You'll reborn in this country.
>What you do ?
You'll reborn in this country.
>What you do ?
Be thankful to God that he brought me to Israel and not to Romania.
Celebrate because I'll be reborn in a nationalist and militarist country whose political elite doesn't want my daughter to be raped by Somali recuckgees
be ejected because I'm catholic
kys you dirty kikelovers
wtf i love france now
>be schlomo shekelstein
>go to yurop
>entrench myself with jewish activism
>spend my life triggering everyone by siding with right wing extremists
9/11 tbqh
Wew close call I thought I'd be reborn in Romania
I don't know, Mohammed, but the jews don't like black people.
rather be kikelover than romanian
Better to love kikes than sandniggers
>not sandniggers
good goy
Shade the Golan Heights yellow. Syria will never get it back. It's rightful Israeli territory.
Yes…oh yes…muslims are brotier silly goy…accept refugees!
I'd leave the country, go to Americs or Germany or somewhere. Live in Israel I'd have to work for a livibg, go somewhere else I could be a slimy jew rat and live easy.
Well, I would jew everyone to death, most likely be quite happy. If I would be a jew that would be in my nature.
But now:
I hate jews
I dont want to be something I am not.
They are our greatest enemys.
I did ok
Invest in Genie energy.
Then when reborn in the Golan heights I will get rich off of my ancestral land on oil money and then live NEET lifestyle off that income.
Move to the US, get away with anything bc MUH 6 gorrillion holocaust survivor descendant
Threads like these and the responses and timespan are pretty much all the proof I need that JIDF is not only active, but basically running this place.
It's good to see that our (((greatest ally))) is still with us. I wouldn't have it any other way.
Remove kebab tout de suite.