wow really .............. really............. make.........
wow really makes you think...
wow really .............. really............. make.........
wow really makes you think...
That really induces a brainwave
I think a synapse sparked.
Havin me a ponder
please type the meme properly without any dots so that my filter can catch it
>Part of Confederacy
>West Virginia
>implying the Confederacy was bad
>implying Horsey isn't a massive liberal faggot that should be hanging from the highest tree in Seattle
Don't post Horsey you whiney Limey.
Well the cartoon isn't wrong...
Surely made me think something this time
It'd be pretty awesome if our country split into two once again.
But that'll never happen.
We don't want west Virginia or texas.
Fugg off
Same, if we're going to have two shit flinging parties anyway, might as well let them have their own counties.
>Found a way to combine autism with cancer, aids and ebola.
Filter using vertical bars, dumbass.
that's Kentucky you fucking nogs
Oh my fuck please quit making us look like retards
Zyklon Horse isn't a libtard. Someone post the original version of this comic.
Try harder next time, moran
Horsey is the King of strawmen isn't he
and West Virginia joined the Union Moron
West Virginia and Kentucky didn't fight for the South because they didn't get that much of the Slave Money (Rich man's war, poor man's fight.)
But to a Liberal, who gives a shit. Fucking Indiana would be considered Dixieland in most of their minds.
>still not kentucky
>kentucky wasn't part of the CSA
>Racist get the north
>Tolerant progressists get the south
>everything goes shit in the south
>2nd american war
>south vs north, again
Better than Drumph
I would try, but I don't have photoshop.
Makes me think you're some kind of paki shirt lifter.
Run along you poofter go bugger some kid from your madrassa.
>Muh Drumph