, no roman blood in you. You have no say in this shitskin importeur.
>monogamy isn't natural
>thousands of documented species form monogamous relationships and mate for life
Why they all so ugly tho?
Polygamy = top 10% fucks all the desirable women (not pictured in OP) = most males have no stake in society = most males refuse to contribute to said society = society is feminized = society is doomed
Rome fell because of all the inbred fucks getting into power, leading to degeneracy and retarded ideas being enacted from.
so liberals
If God had intended that for us why make the ratio of men to women 1:1
Because "free love" is what got us to where we are today, and that's not good.
Remember the 60's?
And the germanic tribes had adopted roman military tech and tactics.
>Rome falling is a bad thing
Top keks
Monogamy isn't natural? JESUS CHRIST, that's insane, so you're telling me that all of the couples that are monogamous, even to the smallest degree, are SUPERNATURAL?!
>isn't natural
not an argument
"It's natural" as a reason for why something should or shouldn't be done is stupid. Society only works because people are taught to deny animalistic impulses for the greater good.
Have you noticed that most of the pro-feminism/pro-cuckoldry/anti-white threads are posted by Canadians? Is it a bunch of people with proxies attempting a smear campaign?
Rape is natural
Murder is natural
Theft is natural
You shitposting on Sup Forums isn't natural
Yeah, they fell because of a combination of military and economic disadvantages/failings, but you're pretending that degeneration of their society didn't play a role in that.
Not to go on all-Fours; that is the Law. Are we not Men?
Not to suck up Drink from a stream; that is the Law. Are we not Men?
Not to eat Flesh or Fish; that is the Law. Are we not Men?
Not to claw the Bark of Trees; that is the Law. Are we not Men?
Not to chase other Men; that is the Law. Are we not Men?
Canada is displacing Australia as the top shitposter.
Worked well for this guy.
shit posting isn't shitposting
I would say:
#1 Canada "The obnoxious shitposter"
Canadian shitposts are very tryhard and just annoying as they literally flood this site with shitposts.
#2 Sweden, Alot of Swedish posters are extremly good baiters, It is often very hard to tell if bait or not. Very few call out Swedish posters for being shitposters for some reason.
#3 Australia "The hilarious shitposter"
I love Aussie posters, They can literally turn a crap thread into a bantzfest, However i have not seen as many Aussie shitposts recently for some reason.
>Monogamy isn't natural.
Bet back to /r9k/, you filthy robot.
That's a philosophical shitpost.
You're right, its not natural, and that is something that separates us from the animals.
You set a very low standard for yourself.
its complete retardness. In the good ages a man would slap his wife to death if she even thought of that shit. Thats how cucked civilisation is. And that how easy it is for bobo to invade your wifes pussy .
>"hey honey, what do you think about opening up our relationship?"
>i think i'll beat you to death if you ever bring that up again
and thats how you prevent stupid shit ruining your family, isnt it? Or would you rather say yes and get cucked by jamal?
>Monogamy isn't natural
So basically a child shouldn't be raised by its biological parents, but someone else.
Sure thing chaim.
I'd much sooner kill my wife than let her sleep with another man, no question.
Canada posters are turning inot SJW liberals. Australian have Sup Forums mentality and try to be funny.
>"It's natural" as a reason for why something should or shouldn't be done is stupid. Society only works because people are taught to deny animalistic impulses for the greater good.
Also what this user said, chastity was viewed as a virtue in the past for good reason.
she can sleep with annother man if youre divorced, no problem about that. The civilisation allows it. But if she gets stupid ideas about a different cock than your while married, soap in a sick do wonders.
Romans didn't really pork each other though, it was basically if you received you're a faggot, so they only fucked slaves or others that were beneath them.