ITT: Female inventions and innovations

ITT: Female inventions and innovations

1. Literally every living human alive today

>1. SUCC*

fixed that for ya

2. my boner rite now lmao

Weird, I thought sperm came from the dude's balls.

I want to have sex with Umaru-chan.

Takes two to tango, faggot. Women are basically just life support systems for vaginas.

>1. Literally every living human alive today
not an invention or innovation

Just like how a toaster 'invents' toast?

The 1 post by this ID.

Your body can't do shit with that sperm, though. It's women whose bodies can actually take your raw material and turn it into a human. You wouldn't say that trees invented paper just because you have to take their material to invent a wheel or some shit.

Oral sex

But without sperm, the women body has nothing to work with.

Hmm... is anyone else considering sex with that cartoon girl??

Yeah, and without the materials we make our shit out of, we couldn't have shit. Does that mean the world or the shit we use to build stuff is the one doing the creating?


Humans aren't an invention, they aren't even really an innovation because evolution doesn't consciously innovate.
Try again.

The sperm is actually the inventor. He contains the knowledge and ability to create life, the woman's womb is just his work space, where all the materials he needs are stored.

Sperm is the Linux kernel that bootstraps life

That's a fucking retarded comparison. Trees and paper don't work together to create something.

What is a chick's egg going to turn into without sperm? Yeah, a bloody mess in the toilet.

1. booty
2. boobs
3. vagina
4. ???

>5. Profit

1. Bitch, what is Adam's ribcage?

Wow, really makes you think

Just kidding, being a cum receptacle doesn't immediately make you responsible for what that cum grows into

>various food recipes
I fucking love their contributions to society.

Men are the seed drills, women are just the dirt we plant our seed in

Are also going to take credit for the trillions of corpses that evolution has left behind in order for mammalian birth to be a thing?

2.Fuck man I don't know, wasn't there this English bug gal that mothered Taxonomy?
Dorothy Hodgkin discovered protein crystalograpy, that shit is important

Wouldn't it be easier to make a list of things that women didn't discover or invent?

2 chemical shit Marie Curie Skłodowska

Not only did God (a man) create humanity, He also created
>sex itself
>the vagina
>the penis
Y'all didn't do shit.


why would you want to anything but kill a meme?