

>Chuck's Fuck & Suck

They used to chuck feed and seed

Now theys need it

I don't get it. What a terrible "joke".

it's about the volatility of the feed and seed market in the late 90s

How? It doesn't mention that it wasn't a seed and feed before.

Chuck ran into some financial problems so Sneed took over the business

Its supposed to follow the same rhyme scheme and pattern. Its a brilliant non-joke, that is, the joke isn't ostensible, nor is it even present in the show. The joke is only engendered within the mind of the viewer. It relies on basic pattern recognition, giving them the Sneed's feed and seed. This pattern replicated with the use of the "uck" ending in chuck, results in the viewer attempting to create a pattern in the head in which Chucks etc. etc. matches Sneed's Feed and Seed. Since the general pattern is Sn-RyhmeA (RhymeA which is established in the first object of thr schema) F-RyhmeA S-Rhyme A. When applied to Chucks, RhymeA becomes "uck", so the resulting generated pattern would be Chucks f-uck and s-uck. This of course, has no evidence in the universe of the show itself, but it doesn't need too, in this case the writer is talking ditectly too us.

you could say it's a joke that...
really makes you think

Cats' Shats and Hats

a that makes sence

i dont get it

He couldn't pay his taxes

chucks are for faggots

Watch Chuck suck and fuck a duck. Only ten bucks.


Go fuck yourself you retarded nigger, the joke is literally that dude's real name is Chuck, but he changed it to retarded name like 'Sneed' so the shop's name would sound better

I honestly wish to waterboard with a boiling water anyone that thinks the joke is the shop was for LTIERALLY no fucking reason named 'Fuck & Suck'.




I agree. No way the audience would catch up somethibg else that quarter of a second the name was visible.

It's an inside joke about one of the animators. His name was Chuck and he was a notorious flip-flopper, someone who would change his personality at the drop of a hat to fit the situation. The others took to referring to him as 'Sneed' whenever he did this, to point out his two-facedness, and it became a thing. He was diagnosed with depression and died on january 8, 2001.

Both of you are seriously boring, retarded fucktards.

That's just what the writers said to make it sound more plausible.
It was actually the name of one of the writers.
The guy's real name was Seed Feed; named by his birth parents as a sort of joke. Unfortunately, before they could get the paperwork in to change the boy's name, they were both killed by a pack of angry cocks (roosters). According to their customs, the cocks adopted the child of their enemies and raised him as their own. Thanks to the education he received under their care, he was well equipped to handle writing for the show.