Have white mother and black father

>have white mother and black father
>look like pic related with a buzz cut
>get pulled over for not wearing a seat belt
>everything goes normal
>get my ticket
>officer thanks me for cooperating and tells me to have a nice day
>reply in kind
>look at my ticket
>race: WHITE

Feels good to be white passing. I get all the benefits of being white and all the benefits of being black. No downsides.

Is this the decade of the Bi-racial american?

We got Drake and Obama. How can mono-races compete?

Or be white and have every advantage there is.

>>have white mother and black father

>benefits of being black

>still getting a ticket
White enough not to get shot, still Black enough to be fined for minor violations.

Ask your wife

High blood pressure.

sickle cell disease

>be me
>black, white, and native american mix
>hispanic ethnicity,
>too white passing to ever be considered black, hispanic, or native american
>sucks to have part of my heritage denied because of my skin color
On the other side, I have nothing but contempt for niggers and spics that bitch about "muh oppression" while demanding affirmative action. Natives don't seem to do it as much.

Kekd and checked

>Getting a ticket

I just got pulled over smoking a joint the other day and we just had relaxed casual banter, no sirs or formality at all, just buddy stuff, and not only did he let me go he let me keep my weed too.

>1 post

saged and deleted

abandon bread

Kek has big plans for both of us

>muh dick
>race card
>allowed to be proud of anything

it states your race in a traffic ticket over there?


if you look like picrelated with a buzzcut, grats. you just won at life. you have society perfectly stacked in your favor.

Please don't be too much of an asshole SJW as you get to the Ivy league.


you can't score white girls and no affirmative action

Hi Jon

The average african american has 70% sub sahara african admixture.

The average white american has 98% European admixture.

By sheer numbers the darkies in usa gon get more light skinned over time. Honestly I prefer African Americans to the fucking Kaffirs in South Africa.

This has happened to me before, but I'd hardly say the perks outweigh the downsides. Growing up I can remember always being too white for the black kids and too black for the white kids. It really caused some major identity problems for me in my teen years.

>How can mono-races compete?
i can report this thread

bro if you just got a suit you'd literally be this

Nigger dicks are overrated though

They can't even get hard. They're just a big floppy sausage

>dominican republic
What? That country is basically Mixed Race: The Island
I should know, my mother is from there.


have yall built the wall to keep out hatians yet? best get on that

You do know that BBC is a meme, right Nigel

>white mother and black father

Also, he probably just went by your skin color. It doesn't take a genius to realize you're mixed

>can't score white girls
Going to have to say that's not true where I live.
>no affirmative action
That's what family connections are for.

>American flag
Fucking kek

It doesen't matter your skin color, if you cooperate with the police you won't have any problem.

>people call me güero (blond)
>i don't know what to feel.

>have a black father

You mean your mom's baby daddy. Don't even try to say he's in your life, married to your mom, and is a good dad. No one will believe you.

You sound like a fucking faggot.

>things that didn't happen

I may have gotten away with nothing more than a ticket for going 55 in a 25 zone while high as fuck, but I know you didn't get away with that shit

>the only smart person in thread

nobody cares about facts, they just want to vent

I try to stay as far away from my nigger and spic roots as possible, so I am not too aware of the situation regarding the Dominican-Haitian relations. However, my mother said that there was a bit of racism between the two groups.
>tfw both countries are just monkies

My landlord lowered my monthly rent after I filled out the application and was approved because of my outstanding credit

At least try and make your lies believable you fucking dong

Despite flag I'm not actually an expert in black dicks, however having watched a lot of porn I feel like that's the case with a lot of white dudes with huge cocks as well. You know that position when she's on 4 legs, and he sort of bends his dick downward to dip it in her? I couldn't do that, my dick is fucking rigid when hard. But maybe that's just me

Most niggers are pretty fucking ugly

>have the ability to make payments
>lower rent
>keep high rent for those who can't afford it

Retard logic, unless he's a secret white nationalist.

>4 legs
What the fuck









I think you fucked that up no? Anyway cheers sheg

>4 legs
that a thing in sweden?

One of my best friends in high school had a black dad and a white mom. He was seriously the coolest guy I knew
>straight a student
>nice to everyone
>into nerd shit like video games
Everyone loved him. Of course he was raised by his Mormon grandparents so make of that what you will.

Yeah, there's a big problem with this in the US.

>raised by mormon grandparents
This means his mom was a crack whore that fucked Tyrone, the local dealer. He's basically an oreo.


Holy shit my shadow in a pitch black room is whiter than those fuckers, mon vie.


Four limbs

It's getting late

We're all very happy for you........fuckin retard.

Nah I got what you meant man was just busting your balls, the term is all fours dude but back to your original post I get what you mean that position can be tricky if she doesn't know how to arch her ass right

haha i have a white last name and i'm full blown mexican. was adopted at birth and the same thing happened to me. I got a ticket once and it said that i was CAUCASIAN

>gee I have no idea when this guy is going to stop paying me, I better get more money out of him before he dindus and stops paying
>this guys credit is 800+ and has always been on time with rent, i can't imagine he's going to stop paying out of nowhere. I should lower his rent to make him more happy.
that sounds really reasonable to me

>have whore mother and nigger father*

Do you really? How very interesting Ivan, cheeki breeki.

A lot of porn actors get a penis enlargement surgery that involves severing the support ligaments of the penis that with weights can pull more of the internal structure of the penis out.

Floppy dick syndrome is a possible side effect

Black people literally make fun of us all the time for having multiple heritages, yet when they fuck someone who isn't directly from Africa, they make a "beautiful work of art".

No one is a mono race.
Sorry, Sup Forums