>G E T S H O T
Other urls found in this thread:
>be brit
>get shanked
Stabbed once, box cuttered once.
Never shot.
>"be" British
>get occupied with american military bases
>get shot/cucked
>be 7 British policemen
>try to take down one black man
>nig nigs to nig again
You pay for the bases you tosser
>be american and white
>be fine, big house big gated yard golden retriever
>kinda feel bad about dead black people but not that much since they put themselves in the crosshairs by committing huge amounts of crime compared to whites when adjusting for proportion
>not letting your cops shoot your niggers
Britain would be better off if they did tbqh familia
>Be British
>be british
>have the queen told to fuck off
>be brit
>arrested for having a butterknife
>be white
>don't get shot because I'm not a nigger
>be swedish
>make the best boipucci
>Be British
>Allow children to be raped by Muslims to show your tolerance
>Get beheaded on way back from paying for TV license
Sounds about right.
>be American
>cop asks me to pull over
>pull over slowly
>keep hands on the steering wheel
>cop asks me for registration and license
>tell the cop my license is in my pocket
>reach for my pocket very slowly
>shot twelve times by cop because my hand gesture in grabbing my license looked suspicious
why the fuck does Sup Forums love traps so much what the fuck
were the romans right all along?
yeah pretty much
being a little bit gay is fairly normal, as it turns out
that's just being a nigger
be euro/brit peasant. go to jail for self defense.
>guaranteed replies
>Be British
>Have daughter raped by Muslim gangs.
>Get arrested for not having a TV license.
>Can't watch Top Gear anymore
>Sun doesn't come out. Get super pale and depressed because of cloudy weather.
>Dumb Paki over charges me for some marmalade.
>Neighbor's kid gets into top American University.
>Puff (faggot) son can't even get into Hogwarts
>Some Somali wankers break into house.
>Stab them with marmalade knife
>Get sent to jail.
>They make me wear a weird suit.
>Had enough. I apply for an experiment known as Ludovicio Technique
>Might be alright
>I get to listen some Beethoven while watching some WW2 movies. Could be cool.
>Be Brit
>Get Muslim gang raped
>be british
lol i can't think of anything lower
>be brit
>brexit just to get cucked by old hag
>be european
>ban guns
>get shot anyway
That's some fucking wild west shit right there.
>Be British
>Get stabbed
Post more boipucci
He was innocent and a saint
>be British
>leave EU
>b-but you payed to occupy my country
>Be American
>C L I N T O N
you're right about this being in the wild west
Now post the stabbing statistics.
pimpcuck detected
>classic victim-blaming example
thanks for stopping by
>Be britbong
>Vote Leave
>Get cucked into remaining in EU anyway
Stay mad, brit fag.
>be English
>get stripped of your sovereignty
It actually worked lmao
Yep the occupier usually pays for a lot. You're still our bitch.
>Be Philippines
>Be poor as shit and get rekt by hurricanes
Have you been in a coma for 3 weeks you stupid ladyboy?