> was a child molester / register sex offender
> was a woman beater
> robbery
> burglary
> was waving his gun around at people while selling CDs
> was a child molester / register sex offender
> was a woman beater
> robbery
> burglary
> was waving his gun around at people while selling CDs
he pulled a the gun on the cops. he coulda shot them within 2 seconds so they had to kill em.
>having consensual sex with a 14 year old with 20 is child molesting because it fits my agenda
what do these things even have to do with the situation
Exactly. What does the past mean to the present? Nothing it's unrelated.
People continue to use ploys to aid their agenda as opposed to finding the truth.
>was waving his gun around at people while selling CDs
lol Sup Forums is gonna hate this
Sup Forums will love it when they realise that we can link Hillary to White privilege.
She got off the email thing, but ''''''''innocent'''''''' blacks are being shot and killed by white police.
This is how we get them to not turnout and vote for her. If the black vote collapses, Trump wins.
>used a baby as a boxing glove attacking innocent cops who acted in self defense
Gotta fight Jewish tricks with Jewish tricks.
he is a fucking nigger.
And now he is dead.
Case closed.
And you disgusting asshole, you should shut the fuck up.
>muh criminal record
wouldnt the fact that he had a record for those things mean he was already punished for them? why does that matter when there's a video of him being shot for no reason?
>but muh reaching for a gun!!1
so shoot him in the arm that he's trying to grab it with,*I* could make that shot from that distance
Fuck off all life is redeemable. If it weren't your umbilical cord would have never been snipped you fuck.
Fuck you!
good arguments man ur prolly an edgy teenager
The past matters in that some people actually have the nerve to call this an innocent, good man.
If you have committed crimes in the past, you can't be called a law-abiding #goodboy
If lives have no meaning after a crime is commited then you should join islam and be happy with shariah because your interpretation of human life and dignity seems to measure up to theirs.
What arguments do you have?
Alton's case is still up in the air. Even if the killing was justified, the cops looked to handle it like amateurs and should be relieved of duty without pay.
It definitely looks possible that Alton didn't want to go back to jail for having a firearm, and may have tried a desperate act to get away.
Go back to prepping the pull Hans. BBC isn't going to fluff itself.
HAHA, we conquered you. American niggers fucked your women along with Russians. Lol. Just something that amuses me. That is all.
>he was a prick in the past so that justifies police incompetence in this present scenario
Sup Forumstards, when will they ever learn?
Here we are in the year 2016
Everyone knows what really happened.
Don't you assholes realize he had kids?
I don't know what happened to you...
No one is blameless here.
Didn't this guy deserve a real shot?
Unless he was legitimately hurting someone.
Nooone has the right to judge him.
Under what law can a cop kill a black man?
For what purpose?
Finding some happiness in his job?
I hope none of you fuckers falls on hard times.
No one should die like this man.
>so shoot him in the arm that he's trying to grab it with,*I* could make that shot from that distance
You don't shoot to wound retard, you shoot to kill, otherwise you're not in a situation that requires using a gun.
That doesn't justify the police shooting, just that I'm not going to miss one less criminal on the street and I'm not going to feel sorry for him.
Now, grabbing a gun against police, that justifies the police defending themselves.
I agree. Like why were people still mad at Hitler after the Nazis power totally collapsed?
Like cmon guys all those Nazi things happened in the past, like let it go cuz I'm totally a different guy now
>le current year
When did Sup Forums start being infested with such faggotry?
read my post closer mohammad
I know, Muslims have a preference towards young girls. But it's not okay here.