Post yfw Hillary wins and the cancer known as USA is finally destroyed by itself.
Feels good man
Post yfw Hillary wins and the cancer known as USA is finally destroyed by itself.
Feels good man
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dafuq i ever did to you man
No, it doesn't feel good.
Where can I move out of this shit kikeland to then?
Hiro should really delete Sup Forums if it happens tho.
>when Argentina finally goes bankrupt and you still own the Falklands.
As long as California survives, I need muh tech industry and hollywood to bring me superficial joy.
You can move to Japan with your friends and you will all become video game developers.
>when Great Britain goes bankrupt and you own Europe
Jokes on you, we already went bankrupt once and we're still here, somehow.
Hello Ahmed
Fucking yuros always love california.
California is where all the leftist shit comes from, for your information. California is a shithole and it's dragging the rest of the country into its huge gaping anus.
>MFW the US destroys itself and the power and monetary vacuum causes a happening on a global scale.
>when Germany goes mental and imports 3 million niggers
>when your country goes into full blown sharia and has a second holocaust and gets RIP'd by the USA and putin
can't wait to visit slav germany desu
The day the "USA is destroyed" is the day that the global economy is in serious fucking trouble.
Better hope that doesn't happen, though it's not like your country is relevant or wealthy enough for it to feel too much impact, you silly little darky.
If that happens then the rest of the world is coming with us.
You need to know decent japanese for that,
or you can be an english teacher, but that's fucking boring
>implying ahmeds have any money to move out of here
So is Texas
Same here senpai, i just want all krauts to die, theyre the worst cucks.
You taste salty but you look like this