Holy shit
This video sent chills down my spine.
It's real...
Holy shit
This video sent chills down my spine.
It's real...
Other urls found in this thread:
"sigh... we shouldn't have to go through this mess.. but she did that.."
He knows.
Wow op. You can shitpost. Tell me when you graduate highschool.
You just shitposted, not me. Talk about the subject of the thread you putrid imbecile.
This thread is the real story!
M8 that's not shitposting you shill.
Thanks for the share op
Stay salty faggots
>mfw FBI user might have been legit
I can't wait until you shills get blackmailed into doing horrible shit. Your posts are tracked and catalogued by your employers. Only a matter of time until someone finds the logs and uses them against you. Enjoy looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life.
>mfw FBI user might have been legit
Send this to The Donald
>anonymous leak
wait a minute, your name...
I'm laughing so hard. Best thing I've seen in a long time.
What's the guys name who looks like CIA asking all the questions?
holy shit, clinton was handling shit that an org above CONGRESS controls
fuckign reptilians confirmed
Jesus Christ!
Zero sleep tonight.
No one cared who I was until I leaked the investigation
and nothing changes.
Why even watch or read this hearing? What is the fucking point? It is meaningless. Absolutely meaningless.
he mentions that they had to run special programs to even look at them, I wonder what kind of fucked up or super secret information was in there, I bet it was aliens, it's always aliens.
can someone provide screencap of fbi user?
second this
>the video cuts off at the end before he says "what a mess"
lol, ok bro. Go back to your hole. You can't correct this fucking record.
>wonder what kind of fucked up or super secret information was in there
Pictures of your mum's fat arse.
Yeah, kind of a shame.
>FBI admits everything
>so mad at the end that the
>only thing they say "i dont know" or "im not going to comment on that"
>nigger rants about blick lives matter just because
>get shamed in court
>"hillary foundation" gets brought up
>hide evidence from court and denie FIA
>still not going to get prosecuted
yea, it doesnt matter, just give up already
Wow, that's some effed up shit Hillary is up to.
This what you mean?
The information is segmented.
Really what it means is the program was a need to know type of thing. You just don't generally get to see what is going on. It's segmented as a strategy for security, that's how this all works.
what organization could that be?
He got pretty end of civilization scenario in parts of that to be real.
w-was it the illuminati?
I love how Trey Gowdy questions people. He like darts his eyes around while reading his questions and has random pauses for emphasis. Then when he throws the hammer down when finishing his point he eye fucks the ever loving shit out of them.
And that's a guy he wasn't even tearing in to. Watch Based Gowdy get rowdy on these stupid cunts.
And comment on the president being an overreaching nigger trying to make laws through executive action
God I love that man.
If this is true spread that shit
meanwhile on the democrat side of the hearing
tweeting this at him right now
he's full of shit. basically played to Sup Forums's greatest fantasies
this is still way too much of a fucking coincidence, even for a website that gets off on poking fun at jews and all of their coinkydinks. this seriously has to be intentional
>greatest fantasies
>everything is legit unfolding before us
yeah, nah ya cunt
There's an agency that can't be mentioned in a Congressional hearing.
Think about that.
Bill Wilson
>can someone provide screencap of fbi user?
I can do better:
Trey Gowdy?
>Part 1 of 2
>Part 2 of 2
Anyone have that long pasta of an user explaining what's going to happen with hillary/the future/the election? it was super inspiring and stuff but I cant find it. I know the image was really long, it wasnt the FBI user leaks though.
i bet its people trafficking and all the creepy pedo shit we all think we know about from conspiracy theorists. i bet the whole rotten thing is true.
i bet the us shadow gov has been selling yank kids to the saudis or something fucking horrendous. what else would yanks find disgusting enough to civil war over?
C'mon Sup Forums, you guys are the world's best hackers. Find these fucking emails.
link to FBI user
where did they go?!?!?!
Pure fucking gold
>mfw the agency is the JDF
>clip cuts off Chaffetz's 'cloud of mystery'
But I loved that part :(
This is the greatest thing I have seen all week
Whoops, I'm retarded.
Will Hurd?
