Would you ever consider betraying your race, shaming your family and disgracing your heritage by marrying and breeding with a non-white girl?
Would you ever consider betraying your race...
Fuk ya i would
>pic related
Get pissed Sup Forums
Nope, I'm not Trump.
How would you feel if the po-liss shot to death your little niglet offspring?
I wouldn't consider those things at all. What worry have I about stormfag insecurities? I'm an individualist I do what I want and fuck who I want I don't worry about some fat fuck in his mom's basement waging internet war yeehaw motherfuckter!
I wouldn't know because she's ***latina***
>in other words, better in every way compared to lazy ass white women
im ok with non-white, but not black chicks
Yeah easily. If I find someone I really love I'm not going to let her race get in the way of mutual happiness
The only correct answer is no.
Already planning on knocking up my Asian gf desu
breeding? fuck no
fucking? sure
I wish you all the best.
Are Hispanics non white? They are caucasian but tanned. That's the only one I would.
>tfw lost virginity last week to qt asian girl
>bittersweet experience desu senpai, can't help but feel like I've let my ancestors down
this desu
>My own countrymen support flushing their genes down the toilet to further make this country an ugly brown mass that's more easily controlled by kikes.
Truly, this place is a land of grade-A cucks.
never but if I was forced it would be with a latina or asian
>tfw lost virginity last week to qt asian girl
Did she smell like vinegar?
>reminder that by "Asian" this filthy Nigel is referring to a stinky Paki
Glad it triggered you.
Fuck no
But my gf has a small amount of Injun blood so maybe
Sure bro, stay shitskin.
Let me just redpill yall on latina culture for a second
>taught from birth how to cook and clean
>best dancers by far
>actually fun to be around, very spontaneous and energetic
>fertile as fuck
>loyal as fuck, will go out of their way to make sure their man is happy
>best mothers by far
>sex is god-teir
I hope she wiped.
Is rather not for the sake of the kid. Being mixed and not beautiful seems like hell.
Probably, if she was hot enough
So why the fuck would i want a white **GIRL**
fuck off autists. Not worth ruining my life over
that's actually not far off
nah she was a chink girl on my uni course, even as a formerly 21 yo virgin i wouldn't go near shitskins or niggers
Nope. Super pale German Nordic mutt. My wife is the one who will be the shit skin ;)
>that's actually not far off
Yes, I find Orientals tend to have a distinct whiff of vinegar.
I wonder if it's due to their diet, or maybe some genetic thing.
I'm black and I would betray my race a thousand times over to get that white and Asian ass.
>that belly
The Amerifat meme is true.
Of course you would Tyrone. Go fight the nearest Policeman you can find.
>I'm black
Watch out for the Five-Oh, Ty'Rone.
Don't worry. We can all have white children so that one day they will have biracial children or none at all.
Has that dawned on you yet, Sup Forums?
Thats what a fucking MAN looks like. Not like a skinny twink brit PUSSY would know
Ask a white guy with a brown girlfriend anything bros
How sloppy are her tits?
No, I believe in a diverse society....
I'm ok with any girl who loves me.
>A man has heart disease
>A man has damaged joints
>A man is actually a whale
>Not storing fat for the winter
Are you even a mammal?
They aren't fucking you so I'm not pissed.
You're pretty closed minded, of course I am here on Sup Forums.
of course I would. would even marry her if I loved her.
>A man has sex
>You don't
I'm Tejano and as a way of showing how much I've assimilated I'm marrying a white girl.
The way this thread is laid out, the question phrased and your choice of picture used makes it seem like you're some faggy Redditor/social media twat trying to bait stupid replies so you can screenshot them and take them back to your hive, but to answer earnestly, no. I never even thought about this shit before pocs and liberals kept bringing whiteness up and telling us we needed to apologize for shit we didn't do, as if no other race on the planet has a history of war and genocide when they all do. I'm proud of my whiteness and I'll never apologize for it. The ideal situation to me is to procreate with another white person and if it meant having to do it with someone not of my phenotype, then I would abstain.
I want children that look like me and I want to continue my own race.
>putting pussy on a pedestal
Beta as fuck
lol you're so triggered it hilarious. stay jelly beta
I would rip your ficking head off MATE