how does this image make you feel Sup Forums?
How does this image make you feel Sup Forums?
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Usain Bolt?
his arms look long as fuck
What went wrong?
It is a cultural thing. I have met French blacks who were a walking French stereotype and proud of the country. And I met white French who were degenerate faggots inviting in niggers from Senegal.
Lol how can a black be proud of something that have nothing to do with him?
ready to grab those witte bitchez
The only white French I've met were like in yours description
Like MJ when he makes that dunk at the end of Space Jam.
Not surprising for a former colonial power such as France.If you didn't want decolonisation to happen maybe you shouldn't have gotten into 2 world wars that would weaken europe forever.
Blacks have been in France for generations. Not every black is recent immigrant.
It made me kek, because "blacks are good at sports" meme was destroyed today yet again when ethnic German scored two times against the team of Germany. Stay mad blackboi.
Germany declared war on France in WWI
Some cats live in stables for generations.
Those are the arms of an ape.
I am more keked that even the few white guys in french time aren't french
yeah no shit pepik but it doesn't make them french you know?
it really makes me think
I can't even pretend to be surprised.
That doesn't even make sense you heroin junkie. Didn't an 80 percent black team beat a 95 percent white team? Just because Griezmann took Evra's (black) penalty and finished Pogba's (black) cross doesn't mean whites win all of a sudden
Guess nationalism is rising
good, no?
>it doesn't make them french you know?
Algeria was a French colony for a long time, maybe if they didn't ship so many of them to mainland French they wouldn't have so many problems with them.
I also think that its hilarious that there is like 3 whites in the nationals football team of French, but lot of them have been there for more than 2-3 generations so its not like its their fault they were born there.
France literally wanted to turn Algeria into a French state.
the biggest kek of all is that all the countries which are laughed on Sup Forums for being not white (Poland, Croatia, Romania, Ukraine) had whiter teams than them.
Hell even Albania had whiter team than France xD
>have a full white team and get eliminated in the group stage
>have a full black team and win the cup
which is better
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The war was inevitable ever since the franco-prussian war of 1870 happened.France wanted its pride,revenge and alsace along with lorraine.What they got was a severly maimed male population, which forced them to import manual labour from their colonies, hence why so many movements for nigger/woman rights started rising afterwards.Not only that, but the ww1 peace deal was retarded, france enver got its reperations back, and all they achieved was to casue a second world war.
I am more interested in how do french whites feel about this ?
Also football fans are usually known as racists , do the french people actually sincerely cheer for their blacked team ?
Well, Romania has several millions of gypsies still and a lot of their population has gypsy blood. Quarter-half of Balkanians have Turkish blood. Thusly making them not White. Poland and Ukraine are based though.
Whitey scored the goals
France literally pulled their military away from the border to keep Germany from attacking them.
Even South American teams are whiter than western "European" teams.
Pogba literally posted With Open Gates on his facebook, and said 'Please watch this, it is important' or sth. He's quite based.
t. Mongol rape baby
Only Sup Forums autist like you care about this. Uruguay team is more white than England or Netherland ... and? What's your point? We don't fucking care you dumbshit
come home white man
Viva la France!
Pipe down Lukaku
t. Wolga German
contrary to memes, ethnic Russkies are pure Europeans, whereas Turkish admixture in the Balkans and gypsy blood in Romanka is a fact. If you are a pure European, you have nothing to hide, right? ^_^ why getting pissed about deporting tainted countrymen?:)
Nothing personnel, kid.
it makes me feel better about not living in western europe
>How does this image make you feel
You can put a French flag around a monkey, it doesnt make the monkey French nor does it make him not a monkey.
Its nothing.
Yes, everybody rather live in fucking shithole Hungary than in London, sure faggot
It will soon become apparent enough to the masses that niggers are a pest that no amount of sports nor rap nor big dick will save them
At the rate London's going, sure.
lol not even the British like London you retard, is your name unironically Ahmed?
A true Frenchman
A beautiful image of a perfectly assimilated French patriot.
A nigger and still more patriotic about an European country that isn't his than you
Apes need long arms to reach the bananas
>lol not even the British like London you retard, is your name unironically Ahmed?
London is 60% white. And ALL the nonwhites in the UK live there.
It's whiter than NYC, LA, and major US cities.
I'd sure as hell rather live in Budapest than Londonistan.The quality of life is pretty good and it's WHITE.
>they give their maximum on the field
>behave well
>act professional
I have no problem with that.
