Soccer is as a matter of fact a plebeian pseudo-sport, but this is just ridiculous.
Not a single white player in the Euro Final
You misspelled football.
>not a single
What do you mean? I see plenty of white people in that picture. Cristiano Ronaldo for one is white, he's 100% Portuguese.
You sound frustrated, why are you so mad that handegg isn't nearly as popular as football is?
Also, soccer is a pseudo-sport because it requires 0 skill. Stay rectally shattered over the fact that you aren't even good at it any more.
Go back to the elementary school.
As the most conservative country on Europe with traditional christian values, it's hilarious Sup Forums likes to meme Portugal isn't white.
I understand your frustration.
Who fucking cares football is wank anyway.
>Christian values
>in a catholic country
There's French whites la
t. Sup Forums
>Hugo Lloris
>Olivier Giroud
>Not white
yeah, slavs are of course untermensch and all this shit etc etc
fuck you
Kurwa polska kurwa kurwa polska
>football requires no skill
Literally kys!
>meme Portugal isn't white.
you aren;t White. Only nation in Europe to allow niggers in before mid-20th century, it ruined your nation.
don't believe me, check encyclopedias from early 1900s before Jews were the arbiters of all that could and could not be printed,,
Portugal isn't White. That's not a "meme."
>out of the entire tournament the two teams with the lowest % of whites make it to the finals
uh oh...
At least Griezmann is Alsatian (Germanic region in eastern France)
>wimyn that sound like mute cats when fucking
>dresses in """"leather""""+fake adidas
Get Invaded
weak ass bait
Whose the cutest guy in the final?
Possibly the only white guy in the final. The body can tolerate a small percentage of French blood.
nice cherry pick cuck you went to find the most dark picture of them all
Jersey post best post.
Fuck off!
You play girls games like rounders and netball.
so you even know the rules of test cricket, do you have a real rugby team?
>murrican football
>no niggers
pick one
Nobody gives a shit about whether Slavs are white or "untermensch" or whatever else. You're not western, you're outsiders.
i count 7 whites
>ronaldo doesn't stand on his toes
confirmed fake pic
>American football Super Bowl wins: 50
>European football super bowl wins: ZERO
A lot of white player USA USA USA
Kevin Love sexy af though
Thank you thank you, hey lemme ask you something, what would peoples reaction be if you shouted banzai in a public place (in Japan), just curious.
That semifinal was total bullshit. France should have never got that penalty kick.
"White" is an Anglo-Saxon invention anyway, it's better to be Portuguese no matter what Anglos think of it
Depends on the context. People will shout it out after drinking at a going away party, politicians and supporters do it after a victory, kids and parents do it when they get into a school they wanted too, etc.
It's more of a "Hooray!" than anything, but if you just started yelling it at random, people would assume you're not right in the head.
>omg niggers with superior physique are good at intensive physical activities!
If white superiority matters that much to you, why don't you follow swimming or chess instead?
>Greaseman is white af
>Djiroo is white
>Lloris is white-ish
>André Gomes is white
>Adrien Silva looks like fucking Jamie Lannister
Well at least our sports can't be played if you're heavily overeight, unlike golf, baseball, nascar, basketball or handegg
> kickball
> relevant
>Implying race is an invention
I think you've had one too many eh bud.
the black guys look like they are ashamed to be there
Genetics matter. People who originate from outside of Europe aren't human like the rest of us are, but "white" isn't a thing.
there's 9 white guys in those pictures.
cristiano's skin is the average portuguese when he tans (tanning is madeira's single pasttime), number 18 is the average portuguese when he doesnt tan.
Only poor shit skins and effeminate yuro faggots care about soccer.
you can't really be that retarded can you?
I never knew that so it's basically just a celebration thing? Thanks man and also what's with Japs and noise music, I mean I love that shit too but over there it seems like there's a big audience for it
Creationist or evolutionist? (Stupidity or logic) (Maple syrup or moose pussy)
And yep, election on Sunday, if I watch the news I'll probably hear it over and over.
Don't know what you mean by Noise Music, sorry.
It's cool, and what's the election for? First I've heard of anything about it?
The only outrageous aspect of the final is that the Italians aren't in it.
Pretty big, since a lot of people are against the Abe government (Abenomics, the reinterpretation of the Mutual Defense agreement, etc.), and 18-year-olds can vote for the first time (used to be from age 20), so it might be interesting.
your entire football team is basically an african team.
>White guys on the Nigerian and Senegalese teams
Your team is verry verry white also :
Race and ethnicity in Colombia descends mainly from three racial groups—Amerindians, blacks, and whites
I'm wondering if you're trolling or you're just the most retarded person ever
Sounds like a very pivotal election in terms of Japans future, as an outsider who knows nothing about any of it the sound of creating an actual military for Japan sounds like it could be bountiful for the country but is it necessary? Who are you going to vote for dude?
its EU cuckoldry. its not all that hard to be a professional soccer athlete. might as well make them all niggers for the fuck of it
>It's not hard to be a professional American* football* athlete
Was that what you were trying to say? Just guessing since your all so shit at it, and I don't even like football.
You know nothing of football.
>it requires 0 skill
yummy b8
I know, our team has always had black players, but your team had used to have more whites than blacks and Muslims, what happened to you?
Gameiro and is portuguese and is not in the team.
>what happened to you?
2016 the world is changing
The reinterpretation was that the Japanese SDF (literally called a self-defense force, not a military) can go overseas to aid America if attacked, and a lot of people think that infringes on Article 9 of the constitution, Making an actual military would require it to be full amended or repealed, which would trigger a further military build up in China, NK, SK, etc. Big time regional insecurity.
And I'm not a citizen, so I can't vote. I full support that.
Raphael Guerreiro. Fullback. Hes played every game for Portugal.
we have this but not in the team...
Real man play hockey, fags play soccer
Where are you from, and what do you do in Japan? What are the biggest differences in culture? I have this intrigue with Japanese culture and i hope i can visit some day.
you are going to do something or will wait for the next allahu akbar ?
He is half-portuguese half-alsatian. Actually he almost played for the portuguese national team before being picked by france
this is the lineup for the final
I'm from Canada and I work in trade.
Canadians rioted over a hockey game, Japan kept it's shit together after a 9.0 quake, 40m tsunami and with a nuclear power plant exploding. It's a lot more polite and considerate, even though I live in a bigger city than I did in Canada.
If you visit, so long as you're not a loud idiot and be polite, you'll probably have a great time. I encourage people to avoid June-September because of the heat and humidity, followed by typhoon season, plus local crowds for Obon and summer vacation.
His mother is Portuguese. He said in an interview a couple years ago before being selected to the french team that he would play for the portuguese team if called, but the french called him first
is father was a Portuguese player.
Good chance for the game sunday.
Grand father
next thing you'll be telling me is that YOU are white.
Ronaldo in 2003.