Can we all agree Sup Forums

Can we all agree Sup Forums

>The cops in both cases were wrong
>Should be charged and prosecuted
>We must give our power to The Great Kek for a glorious chimpout

but they both went for guns.

nice disinfo m8

b-but he only had a gun and some weed

The dindus kept insisting that Trayvon and Big Mike were innocent despite the evidence. We must, therefore, insist that these were both justified killings. Niggers believe that it is never acceptable for a white to kill a black. They also believe that there is nothing wrong with blacks killing whites. Because of white racism. We need to eliminate the black plague. No mercy. Their choice must be either leave our country, or die.

Castille did nothing wrong. Sterling brought it upon himself though.

Fuck no. OP. You charge based on the evidence, not on peer pressure. That's black lives matter levels of retardation.

One dude was a violent felon fighting with the police, which we literally have on video.

The other dude was a CCW holder with nothing more than old traffic violations on his record.

Castille had no criminal record, was loved by all his peers and supervisors, and was legally carrying (and informed the cop that he was).

Ban white people from having GUNS!
But if a black person has one its OKAY!


fuck off niggerfaggot

Philando sounds too much like Orlando to ignore this obvious false flag. Funny it was a Asian that shot him too, he is probably just a subversive instigator sent here by China.

First one shouldnt have been killed, but the nigger put himself in that situation by resisting at all while carrying a gun legal or illegal.

Second was a complete murder.

This is the only correct opinion

all 3 videos of each of these shootings conveniently don't show anyone actually being shot

i used to laugh at people thinking what i'm thinking but the timing is way too perfect

Every nigger killed by police for nigging dindu nuffin! It's all just a government plan to eliminate the finest of niglet specimens in order to keep us suppressed. White people can't see it because it's kinda like They Live where you need special "glasses" to see the oppression. Whites will never see it. that's why our great chief chimp obongo has the media spewing out these tragic stories. So all nigfolk can get woke and unite over how we contributed to the very fabric of society. Going back 10's of thousands of years. We're coming whitey!

This cop was completely and totally wrong, and I hope that most of you would agree. I don't give a shit about the other guy Alton though--he was a lifelong criminal.






The guy that got pulled over should have not been shot.

the other guy that was in front of a store looked like he was resisting he should of just did what the officers told him to do.

The guy in LA is more likely not the cops fault...
>felon with a gun that they shouldn't have gets shot by police news at 11.webm
Dude in Minnesota tho...I'm surprised that the didn't shoot the chick when she went for her phone.



fuck off.

Like the Middle East its hard to really give a fuck when Americans die, especially niggers.

only the second shooting was a mistake and should be persecuted.

but the first shooting of alton sherling not so much. he was probably a real piece of shit, good riddance.

You're very literally supposed to do that, because if they catch a glimpse of a weapon they didn't know about prior they will flip shit.

This. Was the cop really asian?
Proof Kek wills it



Fuck off. KEK demand chaos

But for the truly great happening, the cops have to walk.

You can't have it both ways, not even through the power of Kek.

I'm pretty sure it's actually the law in most CC states that you need to inform the cops you're carrying if they stop you.


Sterling = Justified
Castile = Unjustified

They are not the same case, don't treat them like they are.

That's the law dumbass.

kek demands justice.

check it.

Bingo. Sterling was a shit his whole adult life. He pointed a gun at people to solve his problems. Had a rap sheet showing the same behavior to years.

Castle, was a second amendment supporter and a decent family man.


>>The cops in both cases were wrong
>>Should be charged and prosecuted


The ironic part the libs will never admit to is the only reason Philando Castile, Tamir Rice, and John Crawford III got killed was their culture of gun control has created an environment where the only time people see firearms in the hands of civilians is when they are breaking the law. Essentially creating a free fire zone when ever someone is seen carrying what seems to be a weapon. Guns are not part of the environmental baseline so when people see what seems to a gun they automatically leap to the conclusion that a crime is happening.

This gets innocent people killed.

Why is the image reversed to look like he was the passenger?

Would you faggots please stop making up shit about the Castille case? We haven't learned a fucking thing yet and you are just buying into a narrative put out by his girlfriend.

Chances are he fucked up just like Mike Brown.

I can't believe "Big Mike" is still a rallying cry for them. It made me lose hope in the ability for blacks to coexist with whites.

I don't understand how paid administrative leave is different than vacation

Judging by the way the cop was freaking out it's pretty obvious he fucked up.

I was a cop for 3 years after I out of the Marines in 2006. Some cops freak out when they hear "gun". I only ran into a concealed carrier who was armed a handful of times. All were polite. I'd usually just have them keep it in the holster.

I literally don't care

Don't care
Don't care
Don't care

Kill more
Kill them all
Don't care

How many times have you shot someone at point blank range there hard dog?

If anyone is acting bizarre it's the GF.

You took the bait pleb

>"get on the ground"
as he's on the ground
its only matter of time before they're forced onto the rest of america. it can happen to anyone.

somebody smite this dipshit.

this guy was a tragedy
the other guy brought it on himself, however, seeing the new video... i wouldn't feel shit if the cops went to jail over how they handled him.

oh he was a piece of shit no doubt, however, the new video kind of makes it look like the cops fault there too.

Yes Asian but MSM is not reporting name yet.

You are a fucking idiot
>hey cop you know I have a gun so don't kill me instantly , I will be reaching for the wallet instead
You inform the cop of what you are going to do. Philando did nothing wrong.

Chink handled the situation the way his people drive cars.


"Get on the ground" also means to lie there flat on the ground and stop struggling to get off the ground. It's not exactly the right words to use but people should know what it is supposed to mean.

