>We are all the same color.
The pro-mixing propaganda and pro-multiculturalism starts.
We are all the same color
>on est tous de la même couleur
>marron caca
>diversity is good
>all races are the same
>one is all of the same color
is that the correct translation? only lived in france for a few months
also, paris, where I lived, is hell on earth
Finished watching the game earlier. 98% of the french team are black.
i been to paris in 2012 there is more niggers then whites there i thought i was visiting africa
more like 100%
there are no more white people in france anyway
I Know I'm gonna get a lot of hate but what could be better than : whites, blacks, arabs and chincks being proud of being french?
If they are proud to be french then As a white I'm glad to see the assimilation worked
>meme colour
so in order to be a proud frenchman all you have to do is acquire citizenship (which, if you aren't a third world asylum seeker, you can literally just buy) and act sentimental for 2 minutes when a la marsaillaise is played?
>marron caca
France and America confirmed for meme colours.
I ventured on Sup Forums to see the butthurt, and I was not disappointed.
>We are all of the same colour
I just say it's better that they feel french than being ghetto thugs with no identity and burn our flag
>being this paranoid
Come on, you know what they mean. They all play in blue. Now if they're all foreign-born that might be different, but I don't get butthurt when my NFL team isn't all white.
>I just say it's better that they feel french than being ghetto thugs with no identity and burn our flag
In the long term, the result is the same. France is dying and will soon go past the point of no return.
Cucks like you should fucking kill themselves.
It is written same color, not "all blue".
You're being ignorant, you have tons of spics and blacks, if they don't assimilate your country will burn.
So they better assimilate if you don"t wont millions of deaths for nothing.
Also I'm not a cuck, It's just make sense,
>Also I'm not a cuck, It's just make sense,
You are the definition of a delusional cuck.
If they "assimilate", they will mix your people and culture out of existence. There will be no France or French people. It's death all the same. So, yes, you're a suicidal cuck.
it's the implication
Then What are you Gonna do tell me ? Also I don't support immigration or the migrants problems, I thinks we should help them in their country so they don't come.
do you like getting blacked ?
>as a white
Get fucked pedale
Amazing arguments here; try to not shitposting at least, now tell me how you deal with the assimilation problem?
You did not hear what the commentators said.
"Sport brings us, France black, white, brown is the image we want see in Fance"... bla bla bla
Let him.
Americans are obsessed with races because their identity is too fragile and thin to be based on anything else, that's why they are inventors of identity politics and affirmative actions by the way.
If all blacks in France had the same mindset toward the country than the black players have toward the team there would be no problem.
Anyway muslims and maghrebis are far more toxic than the niggers.
do you want the migrants to blend into your population ? do you have a problem with it or don't care?
>I thinks we should help them in their country so they don't come
Stop. Just stop.
No, I thinks they should stay a minority but they also need to assimilate, I never asked for race breeding, I just thinks it's good to see them be happy to be French than hating us
My god being french could be such a pain in the ass sometimes. Wake up you surrender faggots.
anyone have that link with the japanese lady who was visiting France and thought she was costing Africa?
>t. Mixed-race freak
I wish he was.
Will the UEFA cup and the team be used as propaganda/arguments against FN in the upcoming elections?
Yeah they always do that here especially when "France"had won the mondial cup in 98. Soccer is for niggers.
>nevermind all these ghettos and racial riots, because some people cheered during a sports game assimilation is working
american cuck who thinks that french citizenship can be r
earned with cash...you dumb fuck just try to get it, u'll get shit.
I'm convinced that euro is rigged. It is for boast the multiculturalism as for the world cup 1998. During that time, the PM passed laws by force with 49.3 and the president made his campaign in stadiums after matches.
Because is white.
He is
its funny to see americuks who think they can become french...sorry fatty you will never become french.
but funny how you guys fucking beg us to get the shitty green card. i remember at uni they kept telling us to get it for nothing.
your fucking country is for sale nigger
mais non ca fesait référence à la couleur bleu, ces trou duc d'americains voient la multiculti partt...
> never become french.
>pic related
What a loss.
Fucking hell France. It was like watching Africa playing football
>La même
Anyone ever get tired of all the racism on this board?
All that feigned disgust, psuedo science and irrational hatred. Its all so draining.
Its just so vain and superficial.
Justement non ils ont choisi d'écrire "même couleur" et pas "tous bleu". D'ailleurs après le match on à eu droit aux commentaires pro multiculturelle de Denis Brogniart et toute la compagnie qui vanter le peuple "black, blanc, beur"...