Can someone redpill me on Yugoslavia and its aftermath?
Were the Serbs being dicks or something?
Aren't Bosnians just Muslim Serbs?
Why did we get involved, and why do countries like Kosavo and Montenegro exist?
Can someone redpill me on Yugoslavia and its aftermath?
Were the Serbs being dicks or something?
Aren't Bosnians just Muslim Serbs?
Why did we get involved, and why do countries like Kosavo and Montenegro exist?
I get why you guys left, and I get the Albanians, but Bosnia and Montrnegro and shit doesn't make sense to me
redpill =/= being spoonfed information that is readily available
I just don't trust Wikipedia, I get better info from you guys anyway
>redpill = not going on wikipedia and asking complete strangers on the internet for shit and non-checked informations.
t.americanus stupidus
Well I think Montenegro left because it was better for their economy
I know Montenegro is small, but they've been separated from Serbia throughout history and they have the right for independance
Idk specifically about Bosnia, but most likely because the citizens felt SFRY was just turning into Greater Serbia
I once dated a Bosniak. Cutest thing ever.
then go on an online university library; buy a book on amazon or borrow one to your local library.
if you don't like to read the articles on wikipedia, read at least the sources at the end
Serbs are disgusting genocidal animals that need to be slaughtered. They can't live in a secular country with Muslims. The greatest thing nato did was bomb them. Croats are overall good people. Their contribution to the world is nikola Tesla and Jasenovac and Oluja.
Also Bosnians aren't Serbs. Serbs are christened Turks who deny their genes.
I think you should go back to fox news before asking random strangers for information
I have the unique opportunity through this website to talk to Croats, Serbs, Bosnians, Albanians ect. I can't do that at the library. I'd appreciate their view on it. Not some college professor that never experienced it
entire story told by Dr. Pierce with accompanying photos:
So the Serbs were just using Yugoslavia as an attempt at mini-empire building? Wasn't Tito a Croat?
Muslims living peacefully in a secular state sounds a little far fetched
There were atrocities on all sides, but serbs are thought of as the biggest bad guys. They had control of the army and went on a systematic campaign to genocide Bosnian muslims and conquer cities they felt they had a claim to. Said conquering involved shelling the shit out of civilian-populated areas and having snipers surround the city and shoot anyone that moved all day long.
As far as I can tell Montenegro pulled a Luxembourg and made itself into a tiny tax haven banking state.
The US got involved allegedly as part of a NATO humanitarian effort to stop the genocide and civilian casualties, but personally I don't believe that the US government acts out of humanitarianism so it probably had to do with trying to establish a friendly satellite state in the balkans (obviously a very strategic location) or prevent a hostile anti-west state from emerging in said location.
Analbanian pls go
Muslims have lived in peace in Europe for centuries. All of the problems in the Balkans were caused by those shitskin serbs: gavrilo princip caused ww1 was a Serb. Slobodan Milosevic caused ethnic cleansing of Albanians. Radovan Karadzic, ratko mladic caused the worst atrocities since holocaust. Serbs are shit people that needs to be exterminated.
>some college professor who never experienced it
>yougoslavian professor who moved to USA after never existed too
because the 14 yo edgy faggot serbo croate albanian shitskin who scroll Sup Forums with his 56k modem is a much more valuable kind of source.
It took me 5 minute to find this shit for you
Go fuck yourself Slobo
Person from entire balkan with no real homecountry exept Balkan, lived around entire Balkan and asked around people what they think about
Short Version is that while USA and soviets were basicly having a who got the bigger dick contest Yugo's didn't care much didn't take sides and prospered plenty. Ofc not what either side wanted, sure Tito was a dictator but he managed to keep many small groups of previously divided idiots that hated each other to work together. General plebs happy cos Tito cared for the small fry which previous leaders never did. Basicly everyone had everything he wanted and could move around the countries Yugo passport was stronk and you could be proud of being from Balkan. Serbs and Bosnians were bros and chilled. Dad told me stories of chilled life Serb calls Bosnian over for some ez rakia next day Bosnian calls over Serb for some good baklava, drink Turkish coffee in the morning and everyone was cool about it. Religion wasn't that big of a deal and basicly no one gave a fuck because good times with shekels and basicly no suffering all around.
But Tito eventually dieded and us Balkan people need someone with a good iron fist to slap us from time to time to stay I'n line. Tito was kill and basicly the good old muh clay arguments poped up so people started leaving, that and cos some countries like Slovenia thought others were getting a free ride(which is kinda true). All in all Tito is kill = Yugoslavia is kill, USA and Soviets find new playground to fuck around with and weak willed politicians with 2 working brain cells think they can get mad shekels out of this. So Serbs get brainwashed that they are stronkest cos bratan sovients got their back and find the excuse that some Serbs in Bosnia are mistreated cos Muslim country. Easy excuse for shit to hit the fan. Basicly everyone becomes miserable and when ur miserable u turn to religion making problems worse. All in all every Balkan war was a war where brother had to kill brother.
You do know you Albanians were brought by Turks, right?
Why are you ashamed of your heritage?-Be proud that you're a rape baby of the mighty ottoman empire.
