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> jews
No seriously
holy shit. FBI user confirmed for real.
Oh man, this is so fucked.
There is an agency that they can't even name to congress. A entire agency that congress can't even know about.
did fbi user say this SAPs are for drugs and child trafficking?
>All I can tell you about the SAPs is HRC had them, and she did not have proper authority to have any of them. They were leaked to her by someone, and she did sell them to overseas donors. Possessing them alone makes her guilty of treason.
>can't say the agency
>can't give to congress
lmao what the fuck is this?
What's an SAP
There are probably hundreds of them out there. Just "dormant" agencies, that is all.
Comey confirmed for alpha chad
6 foot motherfucking 8
>that picture
Clockwise from top:
Leonid Brezhnev
Gay Elvis
Dr Evil
Generic Evil Girl #2
Dinkleberg with glasses
Ayy lmao
>this is the world government
nice coincidence, that the guy who hacked hillarys mails died yesterdaychristiantimesnewspaper.com
Should I read this book? Is it red pilled? I've heard good things and have some free time coming up
Can somebody get this on youtube?
The following national or international SAPs, unless otherwise noted, are identified in 32 CFR 154.17:
Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI), national intelligence information concerning sources and methods which is protected by control systems defined by the Director of National Intelligence. Note that SCI markings are separate from those of other SAPs.
Single Integrated Operational Plan-Extremely Sensitive Information (SIOP-ESI, replaced by NC2-ESI), the national plan for nuclear war. Note that SIOP-ESI was listed among non-IC dissemination control markings on classified documents, not with other SAPs.
Presidential support activities
Nuclear Weapon Personnel Reliability Program
Chemical Personnel Reliability Program[17]
Access to North Atlantic Treaty Organization classified information at the staff level
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FBI user did it for you
FBI user did it for his country
FBI user did it for free
Now it's your turn
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Oversight Committee Analysis
holy fucking shits its still going?
how real has this shit got???
This. We're literally living in an end of days Rome scenario.
Holy shit he's a thin man from X-Com.
Yes familiarize yourself with Huxley as much as humanly possible.
If an entire agency is operating outside the perview of congress, that is by definition a shadow government
Its the most redpilled dystopian novel there is. 1984 describes how the state rules the inner party, Brave New World describes how the prolls are kept complacent.
Hint: you are not in the inner party
The most terrifying thing about it is that it was written almost a century ago now.
Rage against the dying of the light. +
Funfact, an eposide of Star Trek TOS from way back in the 60s/70s featured a scene where an NSA card appeared for a second.
Second one is free, Gene Roddenberry was present at the projects at SRI.
This possibly needs more attention given to it.
It's breddy gud. You should read 1984 too, after reading this one.
In my opinion Brave New World is the dystopian version of wild capitalism. 1984 would be the dystopian commie version of the world.
Maybe it's for the best? At least they know what they are doing.
SAP's are shit like national plans for what happens in case of WW3 and where the Americas nuclear silos are located
Hillary is so deeply in twined with ZOG that there is NO FUCKING WAY she will lose the Presidency.
This is a false government, completely corrupt to the core. CONGRESS CAN'T EVEN KNOW THE AGENCY! !!!!
Violent revolution is the only way now. Trump won't win without a coup.
Can someone explain to me what does this all means like I'm a 5 years old? I don't understand but I know this is some serious shit, so please help.
I can never be sure about Rome but this time the rebirth is planned for sure.
I dont like to be so melodramatic, it's just mainly that the USA will no longer be a major player.
You think it's a game and you can slit thing in nice little box and see the different red bleu and green endings?
The world will end in mash up of both my white friend.
That was fear. Whenever McCullough was asked who the agency was, he was terrified.
There exists an agency which cannot be named, and it is unaccountable to congress.
No, thats the definition of a classified program. If you didn't think those existed then you're a fucktard. You know the part of the defense budget that is "black"? thats an SAP. Intelligence officers in the field? Those names would be an SAP. Committee chairs in congress and the house get access to them as do need to know people. its not a shadow government you fucktard, its a method to keep state secrets out of the hands of our enemies. millions of people here have access to view secret and top secret programs. it'd be careless to not have security clearances on top of those and keep it very selective as to who can view it. thats why this is so damning for hillary clinton.
People are too damn comfy for that, m8.
Take those comfies away, and you'll see a revolution that will never be televised, because those in the media are the ones that need to be uprooted first.
There are plenty of agencies that the govt doesnt know about.
Shadow governments must exist as a necessity, which doesnt mean they all work together with certainty
There exists many. The NSA isn't even accountable to congress, and its the biggest and oldest continuous spook agency we have.
Its existence was also a secret to many congressmen for many years.
Honestly is a shadow government really that hard to imagine? Congressmen, Presidents, theyre all elected to serve defined terms and then they step down (unless they are reelected).
Meanwhile agents in alphabet agencies, who dont require Congressional oversight or permission (eg CIA), can stay on for life. Couple this with the knowledge and hidden information they have, and I honestly would be more surprised if these agencies didnt have a direct hand in controlling this country.
Considering the nature of geopolitics, it almost makes sense to have a hidden authority level out of public scrutiny to have an equal footing in dealing with foreign governments/intelligence agencies.
So said agency can do anything and is unaccountable for anything? And the FBI admitted said agency in fact, exist?
wtf is hillary a chinese spy?
