What kind of measures should governments take to stop this from happening?

What kind of measures should governments take to stop this from happening?

80% of ALL personal spending is by women.

So.... Wtf are you talking about?

Did you know that I make up more than zero percent of the population? And yet somehow zero percent of the money goes to me. How is that fair?


>What kind of measures should governments take to stop this from happening?

obviously we should just take money away from people

right marx?


seize the means of patriarchy

do it now

Serious reply here.

The best answer I've seen proposed is mandatory corporate reporting on pay equity between genders, obviously taking into account job positions and so on. This way an auditor would determine whether women and men are being paid according to their credentials, job titles, and so on rather than according to intangible factors that currently contribute to the wage gap.

> muh source comment.

Dead giveaway that you are a redditor.

Here. 5 seconds of googling.

because women don't WANT to go into stem fields
they dominate primary school teaching/ nursing

also they work much less overtime on average

This isn't your safe space, of course I'll ask for source, even more considering I found the same thing as you. If you want a place where people won't question you, then reddit is indeed what you're looking for.

That's exactly the sort of research that give lefties an argument. Picking a term such as "personal", giving it bounds and bringing statistics on top of it is as reliable as betrayal statistics.

It's almost like men WORK, while women become stay at home moms!
But no, it's the patriarchy's fault

Get rid of liberals, then maybe we can start moving forward again

>did you know that some people make more money than other people?
>What can we do to make sure that 50%+ of the former group have vaginas?

Here's your (you), Podemos

You mean equal pay whining or actually forcing those percentages ?

Stop couping my country every 10 years

Forced labor by women. MAKE them study sciences and math, and FORCE them to stop producing kids they can't afford. If women fail at learning useful stuff, and decide to pop out illegitimate kids, very stern punishments. When women do equal work to men, they will get paid the same. Because some of them will become bosses and company owners, and share the success of the all women companies with other women. Illegitimate kid? Break the woman down for parts - corneas, kidneys, heart, lings, etc - and sell the parts as transplants, with the money from the sale being used to compensate the state for raising the kid. Fucking cunts need to get off their lazy, stupid and irresponsible asses.

dont be so fucking lazy next time and do your own research

Stop what from happening?

How does making money as a male hinder a female from making money?

Leftist talking points are popular among those with an elementary school level of understanding on political topics.

did you know that only about 2,5 % of the US population is jewish and yet, somehow more than 1923785 gorrilion % of the money goes to jews

Mah nigga, I never doubted you, but you did make a claim without backing it up.

The government could always ban MS Paint and PhotoShop, that should stop these shitty quasi-memes

force women to take better paying jobs