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haha dat shit finna be lit
Dude, he was old in the 1980s.
loooooooooooooooooooool ma nigga
these types of memes are really boring and unfunny aren't they?
are these black memes? is that what they are?
the whole "when u ____" format etc. I don't think I've ever found one remotely funny.
most of it just seems to be designed for people on social media to agree and say "oh, I remember that / know that feeling too!"
Son you are too white for this thread
kys whiteboi
Remember when he was on the electric company
Easy Reader son
LOL fucking white people
was that when he went by the name batman joe
Morgan Freeman is actually the first modern human. He never died. He is the ancestor of everyone.
Nah yo its the same shit that happened to white memes. Black twitter was hilarious but now every little nigga in the game tryna meme
>underage AND a nigger meme
thanks for the cancer
Not sure about that reference but I do know he hung out with spidey back then
Black twitter and socialist twitter are the best.
exactly. this is how these memes are. it's just teenagers trying to find an excuse to brag about getting high or getting pussy or something on twitter. which is whatever, but it's never funny.
show me an example of a funny black twitter meme.
just one. and not some ironic parody of one.
guess you never watched the movie lean on mean
white memes are actually funny though.
black twitter was never funny, not in its "underground' days or after it caught on.
I'm not even saying this to hate on blacks. I'm just saying these memes aren't funny.
Haha damn white people should be rounded up and shot LMAO
that's just sad. I feel bad for the guy. and her.
okay that one is kinda funny. kudos.
Sammi was better
I agree
'white people be lame' jokes are boring. you can do the same thing with anyone, and it remains boring.
t. irate cracker
get cancer nigger i don't care if you're roleplaying
nah it happens to just about every soldier, thats why if you young kids ever join the military dont marry young
cry more, white boy.
It's more Twitter memes than black memes. Black Twitter is a white people thing, it's how liberals get to do whole modern day minstrel show without feeling guilty about finding it funny. The actual nigger presence is low.
fyi, this type of trolling never bothers me.
I just feel kind of bad for black people.
ayo dawg wat about white "ppl" am i right?
100 100 100 100
Who will play them in the inevitable biopic?
>Black Twitter is a white people thing, it's how liberals get to do whole modern day minstrel show without feeling guilty about finding it funny.
Huh. Good fucking point. That is who's sharing these, isn't it? Boring fucking white progressives who can't meme.
Case in point.
>implying niggers have the intelligence level to win arguments
add to that 'not destroy their own neighborhoods' etc
(just bein 'real' / woke!)
im not trolling or saying anything bad about niggers its just i live near a huge army base and ive seen how bad it is with lonely wives looking for dick while the hubbys deployed plus alot of them marry young or hook up with strippers and shit
>Take credit for all of this while simultaneously denying all culpability for slavery
Yo they squadded the fuck up in there b lmaooooo
It would unironically make a decent comedy
not taking credit, just stating facts. these things are still valid today, slavery isn't.
>nigger logic
well that girl in the pic was obviously a slut just looking at her.
all the stuff about girls who dye their hair / wear too much makeup is too true.
oh well, that guy will find a better girl. military guys are real men at least.
that would be like if white neighborhoods were in shambles and they decide to make the excuse that it's because whites once suffered the trauma of the Black Plague or whatever in the past.
at some point you have to stop playing victim as an excuse for the fact that you're actively, insistently making bad decisions in your life.
>First black woman to attend an integrated school recently turned 62
>But slavery doesn't mattered for 200 years xD why don't niggers just pull themselves up by le bootstraps already
What does the dots mean? Secret bog?
Entire thread's an example of it. The only difference between this and we wuz kangs and actual minstrel shows is it being updated as time goes on. And like anything of this sort you get a million dollops of shit for every one thing that slightly makes you snicker.
how does Kermit's stance here express 'that feel' though?
these black twitter memes hardly ever use images that aptly. that's a big part of the problem, but also just the overall format and lame, conventional type jokes.
That's a little funny
Now that I think about it, you're right.
black dont crack
>at some point you have to stop playing victim as an excuse for the fact that you're actively, insistently making bad decisions in your life.
I agree completely. Working class white people should stop throwing a fit over free trade and outsourcing, stop killing themselves with muh opioids, and just go apply at Walmart like everyone else has to.
post the webm that splices footage from her porn
lol niggers
>we wuz kangs
we wuz kangs is pretty funny though because it just takes some stupid retarded cult shit and shows it as it is. it's something that's hilarious in itself without having to do some corny, pandering joke over it. just the mere reminder there are retards who buy into all this Black Alien Egypt shit is amusing.
but also, Sup Forums is actually good at memes. for so many reasons.
one of the hottest gdp videos. girl looks like a goddess..
How do you even tell the real ones from the ironic parodies?
>"lmao faith in humanity restored XD"
I don't reckon
Is good?
do you have autism or something? it's pretty obvious
We wuz kangs straddles the line between reality and memery so closely I honestly can't tell which websites are parodies of it
well, see, I'm never saying there aren't injustices or systemic problems (and I'm pretty economically leftist) but white people don't become violent gangsters in such conditions. hmmm.
oh no no no
>We wuz kangs straddles the line between reality and memery
most of the michelin star restaurants are run by europeans while africa has none
sounds good to me
I just think there are millions of more apt images it could have used. how did that pic inspire that joke?
or did the guy think up that "funny" joke and then that was the best image he could come up with?
It does because any fucking retarded shit you can come up with is indistinguishable from the actual shit they come up with
man there are tons of bonkers websites, images and videos out there on we wuz kangz type shit that are totally hilarious and 100% real and sincere.
Dafuq bro!
um, look at the picture he posted?
because it is subtle, so you don't see it in the first moment when you look at it. It might not be the funniest joke, but it's well executed.
>we wuz kangs is pretty funny though
/r/Sup Forums is that way
Fucking this. Thank u based user
.t Alberto Barbarossa
what is her porn name?
that one's decent.
I feel like that's more likely a Sup Forums meme though. it doesn't feel like a twitter meme, the sense of humor is more ours.
ick. there's nothing remotely hot about that. I just feel sorry for her and her family.
she's not a porn star
Do young white people in the US really try to talk like that?