Cast the movie and its director
Cast the movie and its director
gb2containment board, autismo
idris elba
>its okay to discuss dogshit capeshit adaptations all the time
>its not okay to discuss an eventual adaptation of a far superior source
fuck off, underage
Director: Quentin Tarantino
Courier: Andrew Garfield
Caesar: Jason Statham
Cass: KStew
New Vegas was shit, tbqh.
Realisator: Alfonso Cuaron
Courrier: Guy Pierce
Boone: Jason Statham
Benny: Brad Pitt
Caesar:Rutger Hauer
Christopher Nolan
Lupita niongo as courrier
Paul Dano as voone the funny sidekick
Morgan freeman as caesar
>far superior source
Or dozens of Evangelion, Bebop or other Sup Forumsedditcore anime casting threads being posted here
>Cast the movie
Battersea Dogs Home
Mike Leigh
George Miller
Everyone is John kuzack
Woody Harrelson has to be in there somewhere
Ulysses: Leslie Jones
Amy Schummer as Caesar
Why has Sup Forums been having regular New Vegas threads for seven (7) years now?
Matthew Perry as Benny.
Amy Schummer as Lily.
Mel Gibson as Easy Pete
DLC sequels:
Rutger Hauer as Father Elijah
Kiefer Sutherland as Joshua Graham
Denzel Washington as Ulysses
Jessica Chastain as Cass
>doesnt complain about literal company wars threads between DC and Marvel
We never even have videogame movie discussions that often
Directed by Dennis Villeneuewhatever his name is
I feel the original Fallout game would make for a better movie adaptation.