So, can we all agree this faggot ruined everything for everyone?

So, can we all agree this faggot ruined everything for everyone?

>uncovers conspiracy about the legitimacy of royal heirs
>can either proclaim it to everyone, including Robert, Robert without a doubt would believe him and execute his whore of a wife, her brother and their 3 bastards, Tywin would probably get pissed, but he would have to oppose the king alone, as Stormlands, the North, the Vale, the Riverlands and the Reach (as Robert would msot likely marry Margery in place of Cersei) would side with Robert
>his second choice would be to keep his mouth shut, let Jeoffrey become king, albeit a shitty king but with right Hand of the King the damage he would cause would be small, while Ned would return to the North, Stannis would sit on his dragon rock in peace, Renly would keep fucking his boyfriend, Edmure would rule over Riverlands, Theon would never return to Iron Islands, Boltons would never rise to power, Daenerys would never return to Westeros, Oberyn would never die and Sand Snakes would never take control of Dorne and LITERALLY every single thing in the story, save for majority of the Wall events would be prevented.

tl;dr Ned Stark fucked up everything because of his 'principles'

Other urls found in this thread:

couldn't watch this shitshow past the first season. does it get any better?

Yeah, welcome to 1997 when people realized that Ned is a retard.

Boromir did nothing wrong

I wasn't even born in 1997, asshole

He should've just let Renly come in and sweep house like he wanted to. Sure Stannis would get pissed, but it would've been preferable to the mess that did occur.


kys and stop wasting numerals

stannis ruined everything first
>find out the queen is fucking her brother
>hand of the king is murdered for it
>new hand of the king is chosen
>flee the city to dragonstone and stay there instead of telling everyone because you have autism and severe big-bro issues


>Robert Baratheon = Black of hair
>Stannis Baratheon = Lack of hair
>Renly Baratheon = brown of hair


Never forget

>and Sand Snakes would never take control of Dorne and LITERALLY every single thing in the story, save for majority of the Wall events would be prevented
Not realizing CIA would have just planned a war in a different way

He's talking about when the first book was released, you idiot.

No, he is not. He is just the heir of an ursurper

War was always going to happen, it was only a question of how and when. Robert was a usurper, Dany is still alive with 3 dragons, Greyjoy was still biding his time and would have struck with or without Theon, the Tyrells were still looking for a bait and switch to put Margery in power, Dorne still had their plans within plans. Not to mention dragons and zombies. Ed and Kat only streamlined the fuck-upery a tiny amount all things considered.

It's alright up until season 5 which is abysmal, then 6 is a shadow of what was before but nowhere near as bad as season 5.


Yeah, and???? You want a prize for being alive back then, grandpa?

It was all Rhaegar's fault for not keeping his breeches laced and believing in a dumb prophecy.

Before that Brynden Rivers fucked the kingdom over.

Daemon would have been best king and saved the realm.

It's everyone involved's fault.

>hurr durr ur old lololol
>uhhhh...that's all i gots

Ohh look... another war of thrones thread

No shit, idiot. This is the entire point of his character.

He is quite literally the definition of the hypocrite who foolishly sticks to his principles in a morally grey world. Do you not remember the scene with Varys telling him to confess for the good of the realm?

What about Littlefinger? He's the one who convinced Lisa Tully to poison Jon arryn. Shit would have gone down either way

I also have non-receeding hairline, Metusalah.

Robert wouldnt have believed him, it's dicussed in the books

Yeah, but you're a fucking asshole, and you missed out on the golden era of animation/cartoons, games, and KINO films of the 80s/90s.

You Gen Z people are so vapid and worthless. You literally have no understanding of how the world was like before the internet was popularized. Your lack of perspective fuels your egocentrism.

God damn. I feel sad for you, more than anything else.

>and you missed out on the golden era of animation/cartoons, games, and KINO films of the 80s/90s

Fuck me, if only there was SOME way to watch movies from 80s or 90s.... Well, too bad all those great movies from 80s and 90s will forever be lost in the stream of time and I will NEVER, EVER have a chance to watch ANY of them. Shit, dude, don't rub the salt in...

>You Gen Z people are so vapid and worthless. You literally have no understanding of how the world was like before the internet was popularized. Your lack of perspective fuels your egocentrism.


Haha, you are like some cranky grandpa from a sitcom xd amazing!

Kys yourself

Reminder that Mance sent the catspaw to kill Bran and destabilize the north prior to his attack on the Wall.

>tells Jon he infiltrated Robert's caravan to Winterfell by posing as a bard
>brought nothing but a lute and a bag of silver
>never mentions why he brought the silver or what he did with it
>catspaw was paid with a bag of silver
>could've easily stolen the Valyrian dagger from Robert's weapon cache
>gave the dagger to the catspaw, paid him and left
>would've been gone from Winterfell by the time Bran was killed, thereby nullifying guest right
>didn't care who the Starks blamed, as long as they sent their armies off to war prior to his attack or else the united North would've easily BTFO the wildlings
>Ned shows Littlefinger the dagger, Littlefinger immediately tells Ned it was Tyrion's in order to further his goal of fucking the Starks and instigating the Lannister/Stark war
>Jaime/Cersei/Tyrion later speculate Joffrey ordered the hit on Bran, but it's never confirmed

Think this:
Without Cercei, Westeros would have a long lasting peace.