Blacks in France anyway are mostly different than american niggers (aside of island niggers who are the same), firstly because they have never been selectively bred like bulls, secondly they don't have this hate toward whites.
Magrhebis (ie muslims) are the real french problem, they should all be deported back in Algeria and Morocco.
I'' take patriotic niggers over white degenerate anti american leftist faggots anyday
Even if it was 40% white, it still fucking better than living in Hungary. London alone had better economy than slav shithole country.
Come on let's be serious, that like saying would you rather live in Lithuania or in New York...
>ALL the nonwhites in the UK live in London
Another American who knows everything about Europe even though he's never been there
>France anyway are mostly different than american nigger
Not in my experience. Most of the black here act like african american seriously, they listen and love Beyonce, Rihanna, dream to go in USA ...
blacks aren't an issue in France, usually they are civilized, not like arabs.Those are more problematic
Pogbas decent remember during the terror attacks in Paris last year he shared this Sup Forums video on his Facebook and was saying Europe is in danger.
Travel a little, poorfag 1/16 Cherokee 1/64 Negro mudblood. Midlands are full of non-whites, Glasgow is getting enriched, Bradford, Luton, Leicester, Birmingham. It's not in London, you stupid faggot.
Heh. Blacks weren't an issue in the US at one point too.
meh Germany had a shit team this year.
World Cup team was best
your number 8 is like 12 years old or what ?
Better than burning it.
He's checking these repeating digits
switch the digits
Only in the jungle you need to be a man at 15
MFW Algerian flags everywhere in the streets of France this night....
literally the worst european capital I saw in my life
Ho. So he's actually 40. sorry man.
The French have historically black soldiers that they would send in first; football is no different.
Are all other races jealous of the Black Man's superior strength, speed, and sexual performance? A hung Black bull is a natural alpha in ANY situation, so why is bad for the females of other races to choose the superior male? Black Men are more: Stronger, Faster, Taller, Better Looking on average, Well Hung, Virile, Intelligent, Confident, Musical. Say "haha n-nigger" all you want online pussy ass white boy but on the streets if I saw you I would beat your shit in and steel your girl and put a Black Nubian Child in her fertile womb. Your forked tongue white babylon ways can't support you forever pussy whit boys haile selassie
Go be fat somewhere else pls.
Did he really share that?
Didnt that Pogba guy get in trouble because he saw that Sup Forums refugee video that Youtube took down and said they need to stop Muslim immigration?
ITT: Non-football fans think they know anything
If whites are so superior, why the fuck are there no white teams in the final? Is it a jewish conspiracy?
Its France vs Portugal in the final, two borderline African teams.
Rage ?
goongele mbeka mabooka boombeo, ungoko t'em dabaka
World cup 2014 ??
The real question is why no African country can't win a world cup ?
weird, they don't even give a shit about the nation itself
wales played better portugal and germany played better than france. germany got scammed out of 3 penalties because france is hosting the tournament. france only won because they scored a penalty ( which was illegitimate to me and anyone watching the game at the same times as me ) and a goal on the counter attack phase. portugal did the same, they scored two shitty counter attack goals and had the referre favour them, much like the referee favoured france today
Ok, but dont pretend Germany doesnt have non-whites that are integral to the team.
Their best defender is Boateng, Ozil is essential to their style, Khedira is too.
Great response, I was just expecting to be called a cuck desu.
better question is how could England lose with Iceland xD
Ok, but Germany isnt a 'white' team. The ref favoured France them because he was Italian and still butthurt.
Neither is Wales. Their captain is black, as are other players such as Robson-Kanu.
berembooni me friendeo
kill all the black people
>Russians and facts
>90% of the team is nogs and mudslims
>tiny white guy has to save every difficult match
You can't make this shit up
8 of the 11 were sub saharan African
>French team
Fucking hell.
France is 18% Muslim and 23% of the nation is non white.
Average white is 47 years old. Average non white is 21.
>implying Londonistan or Qasr-Paris aren't shitholes.
London is 39% white and riddled with no go areas for remaining whites, the east end has been ethnically cleansed of whites. I'd rather live in Budapest than Londonistan mate.
Sup Forums BTFO
There's a difference between a black williams and a black n'golo mbeka. That said the ref comes from homoland and thus is a faggot, also being an architect classifies him as a proud cuk.
Pogba have not a jewbook.
it's not official surely a fatburger
pogba is an ok lad imo
>London is 60% white. And ALL the nonwhites in the UK live there.
Fucking hell. Why are so many Americans so incredibly geographically challenged and generally thick as shit when it comes to anything outside their country?
Thank-you Russia