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well that just shows how much self-distructive islam can be
ISIS is not the first nor the last extremist group to destroy mosques
Alluha Akbar
Mohammad himself attacked Mecca.
It's only when they get their own shit blown up that they freak out
>Ramadan – This word literally means “One that Burns” According to scholars, in this month the Sins are burnt away… therefore it is called Ramadan.
>The Month of Ramadan begins when the new crescent is sighted on the 29th of Shabaan otherwise it starts after the 30 days of Shabaan are completed.(Bukhari)
>It is the month during which prophethood was granted to Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhe Wasallam. Q
>Quran was revealed in this month.
>The Lailatul Qadr, the night on which Quran was revealed and a night which is better than a thousand months falls in this month.
>Battle of Badr was fought and won in this month.
>Makkah was conquered by the Muslims in this month.
>Voluntary (nafil) acts are given a reward equal to obligatory (fard) acts.
>The reward of obligatory (fard) acts is increased 70 times in Ramadan.
>The doors of heaven are opened in this month and the doors of hell are closed.
>Devils are chained in this month.
>Mercy is poured down to Earth during Ramadan.
They literally try to recrated Muhammeds "best" years
Because so many Americans give a shit about the wedding parties being bombed overseas by the gubmint
And plenty of Muslims do care about the attacks happening in the west. But most ISIS victims are Muslims in the ME
>who are the shiites and the sunnis
Yes because Islam isn't rife with sectarian conflict, nope. It's just one giant happy religion where everyone got along until ISIS.
falls into he trap of believing Islam is one thing, there are a thousand and one different Islamic sects most of whom consider the other sects to be heretics except when convenient. Christians do the same thing just.
nice slide thread bro
You were rekt the 10 other times you posted this.
Get the fuck out you fucking sandnigger.
ISIS is muslic, KKK and Westboro are Christian, just because some group goes military/you don't like how they follow the same text (which they follow just as you do) doesn't mean they aren't part of your religion
Well according to pol it is one thing, and that one thing is a religion that supports terrorist organizations like ISIS.
>Be white supremacist
>Be retarded
Sorry user, I haven't posted this before
You forgot to say that Chiits and Sunnists hate themselves more than anything else (even atheists).
ISIS are pretty all extremists-Sunnists and guys that never read anything exept mangas and Facebook.
Go call the pope a cuck for me.
true but Sup Forums is a mess I miss the good old days where it was just a continuous war between libertarians and communists, at least they made logically coherent arguments
Simple: Use their logic agaisnt them
most of em are Qutbists although I doubt many have actually read Milestones
all Islam is shit.
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>Kek, 2nd holiest. That title.
Question - is the Holy War forbidden during the Ramadan ?
>It's just one giant happy religion where everyone got along until ISIS
They don't believe that. They believe it was just one giant happy religion where everyone got along until white men
in all honesty, the KKK has been about as nonviolent as it gets. most of the time it's other people attacking them
no, if you're engaged in warfare you can defer it until later
Damn. For a religion that warmongering that is one stupid rule
ah think you misinterpreted what I said, I meant that you can delay Ramadan until later
ISIS represents Islam.
And the fourth crusade sacked Constantinople. I don't see a problem here.
Indeed I did, it is kind of late here.
Great. Now every bombing can be attributed to the Holy War and the purging of infidels and people unworthy of Allah.
A holy war for a holy cause, how is ISIS not the true Islam ?
Quran (9:29) - "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."
ALL muslims believe in the KORAAAAN, so they all want to enslave and kill every non muslim. DO NOT TRUST MUSLIMS.
ISIS represents Islam.
If I was a strong willed christian who wanted to stick it to christians I see as lesser for perpetuating christmas as a holiday of consumerism instead of the day of the birth of our lord and savior Jesus Christ I would blow up a church during midnight mass.
>3 Posts by this id.
Internal struggles within Islam, due to a lack of a central authority especially as ISIS and other orthodox muslims have legitimate grievances based on their holy writings against the Saudis do not make them not muslims.
In fact, it does very much make them muslims. The essence of what Islam stands for. They are the closest to "true islam" we've seen in a long time.
Yeah, Muslims hate themselves as much as they hate everyone else. But when you live in the same area as one group it is easier to just kill them than move elsewhere and kill there.
>Ruining the Levant and Anatolia forever to make a quick buck
Are Italians the ultimate mischiefmen?
shit, what was it?
>holy see
Brits learned the hard way you can't just take religious holidays of
>It's Christmas, surely George Washington won't attack us on Christmas right?
>Not slitting sleeping men's throats on Christmas day
Because Muslims never killed eachother or destroyed holy sites. Forget the whole Sunni/Shia thing.
>ISIS bombing their own Muslim brethren does not mean Muslims are all bad!
>That one Christian guy who shot an abortion doctor represents ALL Christians!!!!
Yep, faggot liberal logic sure is neat.
Why does no one bring up the long European wars of religion as counter to this nonsense?
ISIS represents islam
What don't you get about this? ISIS think that they and allied groups are THE ONLY MUSLIMS IN THE WORLD.
To use another example: Protestants who take their faith seriously don't think that Catholics are Christians.
The terrifying thing is that if you take the Quran intellectually seriously, ISIS has a better claim. And since the Quran will always exist, this intellectual cleansing will always exist.
"Moderate Muslims" are purely the result of confusion. Why would anyone be "moderate" about the most important aspects of the universe?
Nice strawman. Nobody was actually saying he represented all christians, they were just pointing out the retarded hypocrisy of the right blaming all muslims for terrorism.
Sort of like what you just tried to do, except it actually made sense when the libs did it because they were exposing hypocrisy not defending it
>ISLAMIC state of Iraq and Syria
Hurrrr they killed other Muslims, that means they have nothing to do with Islam
Shia and Sunnis have been killing each other a lot longer than ISIS has been around, and nobody claims that they aren't Muslim. ISIS is killing what they believe to be false Muslims who aren't devout enough.
>Islam is self destructive and irrational
Checks out