Cunt claims you can't be racist against white people

Cunt claims you can't be racist against white people.

You know what to do boys.

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Link the specific tweet dipshit.


This, not going to search

Are there any written explanations of the thought process that goes into believing that one individual cannot be racist towards another race if said individual is part of a particular race?

Just wonderin how that shit goes down upstairs famalam.

someone call her a subhuman nigger and tell her to not speak out of place for me

Here's the tweet:



Great, then I can't be rayciss either.
This is just an excuse made by leftists/SJWs to defend bad behavior. Many of these people are just racists that hide behind their cause just like many feminists are a bunch of misandrists.

People like this need their head bashed in for being so hypocrite. Just call her some racial slur back, let's see how she likes that.




i think the idea is that an essential part of racism is that there's a power dynamic - in American/western society, whites have power and use it to abuse minorities, therefore they are racist. Blacks may dislike whites but they have no power to act on these beliefs, therefore they cannot be racist. It's really just an argument about semantics that has become extremely stupid. i might be wrong though, just basing on what i've heard.

Thats the kind of nigger the american has been nurturing the past decades. Full of privileges, support from the media and no responsibilities. This cancer is spreading to south america as well. Fuck off emerica.


so they redefined the term to fit their needs it sounds like

sounds about right when it comes to lefty scum

yes, it was redefined by a black professor some time ago iirc. Also, one could make the argument that blacks now do have a modicum of power in the mainstream media, in pop culture, etc and that they use this power to express their likes and dislikes much like whites can and do - if by expressing their opinions they make people change their behavior and beliefs, that is power. Therefore it's becoming reasonable to use their own argument against them.

Or shes a troll account.

> Hard to tell these days, huh?