I'm a shut in autist, is it normal for people to not give a fuck when their significant other is bleeding out right beside them? Is it shock? I feel like I'd be crying hysterically if a loved one was dying beside me, and I'm a robot!
Her reaction
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Blacks have much higher rates of psychopathy than other races.
I haven't seen it yet can someone post a link?
made up disease enabling asshole to be cunts
She was in shock, and she had a cop with a gun screaming at her to not move.
I know I'm going to get fucking roasted for saying this with my flag, but I feel bad for her. That was a horrible situation, and anybody that does not feel empathy for her in that situation is a legitimate edgy autist.
I'm more interested in the fact that the cop tried with all his might to hide his face. The entire shooting, and the one before it were/are blatant hoaxes.
t. Proud tinfoil
look up tommy sotomayor on youtube and watch a couple of his videos and you will be a pro on sheboons
She's not the brightest crayon in the box. Don't know why everyone keeps bringing up how calm she was.
You're a pussy. Kill yourself!
Nah leaf, in fact we'd probably all be bitching at her if she lost her mind and fucked up documenting the evidence. And also, the guy legitimately dindu nuffin, and the officer is probably going to end up on a court bench.
He's live streaming right now 1,500 niggers are chiming out.
This, and everyone is taking the bait.
She's black. This isn't the first time someone died violently in front of her.
Try not to tip your fedora too hard or you'll fall over, tough guy.
She should have been in a state of shock but is it normal to be able to comment calmly like that if you're in a state of shock? Shouldn't the normal reaction, if in shock, be to either try your best to help your wounded boyfriend or scream like a maniac?
Ultimately I don't really see how her actions in the video play in to the actual incident.
Na man it is just a huge coincidence, I mean there is no need to take people's attention away anything.
The officer held a gun on her and told her not to move. Your pussy ass wouldn't have moved either.
She had a gun pointed at her.
How would you respond?
She was calm and looking out for her own life and restrained herself.
How would you have responded?
How did she get her phone out?
She's a nigger, her phone is surgically attached to her hand.
Last thing I would want to hear while dying is my gf shrilling at the top of her voice. Cool and collected would calm me as I fade out.
sheer comedic gold. omg, go to the live feed
and watch this. i can't believe what i'm hearing.
a asian-american police officer panics and shoots your boyfriend. Her only way to survive was being collected and standing still.
The victim wasn't a gangbanger. He was a good upstanding citizen, allegedly a republican.
The woman said after the ordeal that "All Lives Matter".
Lel, I love how Tommy is all nice and cool about white people and then just one incident makes him go total nigga, saying blacks should attack the police and that dey dindu nuffin and that white politicians are responsible for fucking the black community up.
She was unusually cold given the situation. She didn't seem the least bit upset.
She was in shock and probably really scared. You can hear her composure start to break towards the end and when they take her out of the car.
Seemed kinda fake to me
Yea, Just watched this with my dad. Was taken aback how much she just didn't care. Felt bad, if I was him and dying and the love of my life was just video taping it to twitter and was so calm.
hey facebook oh sheeeit you never guess wat de police dey shot my man, dont forget to like and follow i be postin updates up in hur
I'm sorry is that why whites outnumber all the other races in insane asylums?
I hate when starts speak the truth too. That Tommy...
Insane asylums only hold psychopaths?
Doesn't take much to stratify people along racial lines does it?
No but they sure as hell hold the majority of this country's insane. Funny how most are filled with white people.
Insane asylums only exist in countries with white majority in the first place.
That's the first thing I noticed. Niggers are naturally stupid so I didn't think too much about it.
If you're black and insane, you just get shot to death.
Pretty simple, really.
Most people in America are white. Most people in prison are non-white. Most people in prison are mentally ill.
Yeah we are really crazy, maybe that is a good enough reason for you shit skins to stay the fuck away from us?
No but they sure as hell hold the majority of this country's insane. Funny how most are filled with white people.
Been in a lot of them, have you?;) or are you just making up facts? any source for this would be most welcome.
Insane asylums only exist in countries with white majority in the first place? What does that say about white people even though it's not really true.
When I lived in North Carolina the blacks there were very adamant about having their story/alibi down. I wouldn't put it past them to be able to re-tell events as calmly like that while in shock.
