Why is Portuguese food such utter shit? Nothing but disgusting runny yolks.
Why is Portuguese food such utter shit? Nothing but disgusting runny yolks
>he doesn't like runny yolk
wew lad
Because Portugal is just a cheap, irrelevant and cultureless version of Spain.
>Being this much a peasent subhuman
>download (62)
did u download 61 egg pics from google images to shitpost earlier today
>says as he munches a cheeseburger with mayo
Why are amerifats afraid of runny yolks?
>all these butthurt Portuguese monkeys
It's just eggs bro
Only women and children don't flip their eggs
Okay little Africa
Because the atrocious conditions chickens are factory farmed in results in 1 in 20k eggs containing e coli.
Say I were to go to a Portuguese restaurant.
What should I order?
Look in Sup Forums, he did.
We're not, OP is a fag
Fuck I love softboiled eggs too. Must get fresh eggs, not grocery store eggs
anything related to 'run' or motion in general strikes fear in their hearts
I downloaded 61 cocks into your mom you monkey.
I think hispanic food really take the cake for the most uncreative
they just grind stuff, wrap it up, and put rice or cheese with it
Literal shit on a stick.
That's what they eat
Raise chickens in your backyard, if you don't live in a cucked jurisdiction
unseasoned seafood, apparently
I can tell by what you've just said that the extent of your Hispanic foods knowledge is Del Taco
Could you be any more pleb?
most new world food is just a different version of some european food.
Yolk + rice
Thanks papa
Picture an American diner that has variations of food. Sandwiches, burgers, fries, spaghetti, pizza. Portuguese food is the same thing only they put an egg on it.
oh no, I forgot the tamales made of lard and empanadas!
really really lazy food
Fuck that looks good
But seriously if that's a Portuguese meal then you people have no business calling us Amerifats
Your obesity is probably lower only because of the legal appetite suppressing drugs available.
Because they expelled the Jews.
>implying prime American food isn't god-tier because of our unparalleled California soil and culture of constant innovation
Not even sure why an american would be thinking so much about the portuguese. Did you girlfriend get fucked by a Rodrigo?
All food is like that
You could say American food is just three things stacked together
Or Japanese food is just crab, avocado and rice rolled up in seaweed
There's only so many ways you can present food I guess
I have my reasons.
May I have some Emu meatballs please
its a butthurt burger from a /sp thread
Why is Brazilian food so godly by contrast?
Lamprey rice
He's some butthurt faggot from Sup Forums that couldn't handle being universally wrong about eggs.
Don't you get a keen sense of satisfaction from breaking the yolk?
No. Hispanic food is basic ingredients mixed with more basic ingredients. That's it.
I'm getting into cooking and there's so much mixing of ingredients and so much technique, but hispanic food is so fucking lazy.
> Because France is just a cheap, irrelevant and cultureless version of Africa.
idk how france is raping the euro atm without their african slaves
Doesn't that shit cause cancer?
>not eating a Francesinha (translation: Little french girl) at least once a week
I don't know how you can live like that.
>california rolls
>japanese food
you're on a mexican architecture board and you don't know anything about jap food
wow... de toda a comida que exste em portugal escolhes a pior merda...
Arroz delicioso mas infelizmente estragado por cobra de água ...
Salvadorian place opened up down the road. Can anybody recommend or is it just spicy dirt cakes?
t. faggot spaniard with a proxy
"Hispanic" food isn't even monolithic. If you think it is I question how deep you have really explored "Hispanic" food.
because they are sub-human shit skins.
>that sauce is almost spilling out
try it bro, worst case scenario you drop by mcdonalds afterwards
Could you even be any more of a pleb?
Look, I understand you probably live in some shithole like Indiana, but try to imagine the perfect combination of crunchy/savory/spicy that is well-made tripas with homemade salsa, fresh onions, and cilantro, all balanced by the crisp tang of pickled jalapeno and carrot. I don't know man, I can't describe to you your loss, I can only feel bad for you
Why does shitpost always sound funnier with Aussie flag
>brit talking shit about gravy
what, do you hate the Queen as well?
Only a samefagging fag would talk shit about Portugal multiple times, specially food-wise, since we have the best food in europe.
Neither does the guy I responded to
He thinks "Hispanic" food is a Seven Layer Burrito
>worst case scenario you drop by mcdonalds afterwards
heh, well I was gonna do that anyway
I'm hispanic
I eat fresh hispanic food all the time
More lazy Hispanic food
Nope, that guy just thinks that is a bunch of basic crap thrown into a tortilla
a dose desta merda custa 35€ nalguns lados. Come tu a merda do bitoque se quiseres.
The only good latino food country is Peru everyone else can kindly go fuck themselves.
Say what you will about McDonald's, but it is the only food on the planet that does not get old no matter how many times you eat it. I'm not even kidding.
Yes, I know. They put artificial flavorings and addictive substances in it.
Here's better.
Oh go choke on some keen-wa lol
>tfw you will never be able to eat afordable seafood everyday.
I'm not hating on McD's mate, I enjoy it just as much as the next guy
although I wouldn't mind if they made a burger with an egg on top
Best steak I've ever had (in Lisbon), raised in Texas for 19 years too.
What are those things? Some kind of bug?
I went on holiday to Portugal once, used to go quite a bit.
Ordered sausages for breakfast.
They gave me hot dogs.
I shit you not, hot dogs for breakfast.
Looks like hungry man kek
They do
had that for breakfast yesterday, with a sunny side up on top
delicious cheap hangover food
Looks pretty nice, sempai. How much would you pay for that ?
not where I live
The best hangover food is a nice 6 mile run fatty.
That's just not fair the only thing that even comes close is American-chinese food