Did you see how mccullough literally look around to see who was there
The nigger literally looked around in sheer terror to see if he was being watched
watch it again
no surprise
> We got an undercover Sup Forumsack
you tried so hard, heres your (((you)))
In a closed session congress can hear the agency, not while its broadcast on national television. the fact is it was probably NRO or CIA/NSA and it would be wreckless to say which agency because if the emails are hacked you'd be giving away more info that may help someone fill in the pieces.
You are all assuming it's all a spooky terrifying super secret thing.
The guy may just be lying to avoid naming a known agency.
An inspector general did, but yes.
Its a bogus website that publishes complete shit. nobody else reported on this.
>The guy may just be lying to avoid naming a known agency.
literally this. he probably just means the CIA or NSA but cant name them referring to the case
Special Access Program. They're deeply classified, compartmentalized programs. Reverse engineering of downed UFOs etc.
I saw it. He even lowered his voice, as if to whisper. And this was televised. Public! He knew there'd be a record of it, but his instincts told him to recoil at the very thought of the agency in question.
First of all, it should be up to the committee investigating this shit to decide if there is a compelling pubic interest in them being included in the investigation.
Secondly, they should be permitted to make the request to the agency holding the information themselves. They don't need the investigator to go ask for them.
IF she had them dox on her private server, and IF Romania stole em, then there's a good chance Russia now has an overview and details of the US nuclear program.
Which explains why the guy said he couldnt mention which agency it was.
Not because it's a black super secret elite agency, but because he wanted to save his ass from being killed if he was the one to spill the beans
for you
So its only relating to a
>black project
>us nuclear battle plan
>us chemical plan
>staff level NATO documents
Gonna say its not number 4...
Russia already has this information you tool.
They know all about your polaris refit too.
It's not like this information is actually secret.
the truth is free, information is free, and secrecy will always in the end be revealed, also, jesus christ is lord!
lol whatever Spain, fear of being killed for doing something a secret agency doesn't like is effectively a shadow government. Our having a vague knowledge of the existence of these people does not mean they are no longer a shadow government.
I suppose anybody who has paid attention since at the very least snowden or going back further to 2007 would be aware that these agencies have congress hamstringed, but the excessive secrecy of these agencies is a problem.
The very fact that an agency owns blackmailable information on a presidential candidate is a serious problem for democracy.
Shut up and love big brother my weed man.
It's happening.
Kinda shitty quality because I used a screen recorder.
I converted it to webm to reduce file size and cut out parts before and after where I was moving my cursor.
Webm can be uploaded to youtube.
Someone has to upload it because I'm not going to.
A shadow government surely exists, what I'm saying is you're all jumping the shark by assuming that agency which he doesnt want to mention is an unknown super spooky black ops thing instead of a known agency which he didnt want to name.
You dont need a scary boogeyman to explain terrible and unbelievable things. Known agencies could have done it just as well
>Not because it's a black super secret elite agency, but because he wanted to save his ass from being killed if he was the one to spill the beans
That's literally the same fucking conclusion you mongoloid berber
Kek where are you guys from?
Ask Hillary's friends, they probably know.
>1 post by this ID
>post a memefrog
fucking kek get out of here
Rome had it's ups and downs. Caesar might show up any day and fix things
Well it's all downhill from here boys
How low will tinfoils sink to frame Hillary?
Also reported because this thread belongs on /x/.
That's what we fear m8. The roman republic lasted twice as long as ours if we get our Cesar now. Fall will come sooner.
Here's the webm in a smaller form so it can be posted on /wsg/.
>literally can't name anything about the agency in public
>and he claims he's redpilled
loll there's like 5 threads on this general subject, hang yourself kike
It's always darkest before The Don.
If Sup Forums can get a congressional committee to frame Hillary Clinton then you should fear our power. That or just watch the fucking link from Cspan
Truly we are lower than sheep to these people
>HILLARY CLINTON (and her staffers, along with anyone who hacked her) HAS ACCESS TO INFORMATION THAT THE FUCKING INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY INSPECTOR GENERAL DOESN'T HAVE ACCESS TO (and had to be read in, to even be able to discuss the contents)
I mean, it's bad enough before, but the full picture is even more grim. Comey essentially shit all over her in her statement then said he wasn't going to do anything. This is because he lacked the power, and that is now clear.
Who can punish the executive branch of the United States government?
Only the congress, theoretically, and they are trying to use executive branch tools to do it. Its either grandstanding or a good indication of exactly how meaningless our republic is.
George HW Bush: “If the American people ever find out what we have done, they would chase us down the street and lynch us.”
The shadow government is so close to there goal
She was Secretary of State at the time, right? That's the equivalent to the Home Secretary here. Don't know how the hierarchy works in the US, but the Home Secretary and the Prime Minister are top of the list when it comes to classified information. They have access to information no one else in government has, and that includes intelligence staff who are subordinate to them. There are hundreds of congressmen, many of them with dual citizenship. You can't seriously expect all of them to have access to the juicy stuff, that would be a massive security risk.
You think the EU is a part of Russia?
Also Russia and China are tied together.
Top of the list here are appointed bureaucrats who have no real party affiliation.
yeah def. nato stuff
yo this is some crazy shit
lol wow I remember reading about him disappearing from where he was supposed to be held a couple days ago.
If the EU had any balls and was not an american cuckold leash then they would blanket ban extradition to the United States over shit like this.