Its called shock. Later in the video she breaks down
OP, you have to put yourself in her situation. You're thinking about it as if you're in a rational state of mind. Her significant other is dying in front of her due to a trigger happy nigger dressed in a uniform. Still holding them at gun point yelling for them to not move. Even while a young child is in the backseat. For the safety of herself and her child, she sat there and did what he said. If you notice, after she's out of the vehicle and given more space while not being at gunpoint she gets extremely emotional. Sad story. And I'm aware there are certain procedures for information law enforcement about weapons like that and maybe he did the wrong but holy shit! Instant four bullets? All edgy Sup Forums shit aside this was truly sad to witness.
Normal for some people to appear perfectly calm during a traumatic experience due to not processing what is happening or has just happened; not at all normal to stream it for fucking facebook. Speaking about actual involvement not bystanders
Never trust this nigger, a couple months ago someone called him a nigger in the comments and Tommy immediatly went full-on "kill whitey". After that he softened up to whites agian, started criticising blacks and then something like this happens and he already wants to fuck whites up agian and talking and agreeing with some ultra-niggers then want to overthrow white people.
I have seen him go through this process like 4 times already.
Most people in insane asylums are white or are you trying to tell me instead of being treated properly for mental issues white people fucked them over and just throw them in prison cause they're minorities?
You should always record shit encounters with cops.
Where do you live at bitch nigga I'll show you who's a pussy lmfao bitch ass nigguh
I can empathize with the situation, but I saw what I saw and heard what I heard and it prevents empathy for her
his tone just makes me feel on edge. the guys asking why blacks should be condemned in the curret year, its because they are the main source of degeneracy on the planet.
glad theyre getting smarter though.
hmm i never knew they drive on the left side of the road in minnesota
Why can't black know their place? They all belong at the bottom of the social ladder.
>get your legal arms so u can shoot de whiteys
Fight, flight, fawn, or freeze.
Seems like she was somewhere between fawn and freeze.
I have "issues".
They're not psychopathy in that I don't give a shit, but if my wife got shot I wouldn't react hysterically. I'd try to help and I'd jump into gunfire to do that, but freaking out? Nah.
I've been involved in enough wild war-ish situations to know that if you lose your cool in a crisis you will react illogically.
So when I see something like that I react quickly but I will never lose my cool. In fact, people who lose their cool kill people.
No. I'm saying that mentally ill non whites end up in prison for committing crimes at much higher rates than mentally ill white people.
> cuck
> this autistic
Insane asylums don't exist for the people who are sent there.
They exist for the people who do the sending.
That Western Culture is capable of identifying and taking care of the mentally ill. And I'm sure they exist in Asian countries too to one extent or another.
What happens if some mentally ill black guy in Africa has problems? Local shaman tells him it's probably aids and he goes to rape a toddler and/or goat?
kek, you dumb as fuck
Untrue. Ignorant nig-nog detected.
Why would you trust him anyway? Aren't you a racist piece of shit? You all don't trust anyone but your own anyway?
so, what? BLM is now paying cops to shoot nigs to give reasons for rioting? I could see that happening, but I don't believe it is in at least 1 of these current cases
I feel really sorry for her and her child. That has to be traumatic. I ain't trying to get mad at her for going straight to recording. I bet about 10 seconds passed between the shots and when the video begins.
I'm not sure of their relationship, but if they have been in a relationship for say over 1 or 2 years then this is surely devastating.
She probably already had her phone out ready to stream before the shots were fired. For real she was just narrating it since she was telling the world what they hell they were saying.
>thinks he Malcolm X
>whines about 5,000 years of white oppression that continues to this day
>from his webcam inside his air-conditioned apartment
The cop would've shot if her if she panicked.
He literally shot the guy for calmly getting his ID. Her reaction was normal.
it's almost as if whites are the majority in the country
It's a false flag event.
BLM is going to start some shit, and we already knew this.
I dont have shit encounters, i dont go into nonwhite areas (only reason for whites to be there is drugs) and i'm not a complete retard with probably a loudmouth cunt of a babymama, who i'm sure was completely not " why da fug you stopin us an sheit". Believe it or not, it's one of the easiest things in the world to not get killed by the police.
(thumbs up)
I've acted similarly in stressful situations. I suspect I have some form of ass burgers though.
I'd suspect many with a nihilist mindset might act similarly.
with a chalice
>cop says don't move
>kid in backseat
>better livestream this
>get out of car where more people can see
>better start attention whoring
she thought he was shot in the arm and didnt expect him to die.
It really felt like that alton one was faked, the way both videos cut away. the way the second cop rolls over the guys chest while smearing the blood on the black actors chest.
certainly not 100%, and it's not like there isn't any real shootings, but making a good fake video probably feels a little more moral to the puppets, and far easier to control it's dissemination into popular attention.