No retard. The point was lost on you. You didn't grow up with those entertainment arts, and visiting them later in a future time period, will never be the same, as *growing up* with them. You'll never have water cooler talk with people who were equally blown out of their minds, after exiting the movie theater in 99, after seeing the Matrix. You'll never appreciate the Matrix for how revolutionary it was, because everything it pioneered/refined has become part of the 'lexicon' of cinematography.

Your lack of understanding of how the world changed post-internet boom and facebook popularization leaves you completely unable to comprehend how deeply socialization and human psychology was changed by these inventions. You know how we separate the timeline based on Jesus' birth? Well, perhaps, someday people will make the calendar differently based on the age of the internet. You didn't experience 9/11, you were probably still soiling your pants, right. That's big. Again, 9/11 had a big impact on the human psyche. People remember where they were when they heard the news. Again, the calendar gets marked, pre and post 9/11 in studies of history and sociology. For you, reading up on 9/11 is like reading up on JFK's death -- you didn't experience either -- and someone like me did, for the former.

So yeah, I know you're a retarded 15 year old something. But I genuinely believe, people of your birth and younger will lack serious perspective and lost something as a result.

Nice dubs. Not gonna read that, though ,lol

Yeah, get the fuck out seriously. Don't you have Candy Crush to play and blog about difficult your life is on fagbook or snapchat or what is popular now?

You know that your gen is fucked. It's obvious that this knowledge isn't new to you, and I'm hitting a sore spot. You're the one that has to interact with other retards of your gen. I can, for the most part, avoid you tards. Enjoy swimming in your own filth.

>blaming based Ned

>not Littlefinger, Catelyn, Aegon, Aerys, Cersei, Jaime, Robert, Lysa, or Lyanna

If even ONE of the above characters had decided not to be a retard, a ton of big ol' wars would have been avoided.

t. betasteel

Catelyn is pretty much the catalyst, imho. If she had waited for more concrete evidence before arresting Tyrion, Tywin wouldn't have immediately declared war on the Starks.

You want to start pointing fingers this guy started the whole shitheap solely cause he wanted some tall pussy.

6 is worse than 5, homo

>mfw i thought it'd be another high level comfy lotr thread
>turns out is a game of shit one


>OP is just realizing this now

Brienne's grandpappy or some shit

Different guy here, 5 was fucking dull aside from Hardhome. 6 went full retard, but at least shit started happening.

>we will never actually get to witness the rubies fall from that sissy boy's breastplate when Based Bobby B caves in his chest

And she wouldn't have done it if Jaime and Cersei didn't frame him

>not Maekar for deciding to fight for his insane brother and then hitting his decent older brother and crown prince on the head so hard he died


1 > 3 > 2 >>>>> 4 >>>>>>>>>>>> 6 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5

In the last 2 episodes, the rest was dull AND retarded

No he fucked everything but because Sean Bean was casted to play as him and Sean Bean ALWAYS DIES.

Thanks for keeping the meme going GoT cock suckers, one of the few actual good actors and they kill him off in one season.

1 >>> 3 > 4 > 2 >>> 5 >>>>>

5 had sand sneks, it was way more retarded than 6

One minor plot arc compared to all the backtracking season six did to main fucking characters
>Jon's dead
>wait no he isn't

>Arya's blind
>haha jk lmao

>Dany's in trouble
>No wait she outsmarts her captors and now has an army, all in three episodes, wow she sure is smart

Not to mention introducing characters JUST to kill them off so it can hold on to the "nobody is safe" myth.

>Don't you have Candy Crush to play and blog about difficult your life is on fagbook or snapchat or what is popular now?

Lol, nice projecting. You are mad as fuck and I find it hilarious, tbqh (to be quite honest) smch (shaking my cute head) familia

Yeah, maybe you're right actually. I don't really care, they were both unredeemable dogshit.

Honestly considering not seeing season 7, but I might as well considering I've been hatewatching for years now. Why can't that fat fuck just fucking WRITE FASTER

>tfw his helmet was the only thing keeping half his brain inside his head

The only reason this show got popular is because it validated fat white nerds and their perverted incest and rape fantasies, that they then duped their empty-headed girlfriends into partaking.

>caring about plots of plebeian disgraceful characters like Jon, Arya and Dany

That is why you think the show is shit

Well, Sup Forums?

>Winds of Winter still isn't out yet
>no fucking way he can wrap everything up in two books, so Dream of Spring will probably be a 2-parter
I hope his notes are pretty thorough so Brandon Sanderson has lots to work with. Him and that autistic guy who wrote World of Ice and Fire should be able to wrap it up nicely.

