I don't like game of thrones

I don't like game of thrones
I don't like anyone who likes it
I feel like I'm 90 years old
Tell me I'm right

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literally physically me, the wojack

anyway you are too invested in gay meme company wars, it's an ok series, slow, dumb, occasionally entertaining, cant fault people for enjoying it who cares

You're right.

you're right

I wouldn't even know people liked it if it weren't for the fucking general and people on Sup Forums making threads about it. I watched the first season and it was boring and had too many sex scenes. All of HBO shit is full of pointless human drama and when it's in a fantasy setting it feels fake.

>All of HBO shit is full of pointless human drama

bump wtf

you're right. tv shows are a time sink in general

You're right.


programs > series > > shows

You are right, GoT is garbage and the people that go crazy over it are retarded

We should be friends OP. the only thing i hate more than that show is people going on about it and it being shoved in my face. I fucking hate okcupid where every bearded bastard go on about their love for the show like they are somehow special because no one else could possibly be watching it too. cant wait for that shit to be over.

Just like America is a twisted reflection of the Britain of Old, so too is Game of Thrones a twisted American reflection of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.

how fucking dare you. that hack grrm wishes he was anywhere near tolkiens level.
>twisted american version
i just pictures you typing that with your fingerless gloves, smelly tenchcoat and black fedora.

>I fucking hate okcupid where every bearded bastard go on about their love for the show

Are you me lol

Thank you guys. That made me feel better.

There are a few of us left bro, aka patricians

i felt like it started to decline around season 4

its taken from preexisting material, i'm aware, yet it felt like it descended into pandering to the mawkish unintelligent mainstream audience it began to garner, whilst walking circles around potentially interesting plots for entire seasons at a time, never to resolve them satisfyingly.

watch the objectively better 3 kingdoms

It began declining right after the first season, which was pretty good outside the pointless nudity, because the screenwriter didn't realize that having the same episode shared by 15 different PoV was a terrible idea and because the quality of the source material itself was lower

The decline was there after season 1. Mind you, series was still watchable during season 2 but it became completely shit later on.
It got to a point where I only watched it to see how much worse it can get. The last season was especially bad and I decided to drop it altogether since I just couldn't stomach it anymore.

I agree, I watch it to keep with with the normies and understand what they're talking about but I think that it's absolutely shit


He's been called the American Tolkien.

America is nothing like Britain and hasn't been since 1800

I like the novels but that's before they blew up in popularity like they did. Fucking amazing how back in 05 the average person who wasn't a fantasy reader wouldn't have known what ASOIAF was now because of HBO's GOT it's been ruined and plagued by normals.

At this point I'm just in it for the last two books. Don't care about the show though.

Same i pretty much watch it ironically.

Tolkein was a linguist first, and in no way dedicated to the kind of "realism" that is attributed to Martin. To some that might seem nitpicky but it's a pretty substantial difference in tone, goals, and execution when it comes to creating a fantasy universe and stories within it.

Yeah, but what was Aragorn's tax policy?

gee i wonder why does everyone hate gotfags

The funny thing is that the fat fuck never went into detail about this kind of thing either, especially considering the bizarre "seasons last as long as the plot demands" gimmick he has going on that would completely change how economy works in a pre-industrial setting, and the whole retarded peasant levy and campaigning in winter stuff

just because retards are calling him tolkien doesnt mean he is

fuck i am fed up of every adult fantasy show being compared to GOT like GOT was the first "fantasy" media to do sex violence and gore.

This shit will never stop making me mad.Who gibes a fucking shit about it you fuck. People dont understand real world taxes and your world explains its economy as bad as middle earth

>gigantic ice wall
>fairy tree people
>summer lasts 20 years
>magic fireproof woman
>people who can take over animals

u absolute fucking wot m8

Thank YOU for making me feel better. I am so sick of this show and i probably wouldnt give a shit if it wasnt shilled by everyone and their mother.

you know its gotten to the point where i now just hide profiles that mention it. like yeah i know that sounds extreme but the guys who go on about this fucking show make out they are some oppressed minority that are perseucted for being nerds when its one of the most watched shows on the planet. perhaps the worst thing this show has done is create a generation of pretentious petulant manchildren who think they must have the greatest minds in existence because they watch a mainstream show which has a touch of politics. ugh.

