Isn't it interesting that Hollywood wants to make films that show Neo-Nazis as 'terrorists' now, just as the far right nationalism is getting momentum and prosperous across Europe and the US, largely due to Muslim terror and immigration.
Isn't it interesting that Hollywood wants to make films that show Neo-Nazis as 'terrorists' now...
wtf I hate harry poter now
no it was predictable
when did production begin?
2-3 yrs ago?
I think it's deliberate too. It's a sure way to paint nationalists as misguided racists to the masses via mass media. People are dumb and lap it up and form views around fucking films rather than use critical thought.
Jew media
It was predictable but may have the complete opposite effect. Mobsters loved Godfather so much that they started adopting many mannerisms and ideas from it. People already pissed off at the current situation and further entrenched in their position by being called racists might identify with the character's struggles a little too much. It's a failed strategy in my view.
But what do I know really? I'm not a Hollywood turbo kike who's been shaping pop culture for decades.
>tfw a movie about a guy infiltrating ISIS or a similar group would be condemned as racist or Islamophobic
The worst of all is that is not just directed to the general public, but to the YOUTH, no less.
Daniel "Harry Potter" Radcliffe is already immensely popular among kids , so the indoctrination is directed at them.
Obvious it was going to happen.
Just further proof who's (((behind))) the curtain.
What film?
Imperium, named after a redpilled book (although it defends a united europe).
thanx, but
>defends a united europe
I think it's actually going to portray the Nazis as bad ass and admirably fanatic as a way of convincing young disillusioned whites into becoming like them and thus ruining their lives just like how American history x caused a resurgence in the self destructive "skinhead" culture.
Of course it is deliberate.
Hollywood is a propaganda machine.
it's because they're trying to spark a race war soon
>Isn't it interesting that Hollywood wants to make films that show Neo-Nazis as 'terrorists' now
Do you not see the movie that op has in the picture? The daniel radcliff movie?
yeah because they've never made skinhead movies before...
Easy, just don't shave your head
Jews control Hollywood, so it's only natural they would use it to squash the right's political movement.
Don't join an "organization" either.
It's guaranteed to be filled with infiltrators. If you can't operate on your own, your cell should only contain people you've known all your life who couldn't possibly be cops.
you don't like it?
>Complaining about United Europe
(((pure coincidence)))
all the recent holocaust shilling was coincidence as well goyim
Most of the immigration stuff isn't far right at all (at least in the US), and I resent the association with it and white, black, red, yellow, whatever groups. People just want our existing laws to be enforced and for illegal immigrants to not be able to abuse our systems.
I don't know how far left yurop has really gone, but if the call for enforcement of immigration laws is far right, then that seems fucked up to me. If it is because people feel the laws have been rewritten too lenient, I can understand that as well.
Funny thing is they don't even subtly show the Muslim/immigration problem in the trailer.
Not him, but what is there to like about EUSSR ?
The new purge movie was literally "Hillary teams up with minoritys to kill neo nazis and a right wing christan zealot"
>the neo nazis were high tech skilled mercenarys with full military gear, wespons, and training
>they get rekt by jordan wearing niggas with sideways grips
I'm glad someone else saw this. The movie was pure propaganda. Did you see how they tried to put as many white nationalist symbols as possible on their uniforms?
Funny how the New Founding Fathers were portraited as white republicans
But the far right, the far left and separatists all carry out more attacks than Islamic terrorists. The Islamic terrorists have proven to be way better at killing people, but the sheer number of attacks is small compared to extreme political groups, such as, you know, neo-nazis.
The best case in point being Breivik, a far-right moron.
Very predictable actually, Hollywood has been a propaganda factory for the left for more than 60 years and like already said, they are targeting the young audience.
Why are neckbeards so triggered by television & film all the time? Why are you so sensitive?
Detonate thread
Nobody cares
This film will get no traction and it will get forever buried in the uninteresting pile.
Especially with thy talentless faggot.
I mean seriously, even his character was shit.
>get casted to pay an imaginary wizard
>be the chosen one and get everyone mad jelly
>literally spend years training and he's mediocre at best
>can only cast a light spell in every other film
I always remember that awkward head jerk movement he makes.
Literal shit. Makes me sick.
>Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
>Harry Potter and the Order of the Eagle
>Harry Potter and the Fuhrers Stone
>Harry Potter and the Chamber of Zyklon B
>Harry Potter and the Jews on Fire
>Harry Potter and the Prisoners of Auschwitz
>Harry Potter and the Hitlers Hallows
>Harry Potter and the SS Child
I thought it was pretty funny desu
>ok so we NEED everyone to know theyre racists!
