I forgot this happened.
Why was this never used as a reaction image?

Other urls found in this thread:


Because the poor girl lost her life, you heartless bastard.

How did they clean that up?

>that awkward moment when you try to deepstrike your elite terminator strike team but you roll a double six with the scatter dice and they teleport inside the side of a mountain

Why didn't she just dodge?
I would've just dodged.

wouldn't her hand fall over?

Computer, generate a fully functioning Jumanji game board, disengage safety protocols


Transporter could remove all the remains from the ship's hull at the atomic level.

O'brien pushed a button. Easy peasy.

>tfw some nerd makes a tabletop joke
Good feel

I think so but if the body was still whole than no. The real question is if all of her body is there what happened to the floor shes replacing?

Which episode/season?

>you will never be the guy who sees her first, grabs her titties and runs away

Fuck off with your autistic LE MEPERHEPROR!! HERESY!!!! shit. Jesus fucking Christ you're the MLP of neckbeard shit.

Stop forcing it into every single fucking thread.

Settle down ok?

In Theory, the 25th episode of the 4th season.

>force his autistic meme nerd shit into every fucking thread
>gets called out on it
>U MAD xD!!!!

I had strange boners when I saw this for the first time

>When user rolls a nat 1 diplomacy and has a negative CHA modifier

Why is her right nipple on the side of her boob?

Probably not, she's fused with the hull on a molecular level, all her bones, muscles and tendons intersecting the bulkhead are stuck in their current position.

>if all of her body is there what happened to the floor shes replacing?
Solid matter is mostly empty space, it's probably still all there

Wow man settle down ok?

>You'll never cut off her top and fuck her lifeless face.

I don't like this feeling!

Because you are a retard.

It's the same problem with transporter technology though. What happens with the air molecules?


is there a clip of this

Yeah, that's not a nipple you retard.

What is it then, fuckboy?

That's a wrinkle that starts from her side, user.

Is it unwise to watch the season 4 finale even though I'm only on season 2

>why was it never used as a reaction image?
because it's not a reaction, really

It's not the finale. Episode 26 is the finale.

It's wise to watch episode 25 but unwise to watch episode 26.

anything can be used as a reaction image, I stopped a movie I was watching to go do something and it makes a good reaction image

generally the 25th episode of the 4th season (barring ENT) is the best episode of their respective series. Yeah, don't do it if you are watching them in order (the correct way). Real men don't skip.

General Rules for "Is This Episode Great?":
>away team is just Kirk, Spock, and McCoy
>Wesley isn't in the opening, he won't be in the episode
>Data experimenting with his humanity
>Picard suffering
>7, EMH, or Tuvok (bonus for Suder) are the POV characters
>Ferengi shenanigans
>klingon blood oath related episodes
>Trek mainstay homages (there are alot)

Overriding Rules that make any episode good*
>Q episodes*
>* disregard VOY due to VOY
>Mirror Universe episodes*
* I don't even remember if VOY did this
>Jeffery Colmes episodes*
>*VOY has 1 episode using him, and they chose to overshadow it with "The Rock". Thanks UPN syndication. Notice a pattern here?
>Colm Meaney episodes*
>*Keiko attached in some instances, viewer be warned. VOY has 0 Colm Meaney scenes. Neither does TOS or ENT, but it really hurts VOY in this case.


how did she technically die?

She was floored.

probably because most of her vital organs are frozen into the deck. the reality of this death would be more horrific and lengthy, but maybe some sort of subspace anomaly also froze her in time and such and such

I think she would not be able to breathe because part of her pleural cavity and diaphragm is gone. If that's the case she'd suffocate pretty quickly.

>that time Picard spent a literal lifetime over again without going batshit crazy

Beware the ground on which you stand

The floor is quicker than the sand


O'Brien with a spade, bucket, and mop, obvs

DS9 Mirror Universe episode scores:

Crossover: 10/10
Through the Looking Glass: 8/10
Shattered Mirror: 6/10
Resurrection: 1/10
The Emperor's New Cloak: 2/10

Clearly the Mirror Universe doesn't make "any" episode good.

>when your level is 21 but your kissing and hand holding xp is still 0

get off my board you literal faggot

When I first saw this, I saw that hard "nipple" and wondered if she had a vore fetish.

what's wrong with you

did this blossom into a full blown fetish for you?

If she dead why isn't her head flopped down?

>woman worries her vagina is too big
>goes to see Doctor
>Doctor explains vaginas come in all sizes, like noses, ears, penises, etc.
>go home and use a mirror and get used to who you are
>she goes home and puts the wall mirror on the floor and squats over it
>as she's squatting over the mirror, her husband comes home early from work
>watcha doin honey?
>embarrassed, she starts dancing and says, oh just practicing my dancing
>he says, "well have fun but just be careful you don't fall through that big hole in the floor"


this made me do one of those little single sniff laughs, so I'd post "lol", but technically that would be incorrect.

>embarrassed, she starts dancing and says, oh just practicing my dancing
imagining this, her squatting and dancing pantless over a mirror was better than the punchline.

>that would be incorrect.

like putting the comma after the quotation mark

It'ts good to be honest, user. I can appreciate honesty.

>when you don't download the day one patch



That's the real big enchilada.

>be careful you don't fall through that big hole in the floor"

but you got the joke... so you are nerd nr.3

wow, I never noticed the blood before. she looks so sad

>Multiple people died due to Crusher's incompetent treatment of Barclay
>At the end of the episode she's joking around about what she's going to name it