I hate how nerd culture has been ruined

Nerd culture was not worth anything in the first place

GRRM is a hack.

GOT is a show/book series for man-children.

i now actively avoid mentioning any geeky stuff im into because all the nerds online are just playing victim and have shitty personalities.


You're not alone, OP. Even the books were shit.

is that why he hasnt finished them?

You are right. The only people i know who like it are cat-loving, effeminate, slack-jawed Democrat voters who are into "geek culture", which means a taste for capeshit, GoT, fatty foods and not much else

The worst part is they do it just for show and aren't actually into the hobbies themselves just because the faux geek persona is in right now.

yes and i think GOT is the biggest culprit for creating these idiots.

>Not Harry Potter
It's all the same "you're special and unique snowflake" Disney pushed on everyone in every one of their productions but they really made it obnoxious this time though.

This is why GOT should be banned from Sup Forums and moved to Sup Forums. The people pasty neckbeards like it are the same cancerous demographic who are in to Star Wars and marvel capeshit

we are talking about manchildren and adult fans. yes HP has its share of adult fans but GOT brought the maximum autism.

It's a pleb show for plebs who think they are patrician, same thing with breaking bad fans.

The only true patrician show on right now is The Leftovers.

we have been suggesting for a long time that they should be given their own board so they stop shitting up tv (and given how shit this board is thats really saying something!)

As much as I love The Leftovers, Rectify is the true patrician show.

never watched it, not gonna start
It's shit-tier, but people love to watch crap just because they don't know any better.

It's ok like. You shouldn't really be going into it expecting anything other than mindless shit but I can enjoy it. Also gives me something to talk about at work so I can avoid personal topics.

You know what I'm fed up with, GOT actors, every fucking franchise has to have a got actor, they do it on purpose with the type of attitude "hey our movie isn't that good or isn't aimed at your demographic but at least you get to watch a got actor", fuck this shit.

yeah i have noticed this, but also its hard to avoid since everyone and their fucking dog apparently is in this shit show.


We got rid of our subscription during the first season of boardwalk empire because it sucked ass and so did generation kill.

Haven't had HBO since

I've noticed a lot of got fans also watch capeshit

Reminder people who watch and read ASOIAF and Harry Potter never move on from those and discover real literature. It's like it was written for the same, brain dead audience.

>wanting to fit in

LMAOing @ your life

>Sup Forums and Sup Forums are closest to rëddit

>a board for one show

Are you retarded?

I hope the ending of asoiaf/got would be ancient aliens and shit. Anything that would fuck up the whole world building

>hes never heard of /mlp/

look like you're the retarded one newfag.

i hope its so shit it leaves the fans salty and crying for years.

The first book is worth reading on its own but after that it instantly descends in to plot points and nothing more. The TV show is a soap opera.

They have the same audience of nerd culture enthusiasts spawned by turn of the decade marketing

look at you wanting to evaluate your opinions. good for you.

>t. gotfaggot

Nah, Preston is too good for this world and is a better writer than GRRM.

>wanting to evaluate your opinions
Nice grasp of the English language, almost as good as that of your literary idol

Your right OP but of course the man children ITT wont get it

>'you like lord of the rings huh?, you need to watch game of thrones..'
ive never watched it but fuck all the faggots who have told me its better than lotr

You think that the show is shit?
Try reading the books!

Damn, i read the first 4 books and it always got more shitty.
In the first book i thought that he would just introduce the different characters and that this constant bitching girly drama is just to add some pages..... but in the following books i realized that he is just making up some random incoherent things without a plan. Everytime he gets bored, he just introduces some completely new character..... and you think all the time, that somewhere in the future all of this will make sense and that it will lead to some bigger story, but it doesn't!
It's just a waste of time.... it's like a telenovela.... but as a book!
He is just a bad author.

I've never used a dating application or site. People actually just put I watch game of thrones on profile like a kid professing their love for ninja turtles?

Look at a picture of the auther. Looks like a guy who likes to eat feces.