>quick give them 8 different swastika patches, the white power logo, AND the confederate flag!
Skin head leader had like 100 head tattoos, im suprised they gave him a good death though, he killed the dindu leader and died on his feet in a knife fight with CIA guy
>Lutefisk logic
Voldemort did nothing wrong
Blood War now, death to mudbloods
Don't lose all hope lads, it might unintentionally redpill normies a la American History X if they allow the skinheads to explain their positions beyond the traditional caricature.
That said the overarching moral will obviously be "racism is bad guys, let's all get along!" But you have to look for silver linings
Lol kek
Yeah but not as full on terrorists...
Nigger haters yes.
Terrorist no.
>will get no traction
The point is conditioning the public to believe the right's movement is 'neo-nazi'.
It's like advertising. It works subtlety in your subconscious to respect a brand.
Jews are masters at this because they've owned the media for so long.
>Owned by Jews
No fucking shit, Sherlock
you missed out
>that show Neo-nazis are 'terrorists'
It's an obvious attempt to make people think that the real enemy isn't the Muslims who will bomb your buses and behead you, it's the evil whites that oppose Muslims and forced diversity.
Movie will bomb so hard, so.. who give a fuck?!
yeah, it really made me think
Your a Nadsi Harry!
>what is predictive programming
>far right nationalism is getting momentum
I saw the trailer.
Poland is evil now
>it's the evil whites that oppose Muslims and forced diversity.
This is EXACTLY why this movie has been produced. It falls in line with the "Countering Violent Extremism" Muslim Brotherhood line from official sources in Obama's Administration.
It's not far-right nationalism, you fucking retard. It's just people wanting to save what's left of their country.
What are you talking about goyim?
>One of the members of the Homeland Security Advisory Council’s (HSAC) Subcommittee on Countering Violent Extremism is a 25-year-old immigrant of Syrian heritage who said that the 9/11 attacks “changed the world for good” and has consistently disparaged America, free speech and white people on social media.
>In the Countering Violent Extremism report published last week, Alawa and her fellow subcommittee members recommended that the Department of Homeland Security “adapt to the changing nature of violent extremism itself” by devoting more attention to “anarchists, sovereign citizens, white-supremacists, and others.”
No convergence at all here.
For this, we should take out Assad.
You are a racist now, harry
Doy bokmålsjævel
dra te helvete
How far up your ass does the fencepost go?
Top kek
Its jew propaganda trying to paint Skinheads as the biggest danger to world right now
Top kek
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The movie will just recruit more white supremacists. A large portion of the population are contrarian by nature.
You're a Grand Wizard Harry
It literally has a plot of "Most terror attacks aren't really from Muslims they are made up to defend the budget"
It actually has that in the synopsis.
This is how mentally unwell the left wing are.
She's also starring in a movie about an "evil national socialist" plot to rape children. Despite all the arabic and african sex gangs aiming exclusively for white girls and women.
Not even kidding. It's called the Colony and based on a fucked up German soldier that became a paedo in Argentina and set up a colony to do it.
Whats bad about been a skinhead m8 im a skinhead and proud
There have always been a trickle of films about white supremacists.
The fact that there aren't more given the resurgence of these ideologies is more surprising, you paranoid special snowflake
It's just a coincidence!
The premise for the movie seems decent enough and it looks interesting enough, but it sucks that most people will inevitably think that it's reality and that white nationalists are the only threat to modern civilization
Fucking sides in orbit m8
I almost hated Sup Forums 1 week ago after 3 years of being here. Now I see you guys are right because of this new film.
The more aggressive Jews are the more I hate them.
Everyone here had that realisation at some point.
the tide is turning lads. (((they))) can try as the might to stop it but it's not gonna work.
>the right is rising
Don't ignore this thread and you may learn one thing or two:
put your hand up if you want to go to bed
this is my favorite new meme :3
>Daniel Radcliffe
Hahaha you guys are fucking idiots maybe it's because Breivik, that Southern kid and the likes? Also Hollywood just cares about believable plots this is apprantly one for a lot of people plus Nazis are the ultimate outcasts too so isn't that a cute combo?
And at the same time want to give everyone their annual Holohoax bluepill because antisemitism is rising across the west again.
This. (((Hollywood))) is losing control of the narrative.
>You're a grand wizard, Harry
It'd be nice if this shows people how retarded skinheads are and why the new right needs to adopt a new face to garner support.
i like this
Hahaha saved.
>On July 30, 2015, it was announced that Daniel Radcliffe had been cast in the lead role,
>being a neo-nazi
>defending neo-nazis
What does that imply?