Why is isolating your country from the rest of the world a "bad thing"?
Why is isolating your country from the rest of the world a "bad thing"?
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Because libcucks say so, therefore it must be good because they said so and anyone who disagrees is a racists evil bigot Hitler 2.0 mass murdering jew killer
Why would you do something like that?
old buildings are shit to maintain and bad at using space
Google "Architecture MMXII"
You know, there a case to be made for isolationism.
But also a case for immigration.
I believe immigration quotas should be democratically decided (via poll) on a communal basis.
Immigration is not bad. Lack of direct democracy is bad.
how about this?
German unis seem to get along just fine with maintenance.
sadness and anger
I have lived in many different buildings, and I would never take an old building over a modern one.
2010+ buildings are great.
1980+ is okay too
but 19th century is pure garbage.
Imagine how many millions of pounds where lost, because no tourist will ever come to see this new crap. Architect should repay it from his own pocket.
it's bad because it's neglected, not because the stucco was removed
literally a Sup Forums-tier argument
oh wait, why am I even here...
Then at least design something that doesn't look like utter shit, although I hear you fags are into that sort of thing
look at what happened to china a place with rich history and innovations that rivaled the west until somewhere around 1700-1800s they should be a example of why burying your head in the sand and forgetting the outside world exist is a bad thing
Jesus christ, This photo makes me tear up, Ill never forget welcoming home the marines that came home from Iraq in 2005 as a 8 year old kid
>be 8
>dad takes me to see marines come home from combat
>always wanted to be a marine, thought they were the best
>dad took time off from work because he too wanted to thank them
>go to airport and hold mini american flags
>dad is shaking the marines hands and patting them on the backs
>group of hippies with dreads and rasta shit (this was before SJWs) saying fuck the USA and holding and upside down flag
>dad called them all cowards
>driving home
>told me that was the future of America and that its only gonna get worse
>Told me he doesnt want to be around for it
He was right, god This is painful to look at
Lived in Poland - postGerman town, destroyed in 99% by Soviets, my home was all burned during the war and rebuild shortly after. BEST HOUSE I ever lived in. Old bricks, tall cellings and huge windows.
You know nothing Hans.
Pic related.
Because we get our money from trade and we share big border with russia.
it isnt, marxism is taught to kids in our schools and marxism is obsessed with internationalism
Where is that?
jesus christ....
(((who))) throught this was a good idea?
Torre Velasca in Milan, Italy.
Normal people don't have a need to go kill innocent civilians in foreign countries for a lie.
>muh tall ceilings meme
>could've fit 3 floors into 2 with normal ceilings
bravo for efficiency
Google modern architecture and you will find the most gorgeous buildings one can even imagine.
And if you personally dislike modern aesthetics, then that's just your opinion man.
Milano, recently been there
This thing was always a cause for anger
Recently the skyscrapers got better tho pic related
Seriously, 2010+ buildings are great?
Here we got a good looking, house full of decorations, nice height and it gives a cozy feel.
Thriving with culture and fitting to the scenery.
But you would replace it with a fucking black blob, with quadratic windows in it? Check your fucking eyes dude. There is literally nothing good on modern buildings, its just made for greedy corporations to lift up another ugly as fuck looking grey skyscraper. They don't even bother giving it some theme or some kind of feeling to it. Instead you just got a huge skyscraper, resembling one big boring mountain with no features whatsoever.
Video related:
That is kinda nice
Let people live inside that for a half year and see how it either the plantlife overgrows and takes up most of the building, or people simply not caring for the plants turning it back into a big black blob.
Looks like I just cut my nail of my big tooth and placed it on the street.
What is that shit supposed to be? An oversized ashtray? Even has a fitting colour for it.
Same here, looks like a standing hammer, in a shitty color with the charme of a industrial complex.
Ahem big "thumb".
Roger Scruton on modernist art and architecture
Beauty and culture are worth it.
thanks man
>Google modern architecture and you will find the most gorgeous buildings one can even imagine.
Filthy neo-Kraut you fucking sicken me
Right. But, Why is Toshiro Mifune even in the picture?
I'm glad that in my country it's a crime to do that
Hes probably not German. Only a turk would disregard such places as Hildesheim
b-bu-but muh free market yo-you fucking nazi XDDDD