The show was really good in seasons 1 and 2 (just long enough to get everyone hooked) and its been riding the pop culture wave ever since.

yeah, I feel the same way
>hear about GoT
>put it off for ages
>finally watch it during summer
>Season 1 was really good
>literally half a decent season since
I should have stopped at 4

>Daeneys has Jorah

She wins

>Stannis would sit on his dragon rock in peace
Wrong. Stannis still knew about the kids.
>Renly would keep fucking his boyfriend
Renly was wrapped around the Tyrell's collective little finger. As soon as Stannis outed Joffers he'd have done exactly what he did anyway. The only difference here is the North wouldn't have had reason to join the war, and this is all assuming Ned would be happy to follow what the Lannisters ordered after Cersei has Robert killed, which would likely include his dismissal as Hand. And he wouldn't.

If he had told Robert things would have worked out. Robert would have killed them, married Margaery, Stannis would have returned to KL, they'd have took out Tywin, and when Jon Snoo sent out letters saying the white walkers were coming they'd have took it seriously. Greyjoys would have started shit and been easily slapped down. Only trouble would be Dorne conspiring with Dany, but that wouldn't be a worry with the rest of the seven kingdoms intact and mostly united.

But the entire point of Ned was showing that the good and honourable shining beacon of hope gets his head cut off because medieval times were not very nice times.

If we're using my main Skyrim save, Dragonborn by a mile.

>all his blog and twitterposts are about going to cons, attending moviescreenings, et cetera
>no indication at all if he's ever actually writing
>but still pretends that the next book is coming

Seasons 1 to 4 are unironically amazing. The changes they make up until season 4 make sense and are well done. 5 goes off the rails, and 6 they clearly just said "fuck it" and went all in.


Shut the fuck up that was an accident okay? It could have happened to anyone stop being a cunt.

Greyjoy would never start shit as long as Robert was still on the throne, he was the one that bitchslapped them the first time they tried making a move.
that's why they raised their ugly heads as soon as he was dead.
Also, we wouldn't have the clergymen uprising, since Robert wouldn't have given them any power, and he would've probably kept trying to kill fucking Daenerys before she got the huge free army and dragon hax.

Everyone posts guy and I thought he was in Lord of the Rings but then everyone talks about that horrible show Game of Thrones.

This is some next level projecting.

All hail based Jorah, slayer of the Ironborn and of Mother of Dragons as well

cat fucked everything up. she manipulated ned into going south. when jon arryn died something was clearly going on. she was expecting lysa's message. her pov has her clearly expecting that message. she never though 'oh a knock at the door' it was something along the lines of here it is, the nock.
she knows it's stored in a box with a false bottom, refuses to allow ned to see the message and burns it instantly not allowing him to read it despite the message being written in a coded made up language that only her and lysa can understand.
it takes some time and heavy convincing but she convinces ned to go south. there is an assassination attempt on brans life so she heads to kings landing to inform him. Ned orders her to seek out the glovers and another house to raise bowmen and ride to a certain keep that is can hold off alot of people with just 200 people.
she ignores this completely and contemplates either going to to her fathers or sisters. just before approaching the inn she mentions how fucked the family would be if war were to start and contemplates the consequences of said war and when she see's tyrion she disregards everything, takes him captive and starts that war.
I can't remember what was going on with rob during the war but she was a burden on him that didn't do a thing to really help.

ned wasn't a smart guy but alot of his problems stem from cat getting rid of ned and send him south so she could finally remove jon from winterfell. luwin was in on this.

>u mad lmao xDDD

not that guy but you should really kill yourself. no one's gonna miss you anyway.

Dragonborn, since Skyrim could only render like 5 enemies at once and you can just focus on the 5 over and over again

And bears are stronger in Skyrim than dragons

I'm not denying neds stupidity but catelyn is a major cunt and an idiot at best.

My girlfriend will, though. :(

First season is fairly enjoyably mystery thriller in a medeival fantasy setting. The rest of the show is just a long stabby plot tweeeests up the ass costume drama.

The final season might end up being a fun fantasy war show, but I really doubt it.

You do know they were adapting books, right?

Same thing happens there

Also, he IS mad! Just stating a fact!

Catelyn releases Jaime, which is literally the stupidest fucking thing she could've done. Then Robb slips up ONCE and starts thinking with his dick, which gets them all killed. Just a fucking comedy of errors on the Stark side of things. But that's why I like the books, the characters are believably flawed, and act in pretty human ways.

>mfw watching the Red Wedding for the first time
>mfw next episode shows them cleaning the blood off the floor while Roose and Walder smirk and toast the Young Wolf "Forever young..."

I know it's a showfag thing to say, but I NEED JON TO FUCK SOME SHIT UP NEXT SEASON.

>because medieval times were not very nice times.
bullshit, GRUM killed just because everybody expect him being the hero

Sanderson isn't doing it

>cat fucked everything up
"muah, she was once mean to my self insert Jon Sue, muah, will spent next twenty years bitching about how she is source of all, evil muah"

>1997 was 20 years ago

The reason people expected him to be the hero was because he was good and noble and honest. He did the exact same shit with Robb and you dumb fucks fell for it twice.

Leave Boromir alone.

fuck i feel old

I hate catelyn and jon equally. quit being such a simple reddit dildo

It gets progressively worse actually. Seasons 1 to 3 are good enough but then they just do whatever. Season 4 was kind of unwatchable already and 5 was a monumental wank fest.

It's funny how they manage to ruin something like this...