Are Peruvian women wife material? How does Peru rank among South American countries?
Are Peruvian women wife material? How does Peru rank among South American countries?
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Everybody hates them in Dota 2.
Peruvians are Dota 2 fans? Explain.
They act like literal pre-history savages while playing, in both voice chat and text chat. It doesn't help that 99% of their players are complete shit and shit MMR.
I find it amusing that the last Incan emperor converted to Catholicism. Albeit, it was under duress, I'm sure, but the fact remains.
Also, I am married to a Peru.
Why are you asking Sup Forums if Peruvian women are wife material, if you're married to one? Shouldn't you be the one telling us the answer?
literally just got married. and i dont want to impose my confirmation bias, amigo
They cook well and are based as fuck
Why do Peruvians have such short temper? Also, their Spanish is so weird.
Tell us how it's been so far. There isn't many Peruvian posters on Sup Forums.
just as shitty as mexicans
It's been awesome. The only problem is the language/ culture barrier, but I think that is easily overcome with time. *crosses fingers*
Yes, peru is r a r e f l a g. But their spanish is most beautiful. More like Spaniards' Spanish than other S Americans
She does whatever I ask her, sex is literally best I've ever had, part of the reason i married her. I've had around 10 women overall, but Peru is winner in this category.
I am just having a minor problem getting past the passionate fights in our relationship.... Idk how to approach our fights in order to make the best of it, you know?
Experience thus far is this^
Explain, por favor.
Peruvians are the swarthiest of all the Latinas.
They're some of the shortest people on earth and I hate them for it.
Latinas expire at 23 on average
How old is she?
You've married someone that you don't know how to reconcile arguments with. Her being Peruvian is not the problem here.
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Not my family... My family is not the rule though rather the exception.
the arguments get reconciled. I never said that her being Peruvian was a problem. I merely asked the opinions of many user-sans.
Most of South America is shit man.
I would macchu in her pichu if you know what I mean.
peruvians are celestial entities compared to you
I would disagree lollllll
leaf pls
srsly, anons. Anyone actually have experience with Peruvian people? They seem awesome so far.
Half my family is either from Peru or lives there. And yes they got here legally, we are not central american scum.
considering I just got married, half my family is Peruvian as well. What's your point? And what are the differences between the Peruvian side and otherwise?
>you will never watch the sun hit that ridge just right while sipping Inca Cola together with your qt Peruvian gf
If I'm gonna go tan, I'd rather have a SE Asian qt. Less attitude.
>you will never join the priest class in the mountain retreat on Machu Picchu and be isolated from the world as it goes to shit
Maybe he isnt into flat girls
In general, what I've learned is Peruvians argue a lot, however the arguments are never escelate to the point where a family member is yelling from one ende of the table to the other. And the men have first say and priority in an argument.
>How does Peru rank among South American countries?
They are to Argentina what Mexico is to the US.
Low-IQ, thieving, illegal immigrant brown subhumans.
You are spared from having to interact with all these animals (Peruvians, Bolivians, Paraguayans, etc) because they migrate south rather than north.
Your country is leaf tier cucked.
can confirm, worse than cykas
Yes it is.
I voted for the current conservative government.
And they come up with this shit.
Girls are good but kinda ugly, i guess they're better than Brazilians, or Colombians, or even Argies since they are one of the least crazy
I don't care about Argentina. You guys think you are literally the best s American country. I'm beginning to think it's actually Peru.
This is OP btw. Pic related is mi esposa
Peruvians are the ugliest humans on the planet
Yeah...because HUEHUEHEUEHUE are not a problem at all...
I don't give a shit about what you think.
I just want the millions of illegals out.
You can take them all if you like them so much.
You seem to have made up your mind already anyway so I don't see the point of this thread.
The point of this thread was to brag about his wife. That's literally it.
Just like Argentinians have made up their mind.
I don't see the point of your existence.
And what does it even mean to be "illegal" in South America. Your country got founded by a bunch of infighting about 150 years ago. Seems like it's time for the stalemate to end. "Illegals" is a misnomer, my brown-colored friend.
>tfw no Peruvian gf to racemix with
The point of this thread was to see what other peoples' experiences with Peruvian people have been. Seems to be pretty good so far.
>"No man is illegal" left-wing tier-trolling
>Subtle "argies are not white" meme
i give you a 2/10
qt feet
so they act like brazilians? at least they speak human unlike u and porkugal.
women expire at 18
hate those bastards, really. Thats why I only play in american servers.
you have never dated a Cuban girl
Tu esposa se parece como mierda. Jajajajajaja.
if you want you're kids to be half pigmy, then sure.
though personally, I'd rather have non-manlet children.
All memes aside, Iberian Mexican girls are the best Latinas, and in second place, stand the non-nigger girls of Colombia.
All Caribbean Latinas are in the lowest tier. Why would anyone date one?
Peruvian here. Unlike Mexicans there are very few ghetto ones, and they can be very sweet, I wouldn't say they are the cutest of all Latinos tho. I'm more attracted to light skinned Mexican chicks. Real Mexicans, not American Mexicans who listen to shitty rap.
Based Laura, better than blonde kike Springer.
I though Sup Forums black people.
Post nudes of wife, I need to know what Peru tatas look like
It's funny you mention that. My mom once told how she and dad took a trip to Miami once and ever since then she developed a prejudiced for Cubans, appear they are very rude and loud. I also heard Puerto Ricans are very shit too. Any Florida anima who can confirm this?
Every woman is wife material = material to ruin your life.
I'm from Georgia, but I often visit Florida in the summer. They are indeed total pieces of shit. Dominicans are fucking pieces of shit too, and Puerto Ricans are indeed as bad as you have heard.
white Floridanon here, not from Miami but I did live in the adjacent metro area (broward county)
Miami became shit after the mariel boat lift. Prior to mariel, the Cuban community was noble, hard working, and intellegent. Nowadays you have chonga tiered women who listen to EDM or reggaeton music. The hispanic population isn't necessarily violent but they don't understand the rule of law and the system of accountability here in the US.
Miami is listed as the rudest city in the US (article from fucking yesterday)
> be me
> sceond girlfriend is a cubanita
> olive skin
> green eyes
> big ass and tits
> she's 6/10 because hairy and sideburns too
> absolute freak in bed
> her mom was divorced and dad was nowhere to be found
> tfw she cheated on me during my 21st birthday
I was a teenager back then; I'm married to a white girl now, I don't understand whites who date hispanics. Even their second generation here in the states is a completely different culture. No loyalty to us gringos, the US, or even ironically themselves.
they make absolute god tier sandwiches and coffee, though
>el peruANO
Ugliest women in all of South America, and it's not even close
>Are Peruvian women wife material?
I dont know user, you tell me...
looks kinda like a slut tbqh senpai
To be honest family, Chile food a best South American
Why does she look like a gook?