And no this is not a preview of a police state to come. Most cops are just doing their job. Many are good people. A few of them are not. Some of them make costly mistakes and do stupid shit. Some of these mistakes are unfortunate but ultimately justified.

It will be the military who are in control in the police state and not the police. The police will be the first to go if that ever happens

It's the law here in Michigan

This desu

New Thread

So where is your evidence again, OP?

>the cops were in the wrong
I guarantee that they weren't.

Fuck wrong thread

pretty much

He was shot by an asian, so no one should even care about this.

The cops fucked up. But it is not "murder". And there is no evidence for some racist police conspiracy to kill blacks.

Cops have high-stress, low-pay jobs so they are not the best and brightest. Meanwhile the communities that call them the most are also the most well-armed. Shit is just going to happen sometimes, unfortunately.

The reason she's acting bizarre is because she basically knew she just won the lottery. Lots of white guilt bux coming her way.

Come on man don't be a fucking retard

And weed in the car, you forget that faggot?
Nigger was high as fuck and driving with a fucking kid in the car. That officer did a public service and should be commended.

I only think the chink one was wrong

Dat file name

anyone else find it weird that this is his uncle? in what appears to be freemason attire?

you're a moron. driving with weed in the car only warrants deaths in the minds of the ignorant

this. Castille was redpilled and woke

the only story we have to go on is the nigress who was filming. why would he even bother to mention that he had a weapon, when asked for an id? why reach into his pocket after saying something like that?

sterling wasn't wrong
castille was completely wrong and the cop needs to fry

They should check his bloodwork during the autopsy

Also fuck the faggots who claim that the cop is guilty, we dion't know shit except the stuff caught on tape which began after the fact

At first i wondered how a guy being shot in the arm could die , then i saw the op picture and he was shot in the chest

He did do one thing wrong, he informed the cop right before he reached for his ID. Procedure is to listen to the cop screaming for you to keep your hands and head up, wait for him to call backup, then let backup search you. Having a gun when you need to show ID is dangerous for everyone when stopped by police. You let them do all the work.

I'm haunted by the officer's screams, though. He didn't want to be in that situation. He didn't want to shoot anyone. Killing someone is really hard for people that haven't killed before, especially if you don't have any prejudice against them. What happened was obviously bigger than someone being "wrongfully" shot, something had to escalate for a cop that traumatized to take the actions he took.

>smoke weed mayng don't b so ignorant!!
Found the nigger


Then you all deserve to die.

OP picture looks like he was shot in the arm though.

>why reach into his pocket after saying something like that?
To get his carry license and hand it to the officer like you're supposed to?

>You inform the cop of what you are going to do. Philando did nothing wrong.


With your hands on the wheels, open palm, you inform them you have Carry License if you're required to by law.

You then tell them exactly where the firearm is and ask them how to proceed.

You do not take your hands off the steering wheel until you are given express permission to do so.

This is not rocket science. The cop leads your actions. Believe it or not, the Cop has about as much desire to be shot as you do.

Either way, we won't really know if Philando fucked up or the officer did until the lapel camera footage is released, because anyone can say anything, if he said "I HAVE A GUN" and reached into a compartment as I approached the vehicle I would have shot his dumb ass too.

>And there is no evidence for some racist police conspiracy to kill blacks.

I suggest you talk to a police officer that has spent any time working in a majority black area, they're jumpy as fuck for a reason.

I personally don't smoke. But death penalty for weed? if you're not a danger to others I don't think anything could possibly warrant the death penalty. no evidence he was driving high either

That moment where female ape realizes the rest of her life will be dancing in da club and drinking da bub, and it was a boyfriend she probably didn't much care for who got iced for it. Sure, sure, I'm totally out of line.

>Can we all agree Sup Forums
>The cops in both cases were wrong
>Should be charged and prosecuted

The whole around blacks don't relax meme is true. Whitey in a blue uniform is a walking target.

Ill back this user with a, THIS

two less niggers in the world and you want to prosecute cops?


>No punctuation



>Alton Sterling
Still up in the air for me
>concealed carry man
Wrongful shooting, could and should definitely be prosecuted.

american police organization is full of pussies if you ask me they make u walk backwards with your hands up after being sure that you obey their commands and killing your boyfriend like wtf? Its certain that police killed sterling with panic of he might avenge kill him on Baton Rouge shooting. LMAO

Bullshit. Whether you are armed or not doesn't have anything to do with a traffic stop.

They can ask whatever they want, but you are not obligated to inform them.

Doubtful. Maybe Detroit.

His point is: cops aren't deliberately killing darkies for the sake of it. It's not as simple as liberals say it is. If a cop patrols a nigger infested area, i.e. filled with people that would lovr to kill whitey, things can ge nasty

i meant other nigger not sterling.

No. American laws are different and the people actually have rights.

Agreed, except Sterling is required to inform the officer upon first contact that he is carrying concealed, which he did not do until he was reaching for his ID. That being said, the officer reacted badly and didn't need to shoot as he was not under any threat.

Why is it that these sorts of police shootings only seem to happen in the US mainland?

Our cops are similarly armed and trained, and yet these sorts of incidents don't happen here. What gives, amerifats?

A shit I looked it up and you actually do have to tell a cop, when asked, if you have a gun.

In some states you have to inform them before they ask.


You have to give up your right to self defense because of a broken tail light? Outrageous.

Classic gun law punishing law abiding citizens, as if dangerous people will comply with this.

Only two based states. Hope to see these laws change.

This is a total non-issue among humans. I cannot tell you how often I have had to repeat and reiterate and check comprehension when dealing with blacks because they lack self-consciousness and expect that, if they understand something, then you do too, so there's no need to clearly confirm it.

>Dat filename

Castillo literally didn't do anything you fucking nigger