Do you plan to attend your local protest group and pick up a girl? Also 1-5 from left to right, pick one
Do you plan to attend your local protest group and pick up a girl? Also 1-5 from left to right, pick one
Bets on how long til the first rape?
senpai they're all really ugly tho desu
never mind, i dont want to get in trouble if they're underage. mods please delete this thread
This is the fucking truth. Women are nation destroyers.
how many sympathy fucks do you think they throw to ghetto ass niggers?
>choosing from 5 coalburners
Spic in south florida here, can I get some white pussy even though I loathe the black lives matter movement and I don't really care about the guys that got shot?
Nearest rally is probably 4+ hours away.
I actually live in a white part of the country.
And #1. Just because she'd let you do anything as long as she can call you daddy.
just show up at the bar they're all at tonight and talk up whatever you can read about events today.
talk to the most engrossed, drunkest early 20s coochie you can talk to.
She looks a bit lika Lia
But the few women who are loyal deserve your undying respect.
This is the one time where I agree with the SJW. Philando Castile truly did nothing wrong. BRB tell cop you are conceded carrying, BRB cop freaks out and unloads a few rounds into your chest.
Hahaha, that's fucking twisted. May they be found dead after cultural enrichment.
That entire crowd and I only see 1 nigger
>only SJW's are opposed to cops killing random people for no reason
Only SJW's get their signs out and go protesting over one dead coon, though
>black lives matter protest
>i don't see a single black person
>front girls are white as fuck
Better look at crowd at PhilandoCastile remembrance
>Protesting the death of a black man
>Black Lives Matter
>The VAST majority of people there are white
I can't understand this, even as a white person myself. Why the FUCK do these people have such a guilt complex?
>>>/my asshole/
While i truly do feel that Philando Castile got a raw deal, and the cop murdered him... Fuck Black Lives Matter.
Wait, who is Philando Castile, I though the guy was named Sterling, did they shoot another nigger?
wait a minute, are they all doing that blue steel looks meme ?
Stop blaming womens natural instincts to crave alpha cock, don't get butt hurt and start whining at me like a beta cuck.
>a bunch of stupid white people celebrating a black crip member who has probably killed someone before
color me shocked.
White people on facebook checking the like status of their 'I'm so shocked and sorry' posts
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it's minnesota. it's 95% white and mostly german/swedish ancestry.
phil castile did nothing wrong!
I hate western girls, but I hate being alone even more
>random people for no reason
This. This just shows how women are easily emotionally manipulated to basically believe anything, even at their own goddamn detriment. Couple it with their natural urge to reproduce violent psychopaths and you basically have every reason why everything goes to shit all the time.
>german/swedish ancestry
Make sense now
>I also know that were I am black I am a ..
meanwhile, nobody talks or protest for Dylan Noble who was white, so his death is brushed under the rug and ignored, and if you mention it, you're racist
Nah. That was fucked up man. I've seen a lot of gore, mexican beheadings, etc. That video gave me chills though. Truly a pointless death. Murder as far as I'm concerned.
Has anyone here actually protested?
Only the lowest members of society protest. The grunts of political causes. I have way too much pride
Not 1. She looks like a bitch and the physical alpha. 5 is QT and probably a nympho, but might be the ideological director of this cluster fuck.
Please explain what that nigg did which justified getting _KILLED_ for, the cop was an incompetent buffoon
These girls on the picture are only interested in black cock, sorry buddy
How alpha does it feel trying to swipe EBT on a date?
I know that feel
lmao USA is such an embarassing nation
It's better to dissolve it so based states don't get dragged down by shitholes.
I used to participate in anti-goverment protests. Not in the US of course
daily reminder that women are treasonous trash and need to have all their rights taken from them
Enjoy your rape accusation.
#1 and #2 are only there for social media points. The rest actually care. I'd pick #2.
#2 obv
A new challenger emerges!
How much of a beta can a man be that can't compete with a chimp swiping EBT on a date?
White girls can't stand a negroid thug being killed, can they?
Hmm... let's sum up the choices...
1. I love attention, and I love to be told I'm cute. But I never actually sleep with any of my many male friends.
2. I will fuck you eventually, but only after I drag you to a few month's worth of women's study lecture.
3. Angry lesbian.
4. Trying to look innocent, but behind closed doors she's a sexual deviant.
5. I wonder where I left my "All sex is rape" hat?
I'll go with #4
>women love alpha cock
>this argument is always backed up by a photo of a chick who is paid to fuck randos on camera
I need to stop coming here
>Degenerates, every direction, degenerates!
I'd Iron Pill #2
lets be sure we know exactly who to blame here, women are dumb animals and have been preyed upon by propagandists through the electronic jew.
I don't see anything but brainwashed, degenerate scum in that crowd. Everything wrong with America can be summed up in that picture.
It's literally just Christian guilt and original sin applied to race
#2 from the left had contact with a nigger
If you want to trigger a liberal woman just mention how it's amazing their sympathy for life ends when they want to get an abortion because it's not convenient to their lifestyle
>this argument is always backed up by a photo of a chick who is paid to fuck randos on camera
and Sup Forums constant whining about women getting blackened and muh white genocide
So which is it?
>Applying for food stamps and welfare
God, I would love to open up on that crowd with my AR-15.
wtf is up with that female priest in the back. seriously
What's in 1's spray bottle do you think?
God, why Blacked are so based...
>Dat priest that towers over everyone
Why are so many girls fat these days? Holy shit.
Once my friends and I went to a SWJ area in my UNI and we started mocking the two of them that had been there sarcastic way, It was pretty funny desu. Skinny 5"2 manlet and a fat chick got pretty pissed.
All of America is fat these days
I'm just gonna make a sign with VIRTUE SIGNAL written on it and take it to every protest which has literally nothing to do with me.
No me and my wife are getting ready to leave the house and get her an AR15 in pink trim
You are so incredibly full of shit.
Does anyone have a link to High Resolution new full BLACKED videos? Anything where Jap girl doms and pegs White guy? Anything where Jap or East Asian girl cucks White guy with BBC?
No xmaster, doesn't work in Russia.
Please make it this sign... please.
>shame when I dont see what you're talking about
Feels bad man
Have fun in jail sicko. I've reported you to the authorities.
Men are not that easily to manipulate, so it's women's fault in the end.
None of these girls are probably coal burners, they don't look like they are and most liberal girls are not. They go after hipster white dudes. Also most coal burners I know usually defend the police.
I don't talk to tavistocks, none of them, they're all fodder for the coming culling.
They are nonhuman refuse at this point, such wastes.
>unironically dating liberal women
All white motherfuckers. Unbelievable
Women are traitors, they're just biologically built like that to survive. Just look to women fraternizing with German soldiers in occupied countries
>black lives matter
>2 black people there
2 4 3 1 5
this right here