Cont. from:

Cont. from:

Take Conneticut

fill wisconsin

Fill texas

Finish N.C and invade Georgia

Finish Oklahoma

Keep attacking California, but don't let anyone into Washington state

Attack Blue

expand south

defend borders and take more mississippi soil

Don't know if u saw this on old thread. Just fill in PA next turn. I'll give you the land dindu just ceded me in exchange for NJ, it's a good deal.
expand in WV

Keep the spaghetti niggers OUT OF IDAHO.

Push into Nevada if any extra.

Thanks, that Dindu retard is fucking annoying, I mean look at how he is traveling! Piece of shit


Kill Yellow, first in California, then Up to Oregon

bonus update

You can't be this stupid.

>Fill Mississipi

Fill Maine, enter Vermont and New Hampshire

Nuke area coloured in black pls, removing all of Trumperino's Bonuses I think.

Fill Illinois


Is that a deal for the land cede?

Leave ne missisipi and we can go For a NAP

join the alliance and i will not touch mississippi/ced the land i have...

Keep feeling Georgia, Spill to Alabama

expand south.

>3D Palis
dont forgetti my spaghetti OP pls

I seriously hate Britbong bastards

3D Palin

ok KdK now part of our alliance... clinton foundation is our enemy... change your names to reflect this


Germany, it'd help drastically if you fell back the border with california leaving one territory in, while pushing Red out of Washington. That way there's no way he can break my bonus and unbalance our advantage.

Cont. into Maine/New Hampshire, spill into Massachusetts and Conneticut

Stay right of the river.

>out of Washington

Out of Oregon, my bad.

Would you consider coming to the Aid of me and Caesar, and killing Idaho, they are attacking our peaceful nations, and we just want to 420 up in this bitch

you can't be this stupid

yes, if you stay out of illinois, iowa, wisconsin, and michigan

Hey, can you help in the west? The Cali-Caesar Axis needs you.

>we wuz good boys, we didnu nuffin

You two attacked first.


Next mupdate


The Niggers send revenge towards Trump, nuking NY, Pennsylvania and NJ. Making their bonuses -2

Thanks for the advice, bro
Gonna use your tactics

You're right. I can't. You, however, are beyond belief. Certainly not beyond reality, unfortunatel.y

Fill Texas, don't hesitate to push dark green

Fuck this game, Britniggers I hope you get cancer

I have just filled Illinois Im sorry, I will stay out of all those others tho?

Push against blue, reclaim full control of nevada.

M8 me and u Got a Nap
Nothin more, i'm peacefull Anyway

fuck, NJ is shit now. Just gift my PA lands to Trump and expand in WV

Push Ceasar out of Oregon, but make sure to stay atleast one territory in California

>chimping out that much

Did I hurt your poor yankee bastard fee-fees?

Fill Illinois

fill in wisconsin, then start filling in iowa

ok, that is fine

continue expanding south.


cede all my mississippi territory to my ally KdK and defend from clinton foundation, if not attacked by clinton then take some of kentucky...

Kill Yellow in California, Then try to proceed to Washington

Based As Fuck, thank you brother

1 off a 3D straigh, baka

Keep Caesar out of Oregon, push further into Nevada.

Seriously fuck this game, fucking jackass Britbongs keep interrupting my business even though I never talked to them once, bullshit rules where people can fucking secede land whenever the please, and everybody being smug dickheads to feel better about themselves, fuck everybody

ok changing to nap...

You forgot from last mupdate.

This roll, enter washington state.

More like 3 off. Learn maths, retard.

DUDE, so close


and thats a 5d pali



That wasnt a Mupdate that was me telling him where to nuke

Fill Mississippi
Spill Texas


Defend and Fill Kansas.

Put everything into invading Georgia

kekkekek, if only that was your first roll

Finish Florida, spill to Alabama

we could make such great allies and have strong hold on the SE...

>why do people get mad when I'm a retard


You don't have a bonus anymore

we must not give up on the SEC...

Also How many T?

Based as fuck Alaskans. Thank you.

YES nice trips, based Alaska to the rescue

pic related

nah mate you only invaded my shit but yeah sure I guess that counts as "never talking to me once"


Take land in Idaho

No fuckhead I wasn't referring to you when I said that you special snowflake


will do next Mupdate


Alaskans save the day

>he thinks he can take land in idaho

Nice trips, OP

Fill Texas

Full force attack at Ceasar. War is lost but I'm taking him with me.

3D pali OP

fill iowa

O shit

Destroy red in Oregon NOW, push forwards into Nevada.

defend my borders from clinton foundation (cancel their attacks) and spill into kentucky

Kekkkk I was in that game

Push blue, reclaim Nevada

continue filling wv. Spill into Ohio

Invade Georgia again.
Did you see my other roll from last time?

Continue attacking Washington, spill to Oregon