Thanks for the input guys
>Tito is kill
Sadly yes. Still my fav historical figure.
>Druze Tito mi ti se kunemo
>tfw will never get to sing this with my brother Balkan bros from all over Balkan
Brother it is time we make Balkan stronk again.
Says the guy who emigrated to Germany at the first chance he got. Rofl.
(Don't get me wrong I don't blame you.)
I don't have a home country. My ancestry is mixed from entire Balkan. I was born here but I traveled and lived in various regions of Balkan countries more than half of my life. You can't emigrate when you have no real home country. Its really shitty to be honest at times. Can't be German with no German blood. Can't be from Balkan if u can't really pick one country. Sorry for hard blogging its just even after all these years it sometimes gets me when people think I migrated here for a better life.
nothing happened there
I'm sorry Balkanbro
Can someone tell me what balkanize means?
divide and conquer basically
Google blue waffles to find out
Oh, okay. I hear that word tossed around a lot here.
Looks tasty.
Its fine bro. I got denied my home country. Just remember to make diamonds out of my ashes.
> Sees title for another Balkan thread.
Time to trigger the Serb.
And then there is this guy.
The first Yugoslavia had only three nations, Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. Then the Communists made significant changes to borders in 1945 that led to the formation of 3 new nations.
Anyway, second Yugoslavia was a socialist shithole and the poor economic situation, together with ethnic engineering done mostly in Bosnia, led to a war.
>Were the Serbs being dicks or something?
>Aren't Bosnians just Muslim Serbs?
They are by far mostly Serbs yes but they're also a huge Croat part of it. Race, Religion and even humanity traitors. Turning literally into cockroaches.
Why is Serbian music so awful? Never heard anything that gut wrenching
>Both Croats and Serbs being dicks.
Bosnians are mainly Illyrians probably = Albanians who converted to Islam. Originally Bogomils
Short version:
>Serbs pick fight with basically every other Balkan ethnicity
>Serbs cause a ton of massacres and siege Sarjevo for like five years
>Seriously, Serbs really like mass murder and rape
>Slick Willy needs to keep Boeing happy, so now NATO is "intervening"
It was something that was born during the nations darkest hours, war, sanctions, moral values dropping, what do you except it to be other than pure trash.
Wherever they play turbo folk you know you can fuck easy whores.
Are there any movies that deal with that shit besides Behind Enemy Lines?
Here is your visual dictionary to the Balkans and beyond.
Best of luck.
I hope you and your entire family get the worst kind of cancer you shiptar scum
Fucking sucks that Milosevic didn't succeed in erasing you worthless subhuman shiptar Turkish rape babies from existence. You are the fucking cancer of the Balkans and the European continent. You are despised by everyone. You are disgusting uncivilized Muslim fucks and you should have been exterminated. The only thing that kept you on this planet are the Americans, specifically the Clintons and all the other Jews who use you to establish US bases.
>it's another yugo thread
Honestly all sides caused atrocities but serbs caused the most. No way around it. Massacres in three different countries.
Interestingly the new generation of apologists are focusing their hate on the Albanians more than Croats or Bosniaks because of the Kosovo issue. I know plenty of mainland Albanians who are in different or don't care about Serbia but I've never seen a serb on this board or elsewhere be in different about albanians. It seems hatred is indoctrinated into them from birth.
Well, the whole idea of it is, Balkans are the niggers of the white race. Squabbling and killing innocent civilians over land. Making Europe, civilized beautiful Europe who in the 90s was experiencing a new renaissance since communism fell, look like Uganda with inter tribal warfare. Like Hutus and Tutsis. People that are essentially the same deep down and they know it, white people, killing each other over minor differences.
That is why the region is poor but desu it's always been that way. The balkans always had this type of shit ever since those nations formed. I see no hope in convincing a people to work together when they have been told the same stories for 10 or 11 generations
get back in the jar
See what I mean, this man got is angry at the existence of an Albanian he had to post twice to vent his frustration. Surely these albanians must be Islamic mud hut living brown savages right?
Well Google what an Albanian looks like. They are White. They have almost the same traditional dresses. They drink rakija like serbs do. Hell they even have the same medieval vampire myths. Basically no difference among them from the perspective of an outsider yet this enraged them the most, to be considered the same as someone who've they've been told to despise all their life.
Kosovar albanians are no different. Nationalistic assholes who fly into a fury of autistic rage at the sight of a Serbian flag. No discussion, no conversation, they are subhuman slavs who deserve to be wiped out etc.
It's fucking pathetic. Here we are in the US dealing with Actual Niggers and Brown People yet these whites hate each other more than we hate niggers. Sad.
> Squabbling and killing innocent civilians over land
sounds like the rest of humanity. No great nation has ever been built without what you call "squabbling* over land.
you really want that to be true but realistically you are wrong
they are as white as any caucasian(yes, caucasian as in people from the caucasus region), their culture is more greek than serbian, and yes they dont have much that ether.
Lmao, even my teachers used to say that wiki was unreliable. Dumb frog using it as a source of information lmfao.
classic leaf bait , bravo brother
My god it's fucking GLORIOUS.WTF