Hillary shill identified. How can I apply?
wow! you really #CorrectedtheRecord
In case anyone is wondering about the last video:
I like this guy. This and the Comey hearing this morning. My only concern is he will show his true self like so many before him and then I will not like him.
How the hell can you people finger me as a shill? I am pissed because Hillary is not in jail. That is my fucking point. You guys are getting all excited about "Oooh the Congressman really hammered him!" or "Ooooh, that Senator really bashed Hillary, man!"
So what? She is still free. She has suffered no consequences, and she never will. So my point is this hearing is meaningless. She is still free. Nothing will happen to her. And yet you still get entertained by empty words. They are empty because she will suffer no consequence.
I like this one
fake as fuck.
That nigger says hes trying to be quiet about this and that if others found out that he'd probably get killed because hes not in the limelight
And then he goes on to say that parts of the FBI regularly browse pol to see how accurate it is.
That doesn't add up, he would be basically committing suicide by doing that according to his own logic because theres no way they wouldn't be able to find out who is posting if they knew it was one of theirs.
Is Chelsea and her two children the only Clinton bloodline ?
He says he's got plausible deniability. Which is also why he didn't do any of the essentially suicide-tier requests of "POST UR BADGE FAGET"
Third one is fake
he fucking said meme magic is real and implied that pol is something other than a shitposting board
>they have found me, now time to insult them with my superior intellect "stay salty faggots" yeah I showed them!!!!
>Yo hilldawg I totally annihilated these figgits on that Portuguese Robot Fighting board pls notice me
He said "meme magic" is simple confirmation bias. He also said FBI likes Sup Forums because it's got a diverse pool of posters and theories/ideas that, while most are nuts and entertaining, some get close to the truth.
My fucking sides hurt now
How are these shills so fucking obvious?
You can just tell that it's not an user shitposting, this is a legit shill. And it's so blatantly obvious
Whats gonna happen OP can we make her go away
Could be, I didn't look too closely at the third one, but the OP's posting style seemed to be similar enough to the first two to possibly be legit.
This is the reduced version with only the needed stuff
Lord Kek wills it
This is double-shilling. We're in the rabbit hole, people.
>le echo chamber
>no proof provided at all
>Sup Forums buys this fanfiction hook line and sinker
why do I keep coming here, jesus christ.
you do know the meaning of meme goes beyond POST RARE PEPES?
Fuck off shill
>rapist prez fucking any chick who blinks for decades
magic johnson didnt have any other children right
That's pretty great
Shills like this are so obvious.
Its blatant shillery, not just another user.
>1 AIDS by this ID.
>mfw FBI user might have been legit
Things are going to get worst before they get better, huh?
What are you talking about? There were a few key points that user said in that thread that have already come true.
He also said that the orlando shooting was the CIA and that 9/11 was done by mossad.
Are you shitting me that literally makes no sense.
Heres what i hate about conspiracy theories. I'm not a stupid guy, and the complexity required to achieve some of this would be far outside my ability to execute.
What people are basically assuming with these kind of conspiracies is that there are all of these people involved, they are all smart enough to not make any mistakes and none of them have the evidence necessary to leak this stuff to the public and not be questioned.
It's just so fucking unlikely. Think about your daily routine and what you honestly put effort and time into thinking about and tell yourself do you honestly think these intricate conspiracy theorys are even slightly plausible?
Isn't it just more likely that hillary clinton is a moron who doesn't understand technology and was too lazy/careless to do her job correctly?
Shes like fucking 70 think of how proficient your grandmother is with technology.
As soon as I read:
>The goal (of Soros, since I assume that is what you are asking) is to create a global government where all people intermingle and breed and become on people ruled by a racially pure Jewish race. They sincerely believe under their rule all human conflict will cease because there will be no more cause for division. This desire is born out of a fear of the horrors of WWII. The Holocaust is a lie, but the death toll was still massive nonetheless. And many people were brutalized by it.
I realized this was 100% completely and totally fake. Just some Sup Forumstard spewing autism.
nobody gives a fuck if you believe it
please, get the fuck off Sup Forums and never come back
Guess I'm now #LocosForSoros