thoughts Sup Forums?
Thoughts Sup Forums?
I think this should have been a post within a thread, not a new thread.
its a kind of magic
She's right about US asians not having bonds to asian cultures though. They act white,integrate easier on white culture.
American asians are completely "white-washed",as nigs would say.
>niggers killing niggers is therefore white supremacy
Cool, we don't even have to do anything.
Thanks for giving us time off darlin
Good threads are erased when shills and bots just repost and repost and repost. An innocuous post (that just happens to already be three threads) is as much of an attack as a raid. We had a magnificent discussion of Catcher In The Rye that was never archived because of this bot reposting.
really made me think
Fucking black people and their white supremacy, thinking they can keep doing shit and getting away with it.
Yeah. Ima use this now against em.
I'm black!
>White Supremacy fills you, you wigger!
these stupid stupid cunts are ignorant of the world outside their little bubble
Arabs are not white and have tormented blacks for centuries and continue to do so in africa. Fucking janjaweed in the sudan are not acting out white supremacy.
remember to sage shill threads like these
Oy vey como va?
I guess Canada is back in the Anglo club then
so why what you're saying is that white supremacy has nothing to do with being white and everything to do with supremacy.
Doesnt that mean white privilage acts through blacks too? And wouldnt that mean that asian's and blacks also have white privilage?
hrmery, if I immigrate to brazil, I could choose to integrate into huemonkey favella culture or the other normal brazilian people's culture i see in pictures sometimes?
This gave me cancer.
The type of logic that is turning your mind into stone
"i can and will scapegoat white people for everything we perceive wrong with the world and just you try and stop me"
I think she might have a brain problem
So, white supremacists are actually more inclusive than them.
Asians can be racist just like whites, blacks and latinos.
But it's not white supremacy.
>asians are extremely racist see:japan
>this is white people's fault
Fuck me im over it any white faggs like myself wanna start shooting any people of colour or colored decent pure white only
>Even if they are not white, it's still the white man's fault.
Wew lad
>has only ever seen the world as blacks vs whites
>everyone else is a racist
oh my god, Trump needs to set up 10 Mental Facility jobs programs in every fucking state
Put these fucking psychos in the center, then just build walls without doors around them.
AYYO LISSEN UP; first they stole the Wizard of Oz, then they stole the Karate Kid, then they stole Annie, then they stole Uncle Buck, then they stole Alexander Hamilton....THEY CANNOT STEAL OUR WHITE PRIVILEGE.
I can't blame black people for these ridiculous opinions. It's simply how they are. They don't know any better.
It's the liberal whites who are so pathetic. What liberal whites cannot comprehend is that an entire demographic, around 12% nationally, eat and sleep and breath race as their predominant thought. No thought is complete without the question of how their skin tone fits into 'this.' Black people wake up and their skin color is the first thing they think of. Black people go to sleep and it's the last thing on their minds. It's so sad to see white liberals try to out-enlighten one another.
Chinese cops are one of the few cliques of Chinese that actually integrate. They should be praised for this. The rest of those fucks in their community can continue to wonder why no amount of studying will change the fact that they're still going into the back office or the mainland China branch.
piss off chink its our kill, fucking want a nuke to china you degenerates
literally an island full of fucking criminals you kiwi
yeah but we somehow become less cucked then you and sorry my gr8 gr8 grandad stole a loaf of Fucking bread