>pic related
What do you think
Trump VP Pick
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Ron Paul wouldn't do it. And Rand is a puppet of the Koch bros.
middle bottom
hes based, whats his name?
snowdon edward what
>pic related
>pic related too
first pic, best pic
Can't Shoot the Newt
>Pic related
It's gonna be Newt
He pretty much said as much at his Cincinnati rally last night
what are his policies?
Stop pushing the Webb meme. GOP won't back a democrat VP
Top right, Jeff Sessions is the only suitable pick.
>be still my heart
Gov. Perry is a great, underrated and underutilized face of the GOP. I hope it's him.
Here's a better pic
West, Hell yeah!
Jesse ventura of course.
but i think hed do well to hire that Army woman, name is completely escaping me
the hog castrater?
He was a republican from 1984-2006, then dem from 2006-2016, now he's an independent = Reagan Democrat
who's the dyke on the bottom right?
Gringrinch is Establishment and will get Trump JFK'd
And to also add he is well respected by both parties even so far as to say when he dropped out the RNC chair issued a statement saying that he was the only moderate Dem.
Tulsafag here, would be somewhat okay with this.
randlet or ron
Senator Joni Ernst of Iowa?
she declined
It's either Newt or Christie and either of them are a direct shot to losing. Usually the VP is supposed to be the attack dog, that isn't needed in this campaign. VP needs to be more popular than the presidential candidiate.
I do like Based Allen West, he got in trouble for having his men beat the shit out of an Iraqi Policeman who he thought was holding out info, staged a fake execution and everything. Ron Paul wouldn't do it, Sessions and Moonman are a little to old imo, plus having someone like moonman who helped with NAFTA wouldn't be great, I don't have any opinion on a Rick Perry, and the Randlet might make a decent choice so I'm not totally opposed to him
Isn't newt another name for a frog?
He can't find any thanks to the terrible polls. Most would consider it political suicide.
When will you manlets learn?
Ben Carson
Would shut up all the "Trump is racis" liberals.
>token “we're going to win the republican vote” candidate
>token “we're going to win the black vote” candidate
>token “we're going to win the conservative vote” candidate
>token “we're going to win the young people vote” candidate
>token “we're going to win the conspiratard vote” candidate
>token “we're going to win the MURICA vote” candidate
It's gonna be Michael Flynn, faggots.
Screen cap this.
Tfw when used to serve Allen West Slurpees after he been working out.
dude is based.
hell of a handshake.
drives a hummer.
Kang and Kodos, IRL.
>Alan West
complete shit
>Jeff Sessions
>Randlet the cuck
>Prickly old man
>Rick the dick Perry
>Shit shit shit
Rand Paul not a bad choice -- why? Kill Trump = hardcore libertarian in POTUS slot
Newt aint no scrub, not a bad pick, Make Space America Again
Flynn for Sec Def
>le ebil Koch Bros
You probably haven't even heard one speak lol
>current year
>not picking sleepy black guy for VP
Gingrich has experience and moonbase sounds great but he's too establishment. I don't trust him as VP.
No idea who the blackie is
Sessions is a known racist and won't help Trump's case
Rand would be ideal pick. He's an isolationist like Trump, is smart and level headed and great at debating.
Ron is too old
Perry is a fucking retard
Sarah Palin. I mean, what better way to show that he is not a misogynist like those cry baby liberals think? And plus, she is his friend.
I gagged tbqh
Fuck out of here
All Hessians for Sessions report in.
how so?
i just found him to be an upstanding fellow.
can't Trump just clone himself?
He'd be good in debates desu
He should pick Ted Cruz
Calling him "our Newt" certainly goes a long way.
L-l-l-l-l-let's be clear, Rand is the best choice
but he talked to much shit and probably isn't even in contention
the best vp pick
>confidential information
>don't redistribute
Yo what are these is Clinton gonna kill me if I look at them?
it's whoever he wants it to be
also I've never seen a man who looked like a 15th century painting
Iowan here, it's going to be our own Joni Ernst
>swing state
Obviously Chris Christie.
You are all retarded.
>pick newt
>get killed
>globalists win again
>not jim webb
But, muh friendshipzzz
We're all forgetting about
Best is he only good pick in the OP
But the Lord of Death is going to be VP you massive faggots
Wow, Christie isn't even in your pic. Good job
1. Webb
2. West
3. Randlet
Christie is the new Attorney General.
Rick Santorum will be the VP. Book it.
Can anyone explain who the DOJ answers to, and if it is indeed an independent department/nt controlled?
Political Party:
He's already an adviser on the Trump campaign.
Reporting in
>offered support for the Dream Act
It's going to be Newt Gingrich. Cap this.
Trump/Berning man?
West or Gingrich
Who is this? Looks like my mom...
Rudy or Rand
Ron, just to fuck up the entire Government
you serious? He's said "our bernie" before, it's just to make people feel "At home" i guess
I hope it's the Randlet tb.h
>Ron (not in congress, but more qualified than Rand)
>Rand (would lose a good senator)
>West (based)
>Sessions (racist accusations too easy, would lose a good senator)
>Newt/Perry tied both have Bush ties, and Neocon ties, yet some good moments.
you will never see a ron paul presidency
Mary Fallin, Governor of Oklahoma
Randlet or sleepy negro
Black man or Ron
Ron would get all those Bernie voters and rustle Hillary's feathers
I'd be willing to bet Trump continues to use a private security force after he is elected.
I've decided to believe FBIanon was legit if it ends up being Flynn.
And boy if that happens we're in for a ride.
only a fucking hillbilly would think jeff is a good choice anyday
or a shill
>>And boy if that happens we're in for a ride.
Why? Redpill me on Flynn.
FBIanon said that Trump is considering Flynn for his VP, I don't remember anyone suggesting him before that (naturally I could have just missed it, but Flynn was not a popular suggestion in any case).
So essentially, if it's Flynn, there's a good chance FBIanon was legit, and if he was legit there's such a huge shitstorm just waiting to be unleashed that it will pretty much dwarf every happening in US politics like, fucking ever.
I feel like Trump is enough of a closet conspiracy nut to pick a Paul, but real talk its gonna be Newt. Sessions is great but adds nothing.