What is the Ultimate Redpill?
pic unrelated
What is the Ultimate Redpill?
pic unrelated
If you're white everyone will assume you're racist so there is no reason not to be.
Jews are actually a last ditch attempt to save the white race.
They are the only white people who can claim to be discriminated against, and thus will be preserved into the future.
History is mostly lies.
There are greater conspiracies controlling the human population whether you like to think they are or not and most likely will be for all of human history if we ever die out
Everything could change
Whether you like it or not you make an impact on human history
Most people are uncompromising tools
LSD and Islam desu
we already lost.
jews want to destroy the white race
hitler was right
its depressing to know those things.
He said ultimate red pill not blue pill mudshits.
Realizing there is no mythic bullshit, no fucking forever and ever in fairyland but only the final death is the ultimate red pill.
There are no conspiracies.
Anything that can be called a conspiracy is much easier to attribute to ignorance on a mind-boggling scale.
If you think person A and person B are conspiring against person C, its much more likely that both persons A and B are just fucking morons whos actions both happen to have detrimental effects on person C. Repeat ad nauseum ad infinium.
Humanity was better off when there were only about a billion of us.
War can ever, ever be removed from our existence. Anything that is alive also fights to stay alive, from elephants and blue whales to sea anemones and earthworms.
Die juden sind die kinder der teufel
Freedom is a spook
Any debate over the existence of any God is a Marxist strawman
The redpill doesn't exist, Globalization is good, white people are racist by nature, Islam is the religion of peace, LGBT rights are good, fascism is a terrible concept, Poor republicans are less intelligent and have a lower IQ by nature, and IQ is a myth, all of the races are the same, and share the same unique traits.
The ultimate redpill is knowing that we are all animals and what we call degenerates only follow its basic instincts.
This song is the ultimate redpill. Prepare ur angus:
oh fuck off shlomo
>Aryans/racist/NeoNazis think that whites are the chosen people yet everyone hates them.
you don't even know what an Aryan is
You can change the world
Hitler thought Germans were the chosen people and everyone defeated him too.
so true
what's an Aryan?
seeing as you're such an expert
This. Well I don't know if it's the biggest redpill, or even a redpill at all, but it's true.
>pic related is mfw liberals tell me white people are inherently racist and there's nothing we can do about it
The four stages of Sup Forums
the Internet is degenerate
I fear this is the truth. I must have a child with a Jewess to ensure my line's survival.
okay Max
no, take your shitty naturalistic existentialism somewhere else
This is straight up false
Gas yourself kike.
why are you linking to a white supremacist Aryan Nations wikipedia article?
like said
you don't even know what an Aryan is