>Traumatic experience.
>Deadly threat (triggerhappy cop) still in immediate vicinity
Humans are hardwired to react to danger with calm and coolness until the immediate threat is removed. Some humans haven't been exposed to enough stressful situations to bring that part of a mind out. They react to these types of events with pants-wetting and panic.
I'm a paramedic I've attended hundreds of deaths, more than I'll ever remember. People react differently when a loved one has died. Makes no difference whether its an expected death, a tragic accident, or completely unexplained. You can never predict their reaction.
I've had a polite white cashmere weating soccer mom turn into screaming violent animals threatening to kill me for not saving their daughter who died of asthma attack.
Then a Polynesian family all accept the sudden death of grandad. 'No user, he's had a beautiful life. He's gone, he's in Heaven. We are happy for him, he's at peace'
A young white woman kept going to her boyfriend who had a seizure and died of cerebral haemorrhage. She was talking to him calmly, 'come on, wake up, we've got the party tomorrow night. You had work tomorrow'. She was completely on another planet, couldn't take anything in. Then two minutes later moaning like a wounded animal ' he can't be gone, he can't be gone' x 1000
Shock, denial, anger, disbelief, sadness, tears, violent rage, laughing, numbness. Take any of them above, mix it with anything else, then flip it to the exact opposite within seconds. That's common.
when you're in an emergency situation your adrenaline level spikes dramatically, sitting around crying the second after someone gets injured is not a very good evolutionary trait, it usually hits you after everything is over and you're alone with nothing to do for the first time
Summer is when the most murders happen.
Winter is for suicides.
if your wife got shot by a cop would you get out your phone and livestream it or have your entire attention on her?
>in my 14 years on this Earth I understand psychology
You're the epitome of a sheltered neckbeard.
Maybe she was going to break up with him but was struggling with how to tell him, and then
lol fuck off
If it was an unjustfied shooting by a hired official, I'd get out my phone and livestream it.
Fuck American blacks are the most rude fucks. They think they royality own this country because of gib me dats and white guilt. Dumbass stoner nigger should of took precaution that he black with a gun and getting pulled over by a cop.
Whether it is manipulation of the masses or not one thing is for sure and that is that they would never allow someone to say 'all lives matter'. I mean really it's like Soros paid millions of dollars for nothing that would be silly.
Wrong image. Though Trump is never really irrelevant.
If she had reacted like you expect her to, she probably would have been shot too dumbass.
She also would have been hyped up on adrenaline.
Also there's something called being in shock, and remember there' 5 stages of grieving. It doesn't start with acceptance.
God some of you people are so dense.
THIS maple syrup user has it right.
You're not tinfoil, you're plain autistic.
Dumbest shit I've read all day. Congrats.
My "issues" stem from being consistently exposed to physical abuse.
Psychologists will tell you that it's trauma, but if you have accepted that irrationality is a natural fact of life you have the potential for leadership where no one else demonstrates it.
There was an investigation done into the collision of two planes on a runway, where the pilots misinterpreted their authorization transmissions. A particularly noticeable reaction was that the shock of the event paralyzed the victims, where even though they were alive and well in the few minutes following the collision, they suffocated because they literally couldn't comprehend the situation in shock.
So when something unexpected happens, in the next few seconds you should catch yourself letting go. Don't get caught off guard and always be mindful of potential risk, because that awareness alone can save your life.
Go back to tumblr, CIA shill.
Yeah buddy you're a special snowflake
Chinese Police Officer shot a black man, blame the whites.
The cop just killed her boyfriend, was shaking and cussing and freaking out.
She was calm so he didn't kill her too.
I think this is a clear case of shock. When the threat subsides and she calms down is when the emotions come.
Status #1. Best thing that could have happened to her. World famous over night.
>'all lives matter'
The way I've heard it explained to me recently is it being like saying don't donate to breast cancer research because there are other types of cancer research that needs more funding. Yeah, you're not wrong but you're being an asshole about it.
Sure nigs are gonna nig, but you can't tell me there isn't bias against black people when the police come? That very same bias is what keeps officers on their toes. But it's double-edged.
No one's saying only black lives matter, they're saying that right now there's a huge bias against black people when you compare it to whites.
>White people are holding niggers on leashes
You can't make this shit up. Also I thought he was asian?
It was weird, especially the child.
Whats annoying is how people are treating the cop.
The dude was actually freaking out over what just happened more than she was. Hell he knew he made a mistake.