>Can I call myself white?
Sup Forums AM I WHITE???
uuuuh I got bad news for you
your only claim to whiteness is the Iranian great-grandfather
While powerful, not even that is enough to overcome the tide of turkroach and slavnigger roaring through your veins.
>Half Slav
>Half Sand nigger
Where does white even come into this equation?
Slavroach aka Balkan.
>that flag
Kek no
Being Slav and Sand nigger is one thing, but Canadian? Now we have a problem.
Hey Pol, my dad is Ahmed and my Mom is Svetlana. Also have some Persian in therem I'm white, right? I hope you're baiting son, because if you aren't that's sad.
>I need Honest opinions folks, I've debated this in my mind for over a year.
You're balkan, Slav raped by turks
There's an easy rule: If you have to question wheter or not you're white, you aren't.
if your race is on this image you belong to the masterrace
yes turks are white
Where are these family trees from? Is it just ms paint?
Technically I would say you are an Octaroon. So nope,1/8th mudskin is not white.
You are a true Turk (mongrel mixture of slavs with central asians and arabs)
Congratulate you.
You are half white because of the Turkish side.
Thank You, Do I get a medal?
Neither slavs nor arabs are white. So no.
This is how leafs are made
t. Saruman
muh slavs aren't white
Fuck off kike with D&C tactics.
I am the true white man.
Here's a question: I'm half Persian/Armenian and half western European. Am I considered white?
wew lad I'm also half Turkish and half slav
oops, posted the innaccurate one. heres the real one
Thanks, lol
>mom fucked a roach
>"light" brown eyes
>Juan Steinovic
Only spanish speaking people will realize how funny that sounds.
>any Turk blood
Woa, look at all those descendants from rapesd Balkans.
why are t*rks living in germany all ugly cunts and the ones in turkey better looking?
I am a t*rk myself, but I have pale skin, freckles, green eyes and am 6'1". It's hard not to racemix when all your own women are ugly shits
Ok I'm a chink
im happy to not be white
Хyёвo имeть мaмкy шлюхy, лёгшyю пoд Typкa
>master race
>not Turkish
congrats for being masterrace
Can i call myself a KANG
>Mexican + Croatian + Jew
H-Holy fuck. As an Albo I am LAFFIN.
In all seriousness you're probably a chill dude. Don't worry too much about it.
Do you live in Galicia? Because I may know you.
get off my Sup Forums, cenk
>Albo saying anything
Hehehe that's funny, you're lucky Serbs are retarded faggots or else we would look down on you, still Jasenovac best day of my life.
Plus the JUDE in my family was burgerland Croat which still meant he had croat admixture I was too lazy to put it there.
No, kill yourself
>For the record I can't stand that fat Buffalo.
progressive piece of shit
Cпиaк eнглиж, пecaнт
-ya ne Peasant, ya xach.
Mogu pa Ruski, dazhe esle ya xach.
where da Serb wimen at?
Fuck you bigot
kek, good one OP
Im ok with this
Am I fucked? Please be honest.
You should understand first that nobody is white for /pol.
No you're a shitskin slavnigger lol
Oh shit, he knows
>roach tries to insult
>a fucking leaf
Wow really creepy. I don't think he is going to tell the truth.
>He married a rare flag
Fuck off Sub human Turk.
You're ok.